Open lokalathlet opened 2 months ago
@lokalathlet Sorry that you are facing this issue and thanks for reporting it. We will look into this and get back to you when we have updates.
@lokalathlet do you use sign-in with web UI?
@NikaHsn, you're right. In the Android usecase we're signing in via signing with webui. In the iOS usecase WE login via passkeys finally using signin method. I will doublecheck this, in case we are using passkeys on Android, we getting the same result: signout = false , if we are offline.
[debug] | 9:52:56 764ms | ::signOut result: CognitoSignOutResult { "hostedUiException": null, "globalSignOutException": null, "revokeTokenException": "RevokeTokenException {\n \"message\": \"Failed to revoke token\",\n \"recoverySuggestion\": \"See underlyingException for more details\",\n \"underlyingException\": \"NetworkException {\\n \\\"message\\\": \\\"The request failed due to a network error.\\\",\\n \\\"recoverySuggestion\\\": \\\"Ensure that you have an active network connection\\\",\\n \\\"underlyingException\\\": \\\"POST failed: SocketException: Failed host lookup: '' (OS Error: No address associated with hostname, errno = 7)\\\"\\n}\"\n}", "signedOutLocally": true }
On Android it works as expected: sign in via passkeys, Set flight modeon, User Press logout, signedOutLocally": true
Hi @lokalathlet, could you please provide a code snippet for how you are signing in with passkey on iOS.
Hi @lokalathlet, if you're still experiencing this issue can you please provide a code snippet to help us reproduce the observed behavior?
Hi Equartey, here are the simplified steps how we sign in. It's the same for iOS and Android. It must be clear that we can't provide a minimal working example with all the components of a working Cognito instance and Lambda stuff behind it. I assume that Amazon is in a position to have a running environment where it is possible to recreate the sign-out behavior itself. Let me know if this information is helpful. We flowing the documentation for Flutter authentication from the website.
final signInResult = await _authCategory.signIn(
username: username,
options: const SignInOptions(
pluginOptions: CognitoSignInPluginOptions(
authFlowType: AuthenticationFlowType.customAuthWithoutSrp,
// platform authenticator called here
final jsonMap = {
'response': {
'authenticatorData': request.authenticatorData,
'clientDataJSON': request.clientDataJSON,
'signature': request.signature,
'challenge': authenticateChallenge,
final confirmSignInResult = await _authCategory.confirmSignIn(jsonEncode(jsonMap));
@lokalathlet Amplify flutter Auth does not support signIn with passkey and based on my understanding you've implemented the signin with passkey yourself, correct me if I'm wrong. Do you see this issue when using signin methods that are supported by Amplify Flutter Auth category rather than passkey?
@NikaHsn you are right. We use signInWithWebUI as an alternative. I will give it a try and come back to you.
@lokalathlet thanks for confirming. Let us know if you are facing this issue when using signInWithWebUI.
The "signedOutLocally" result in airplane Mode is different on iOS (false) and Android (true). My expectation is, that I can signOut successful on both environments -> "signedOutLocally": true
See the logs for iOS and Android: iOS: `┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────I/flutter ( 4454): │ [debug] | 13:30:42 760ms | ::signOut result: CognitoSignOutResult {
I/flutter ( 4454): │ "hostedUiException": "HostedUiException {\n \"message\": \"Failed to perform Hosted UI sign out\",\n \"recoverySuggestion\": \"See underlyingException for more details\",\n \"underlyingException\": \"PlatformException(CANCELLED, com.amazonaws.amplify.amplify_auth_cognito.HostedUiException$CANCELLED, Cause: null, Stacktrace: com.amazonaws.amplify.amplify_auth_cognito.HostedUiException$CANCELLED\n\tat com.amazonaws.amplify.amplify_auth_cognito.AmplifyAuthCognitoPlugin.cancelCurrentOperation(AmplifyAuthCognitoPlugin.kt:587)\n\tat com.amazonaws.amplify.amplify_auth_cognito.AmplifyAuthCognitoPlugin.onNewIntent(AmplifyAuthCognitoPlugin.kt:542)\n\tat io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngineConnectionRegistry$FlutterEngineActivityPluginBinding.onNewIntent(\n\tat io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngineConnectionRegistry.onNewIntent(\n\tat
I/flutter ( 4454): │ "globalSignOutException": null,
I/flutter ( 4454): │ "revokeTokenException": "RevokeTokenException {\n \"message\": \"Failed to revoke token\",\n \"recoverySuggestion\": \"See underlyingException for more details\",\n \"underlyingException\": \"NetworkException {\n \\"message\\": \\"The request failed due to a network error.\\",\n \\"recoverySuggestion\\": \\"Ensure that you have an active network connection\\",\n \\"underlyingException\\": \\"POST failed: SocketException: Failed host lookup: '' (OS Error: No address associated with hostname, errno = 7)\\"\n}\"\n}",
I/flutter ( 4454): │ "signedOutLocally": true
I/flutter ( 4454): │ }
I/flutter ( 4454): └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── `
Steps to Reproduce
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Flutter Version
Amplify Flutter Version
Deployment Method
Amplify Gen 2
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