aws-amplify / amplify-hosting

AWS Amplify Hosting provides a Git-based workflow for deploying and hosting fullstack serverless web applications.
Apache License 2.0
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[PR Previews] Amplify Console Build Failure #1187

Open jackscotti opened 3 years ago

jackscotti commented 3 years ago

App ARN: arn:aws:amplify:eu-west-1:742504421912:apps/d2tzquzvkco6a2 Region: eu-west-1 Issue The backend environment build fails for PR previews on applications with social sign-in.

The issue only applies on the preview environments.

dev branch preview settings:

Screenshot 2020-11-01 at 14 53 48

Env variables are set up as suggested in the documentation:

Screenshot 2020-11-01 at 14 53 06

Error message Error: auth headless is missing the following inputParams googleClientId, facebookAppId

Notes This issue seems to have been solved for "regular" branches from what I can read here. Would a custom amplify build script solve this issue?

BennettSmith commented 3 years ago

We just ran into this issue with custom parameters that are set in our team-provider-info.json file for our environments. It seems like none of the current recommendations (using environment variables, using a custom amplify build script, using team-provider-info.json) work for AWS Console Previews.

This mostly defeats the purpose of opening PRs and having them run through the preview workflow before merging into "stable" branches like dev, test or prod.

Any suggestions?

yw14218 commented 1 year ago

Same problem, Error: auth headless is missing the following inputParams googleClientId in 2023, despite already setting up env variables