aws-amplify / amplify-hosting

AWS Amplify Hosting provides a Git-based workflow for deploying and hosting fullstack serverless web applications.
Apache License 2.0
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[Feature request] Add support for self-hosted Gitlab(CE) or GitHub Enterprise #14

Open daannijkamp opened 4 years ago

daannijkamp commented 4 years ago

Feature request: add support for the self-hosted version of Gitlab (CE).

Currently the Amplify console has support for, but not for the self-hosted variant. At this moment it is unfortunately a dealbreaker why we do not yet use Amplify Console for all projects/sites. As a workaround we now use the S3 and CodeCommit (by using the mirror repository function of Gitlab).

scazan commented 4 years ago

Is it true that we are only able to use Amplify Console if our repo is hosted externally via,,, or AWS code commit? Is this something on the roadmap? I'm curious as I would love to use Amplify!

swaminator commented 4 years ago

@daannijkamp @scazan A current workaround for this would be to use CodePipeline > Deploy to S3 > Setup a lambda trigger to automatically push to Amplify everytime S3 bucket is updated.

Private Git server w. CodePipeline: Amplify + S3:

anshul0915zinnia commented 4 years ago

+1 for me

dn-masaya-nakamura commented 4 years ago


stugorf commented 3 years ago


prcongithub commented 3 years ago


raveslave commented 3 years ago


angieyu commented 3 years ago


jpmarques19 commented 3 years ago


kclayton925 commented 3 years ago


sonoadmin commented 3 years ago

+1 +1 +1

20chix commented 3 years ago

Any update on this feature?

ShannonMasters commented 3 years ago

almost 2 years later, and no response from aws.. I was really looking forward to give amplify a go on a new project, but no self hosted gitlab is a deal breaker for me.

MarcoLooy commented 3 years ago

+1,000,000 votes

Ended up using this approach: How to Deploy a Static Website to AWS with GitLab CI

wezside commented 3 years ago

+1 For this feature

Romantas commented 3 years ago


SpolavoriBruno commented 3 years ago


jimmyc802 commented 2 years ago

+1 - Want. Need. Please! How many upvotes do we need to get this considered?

daannijkamp commented 2 years ago

@swaminator @siegerts Hi, is there maybe any update you can share? Would you consider this feature request at all?

matt-wood-ct commented 2 years ago

+1 this needs to be a thing, what company hosts their private codebases on public git hosts?

matt-wood-ct commented 2 years ago

@daannijkamp @scazan A current workaround for this would be to use CodePipeline > Deploy to S3 > Setup a lambda trigger to automatically push to Amplify everytime S3 bucket is updated.

Private Git server w. CodePipeline: Amplify + S3:

But you looks a bunch of valuable features like auto PR instances and in dashboard commit messages

Oterem commented 2 years ago


kclayton925 commented 2 years ago

I would love the Gitlab deploy feature to work with self hosted options. To get around this I used the "Deploy Without Git Provider" Then chose deploy from Amazon S3. I use the following stage in my gitlab-ci file to to push deploys to Amplify.

    - master
  stage: deploy
    - Build
    - aws s3 cp s3://{{s3 bucket uri}}
    - aws amplify start-deployment --app-id {{app id}} --branch-name {{environment name}} --source-url s3://{{s3 bucket uri}}
metheglin commented 2 years ago

Gitlab works as OAuth provider. So I have researched on it and concluded that it might be achieved by a little more development on Amplify. Let me share what I tried so that Amplify developers can consider to develop this feature.

-- Open gitlab database client
-- gitlab-rails dbconsole --database main

update oauth_applications set uid='2db42c2cfa6ce6f6beff08fe7f2ca1d1cbc11c240e8e085802f1e2d7c53f5e81' 
where uid = '--current-autogenerated-application-id-here--' and name = '--your-application-name-here--';

screenshot-2021-11-17 20 37 39

screenshot-2021-11-17 20 52 25

screenshot-2021-11-17 21 02 08

And I tried setting self-hosted repository by aws-sdk-ruby but it seems repository has strict validation and self-hosted domain was rejected. I guess it might be achived by updating the following 2 parts.

  repository: "https://{your-self-hosted-gitlab-here}/metheglin/my-next-app",
  repository_configuration: {
    type: "gitlab",
    api_prefix: "https://{your-self-hosted-gitlab-here}",
    client_id: "{application-id-generated-on-gitlab}",

I understand there are so many concerns around communicating 3rd parties servers, but please consider once.

By the way I'm eager to use this because it's the best option for running Next.js to me. Currently it seems impossible to run SSR nodeJS application on Amplify without connecting repository.

My gitlab version: 14.4.1

cloudgeek7 commented 2 years ago

+1 We have a customer requirement to integrate with Gitlab, can you kindly prioritise this?

jayfry1077 commented 2 years ago

Would also like this

Orange289 commented 2 years ago


c950291 commented 2 years ago


DarylSerrano commented 2 years ago

+1 Can you kindly prioritize this for Bitbucket too

allssu commented 2 years ago

+1 ❤️ I want

Yasanali commented 2 years ago

Very annoying not to have this option :( +1 YES

jakejcheng commented 2 years ago


Tobsikrid commented 2 years ago

+1 would need that feature right now, but hope it gets added for future generations :)

EliaTolin commented 2 years ago


f3lang commented 2 years ago

Also missing that feature.

But I'd like to add, that maybe just extending it to self hosted gitlab or github enterprise might not be enough. There are a lot of different flavours, how the infrastructure for a self hosted gitlab can be set up, that can be tricky to implement a generic solution for (e.g. https access not directly possible etc.). Also just extending the existing vendor-lock-in, that is imposed here by amplify is maybe not the best move forward.

What if someone is using an entirely different setup (worst case: self-build scm solution).

So why not put a generic solution in place, that can be used by every SCM platform? You could limit it down to two settings:

Essentially the existing solution does nothing else. It is just hiding those steps from the user. With the generic solution, you could just ask the user for the repo url and generate a callback url, that can be used by the user afterwards. This could also enable further improvements for deployment workflows (e.g. chatops or some other solution, that is not invented yet.).

bruce-brookshire commented 1 year ago

@Jay2113 do you have insight into the progress on this? I need gitlab ce access to additionally be exposed through CDK amplify. Additionally, I would expect this should be possible using a project token as opposed to a personal access token, as infra should not be tied to an explicit user entity (people leave companies etc). is there any rationale why the GitLabSourceCodeProvider cannot use a project token?

ltickett commented 1 year ago

I managed to write a fairly simple GitLab CI/CD deployment. See my blog post

Shout if you have any questions or improvements- thanks

bruce-brookshire commented 1 year ago

@ltickett ill give this a try today! Thanks

susumuf commented 1 year ago


build3r commented 1 year ago

Was facing the same issue with self hosted gitlab. But took an easy way to fix it. Git lab supports repository mirroring and Amplify supports AWS code commit which is AWS's source code versioning system. I just mirrored my deployment branches from Gitlab to AWS code commit and setup AWS amplify on them. Steps:

  1. Goto Gitlab repo -> Settings -> Repository -> Mirroring
  2. Create a Empty repo in AWS code commit
  3. Use existing or generate new HTTPS git credentials
  4. Add them in mirroring setup
  5. Set which branches have to be mirrored and when (I keep all protected branches)
  6. Go back to AWS amplify and set it up using AWS code commit.


Yasanali commented 1 year ago

I had to do the same. Set gitlab mirroring to code-commit.

aentwist commented 1 year ago

Considering the main use cases for self-hosting are potential cost savings for large scale (companies) or keeping code close (companies with security requirements)... this is a significant loss of cash and blocker for Amplify adoption?

Isn't it just adding a text input ? Assuming self-hosted GitLab is feature-complete (which is what should be assumed). No tricky setups, just a publicly-available instance.

Server URL

aentwist commented 1 year ago

The flow appears to be:

  1. Visit the server URL
  2. Log in to GitLab
  3. For the account, add AWS Amplify as an authorized application
  4. For the project, no integrations are available on the GitLab side, so create a GitLab webhook
  5. Amplify can read branches, etc.
  6. The webhook sends information to AWS on actions taken

This should totally work with self-hosted.

aentwist commented 1 year ago

The workaround without mirroring to CodeCommit is bring your own CI/CD, manually upload to S3, and use Lambda to trigger updates. This destroys half the value proposition of Amplify. Not to mention what a shame considering the handling for GitLab webhooks (the heavy lifting) has clearly already been implemented. Maybe I'm missing something but it seems like such a low fruit.


MrMegaNova commented 1 year ago


johnenderson commented 1 year ago


maunzCache commented 1 year ago

@mauerbac @manueliglesias Would this topic be something that you can drive at AWS? I do see an opportunity here to onboard a lot of customers from their on-prem setup to serverless using AWS Amplify. In combination with PrivateLink it could also be secured. Any thoughts on this?

shixiaobao17145 commented 1 year ago


johnenderson commented 1 year ago

Hey guys, does anyone have a workaround for deploying to AWS Amplify from a self-managed GitLab Pipeline?

build3r commented 1 year ago

@johnenderson You can try the mirroring to AWS code commit approach described here