aws-amplify / amplify-hosting

AWS Amplify Hosting provides a Git-based workflow for deploying and hosting fullstack serverless web applications.
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NX Monorepo NextJS Build Issue #2377

Closed Rafcin closed 1 year ago

Rafcin commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug I'm trying to deploy a NX Nextsj monorepo to amplify. NX is a monorepo tool and its designed around using 1 package json and node_modules. If managed to build the app with a custom amplify yml, and I'm now at the point the build passes but the deployment fails. After 9 days of going at this I'm really lost.

The error I get is:

2021-11-11T22:10:54 [INFO]: Beginning deployment for application d1qgwpip26q5k8, branch:dev, buildId 0000000072
2021-11-11T22:10:54 [INFO]: Cannot find any generated SSR resources to deploy. If you intend for your app to be SSR, please check your app Service Role permissions. Otherwise, please check out our docs on how to setup your app to be detected as SSG (
2021-11-11T22:10:54 [ERROR]: {"code":"7","message":"No ssrResources.json file"}

And my amplify YML config is

version: 1
  - appRoot: apps/fox
            - cd ../..
            - nvm install 16
            - echo "// > .npmrc
            - npm install -g nx
            - ls
            - yarn install
            - ls
            - nx build fox --prod
            # - cd apps/fox
            # - pwd
        #discard-paths: yes
        baseDirectory: ../../dist/apps/fox/.next
          - '**/*'
        paths: []
  - appRoot: apps/news
            - ls
            - cd ../..
            - nvm install 16
            - echo "// > .npmrc
            - npm install -g nx
            - ls
            - yarn install
            - ls
            - nx build news --prod
            # - cd apps/news
            # - yarn install
            # - yarn build
            - pwd
        #discard-paths: yes
        baseDirectory: ../../dist/apps/news/.next
          - '**/*'
        paths: []

I originally had it build in th apps/appname directory like people mentioned but that just throws a exit code for /.bin/next build.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Hi @Rafcin πŸ‘‹πŸ½, thank you for raising this issue. What AWS region are you trying to deploy your app in?

Rafcin commented 2 years ago

I'm deploying it in US West 2, it's an SSR next JS app and it's built with NX as a monorepo so versus a standard monorepo it uses a single package.json and a single node modules folder.

I also opened a support ticket with AWS and they recommended setting it from web dynamic to web although that doesn't work because if I switch it to web I think that means it assumes it's just a statically generated site which is not what I want. Also switching to web builds correctly but it doesn't create a cloud front distribution and it doesn't generate a rewrite either because it doesn't have the confront distribution and so when it deploys it's just a 404.

I've also spoken to a lot of people that have tried this and nobody's been able to get it to build, at least all the people that have opened issues. I also spoke with Josef for a few days and he's been extremely helpful (thank you Josef) and we originally looked at a different error which was it couldn't find next JS to build but I was essentially going into the apps folder and running yarn build but I stopped using that because it didn't make sense, if I just install NX and then run NX build project name it builds it correctly without any issues. So manually building each app doesn't make sense, I added a package Jason when I originally deployed it to trick it into thinking it's a next JS SSR app so I don't need to change it later on, I think it's just a matter of pointing the build to the correct place or modifying the build settings but at this point I'm not sure I'm really lost.

If you have any more questions or if you want to see the repo just let me know send me an email of food to add to it, and if you need anything else I have this page constantly open I'll be here as long as it takes πŸ˜­πŸ˜…

Rafcin commented 2 years ago

I opened a support ticket with AWS, and at this point, I'm being redirected here. If it helps the following things have been tried (recommended by support)

Rafcin commented 2 years ago

After descending into madness for a bit I've gotten somewhere new now. I encountered this once when trying different methods to build and I'm pretty sure this happens only if build is run from the app root via next build. Building outside the app with NX works fine on the other hand.

It throws invalid hook errors and the only thing the pages share in common in terms of hooks is Redux. But again building with NX works fine and building the app with next build in app/news shits the bed.

Error Logs **Error** ``` 2021-11-18T05:16:24.855Z [INFO]: info - Generating static pages (3/3) 2021-11-18T05:16:25.359Z [INFO]: info - Finalizing page optimization... 2021-11-18T05:16:25.361Z [INFO]: 2021-11-18T05:16:25.375Z [INFO]: Page Size First Load JS β”Œ Ξ» / 4.59 kB 140 kB β”œ /_app 0 B 128 kB β”œ β—‹ /404 3 kB 131 kB β”œ β—‹ /500 3 kB 131 kB β”” β—‹ /post/[id] 33.9 kB 170 kB + First Load JS shared by all 128 kB β”œ chunks/framework-c4190dd27fdc6a34.js 42 kB β”œ chunks/main-a6c763d1793f39eb.js 26.9 kB β”œ chunks/pages/_app-7cb598459d5c7a42.js 57.4 kB β”œ chunks/webpack-95c1b9c15bbbbfa6.js 1.55 kB β”” css/2ef22ce45e31d031.css 4.61 kB 2021-11-18T05:16:25.375Z [INFO]: Ξ» (Server) server-side renders at runtime (uses getInitialProps or getServerSideProps) β—‹ (Static) automatically rendered as static HTML (uses no initial props) 2021-11-18T05:16:25.835Z [INFO]: 2021-11-18T05:16:25.837Z [INFO]: β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” > NX SUCCESS Running target "build" succeeded 2021-11-18T05:16:25.850Z [INFO]: # Executing command: cp -r node_modules apps/news/node_modules 2021-11-18T05:16:29.435Z [INFO]: # Executing command: cd apps/news 2021-11-18T05:16:29.457Z [INFO]: # Executing command: ls 2021-11-18T05:16:29.458Z [INFO]: components dist index.d.ts jest.config.js next.config.js next-env.d.ts node_modules package.json pages project.json public react-query redux serverless.yml styles tsconfig.json tsconfig.spec.json 2021-11-18T05:16:29.458Z [INFO]: # Executing command: cp -r dist/.next .next 2021-11-18T05:16:29.479Z [INFO]: Starting SSR Build... 2021-11-18T05:17:53.418Z [ERROR]: Error: Command failed with exit code 1: node_modules/.bin/next build warn - The `target` config is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. See more info here warn - You have enabled experimental feature(s). warn - Experimental features are not covered by semver, and may cause unexpected or broken application behavior. Use them at your own risk. Unhandled error during request: Error: Minified React error #321; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. at S (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69988:327) at Object.exports.useState (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69993:277) at StyledThemeProvider (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:177:35) at d (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40074:498) at bb (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40077:16) at a.b.render (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40083:43) at (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40082:83) at Object.exports.renderToString (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40093:138) at renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:33648:46) at Object.ctx.renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:1306:30) Error occurred prerendering page "/post/[id]". Read more: Error: Minified React error #321; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. at S (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69988:327) at Object.exports.useState (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69993:277) at StyledThemeProvider (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:177:35) at d (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40074:498) at bb (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40077:16) at a.b.render (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40083:43) at (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40082:83) at Object.exports.renderToString (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40093:138) at renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:33648:46) at Object.ctx.renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:1306:30) Unhandled error during request: Error: Minified React error #321; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. at S (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69988:327) at Object.exports.useState (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69993:277) at StyledThemeProvider (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:177:35) at d (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40074:498) at bb (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40077:16) at a.b.render (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40083:43) at (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40082:83) at Object.exports.renderToString (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40093:138) at renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:33648:46) at Object.ctx.renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:1306:30) Error occurred prerendering page "/500". Read more: Error: Minified React error #321; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. at S (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69988:327) at Object.exports.useState (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69993:277) at StyledThemeProvider (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:177:35) at d (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40074:498) at bb (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40077:16) at a.b.render (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40083:43) at (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40082:83) at Object.exports.renderToString (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40093:138) at renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:33648:46) at Object.ctx.renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:1306:30) Unhandled error during request: Error: Minified React error #321; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. at S (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69988:327) at Object.exports.useState (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69993:277) at StyledThemeProvider (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:177:35) at d (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40074:498) at bb (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40077:16) at a.b.render (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40083:43) at (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40082:83) at Object.exports.renderToString (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40093:138) at renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:33648:46) at Object.ctx.renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:1306:30) Error occurred prerendering page "/404". Read more: Error: Minified React error #321; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. at S (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69988:327) at Object.exports.useState (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69993:277) at StyledThemeProvider (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:177:35) at d (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40074:498) at bb (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40077:16) at a.b.render (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40083:43) at (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40082:83) at Object.exports.renderToString (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40093:138) at renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:33648:46) at Object.ctx.renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:1306:30) > Build error occurred Error: Export encountered errors on following paths: /404 /500 /post/[id] at /codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/node_modules/next/dist/export/index.js:493:19 at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async Span.traceAsyncFn (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/node_modules/next/dist/trace/trace.js:74:20) at async /codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/node_modules/next/dist/build/index.js:970:17 at async Span.traceAsyncFn (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/node_modules/next/dist/trace/trace.js:74:20) at async /codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/node_modules/next/dist/build/index.js:844:13 at async Span.traceAsyncFn (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/node_modules/next/dist/trace/trace.js:74:20) at async [as default] (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/node_modules/next/dist/build/index.js:82:25) info - Checking validity of types... info - Creating an optimized production build... info - Disabled SWC as replacement for Babel because of custom Babel configuration ".babelrc" info - Using external babel configuration from /codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.babelrc info - Compiled successfully info - Collecting page data... info - Generating static pages (0/3) info - Generating static pages (3/3) at makeError (/root/.//node_modules/execa/lib/error.js:59:11) at handlePromise (/root/.//node_modules/execa/index.js:114:26) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) { shortMessage: 'Command failed with exit code 1: node_modules/.bin/next build', command: 'node_modules/.bin/next build', exitCode: 1, signal: undefined, signalDescription: undefined, stdout: 'info - Checking validity of types...\n' + 'info - Creating an optimized production build...\n' + 'info - Disabled SWC as replacement for Babel because of custom Babel configuration ".babelrc"\n' + 'info - Using external babel configuration from /codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.babelrc\n' + 'info - Compiled successfully\n' + 'info - Collecting page data...\n' + 'info - Generating static pages (0/3)\n' + 'info - Generating static pages (3/3)', stderr: 'warn - The `target` config is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.\n' + 'See more info here\n' + 'warn - You have enabled experimental feature(s).\n' + 'warn - Experimental features are not covered by semver, and may cause unexpected or broken application behavior. Use them at your own risk.\n' + '\n' + 'Unhandled error during request: Error: Minified React error #321; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.\n' + ' at S (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69988:327)\n' + ' at Object.exports.useState (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69993:277)\n' + ' at StyledThemeProvider (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:177:35)\n' + ' at d (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40074:498)\n' + ' at bb (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40077:16)\n' + ' at a.b.render (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40083:43)\n' + ' at (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40082:83)\n' + ' at Object.exports.renderToString (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40093:138)\n' + ' at renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:33648:46)\n' + ' at Object.ctx.renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:1306:30)\n' + '\n' + 'Error occurred prerendering page "/post/[id]". Read more:\n' + 'Error: Minified React error #321; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.\n' + ' at S (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69988:327)\n' + ' at Object.exports.useState (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69993:277)\n' + ' at StyledThemeProvider (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:177:35)\n' + ' at d (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40074:498)\n' + ' at bb (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40077:16)\n' + ' at a.b.render (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40083:43)\n' + ' at (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40082:83)\n' + ' at Object.exports.renderToString (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40093:138)\n' + ' at renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:33648:46)\n' + ' at Object.ctx.renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:1306:30)\n' + 'Unhandled error during request: Error: Minified React error #321; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.\n' + ' at S (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69988:327)\n' + ' at Object.exports.useState (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69993:277)\n' + ' at StyledThemeProvider (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:177:35)\n' + ' at d (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40074:498)\n' + ' at bb (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40077:16)\n' + ' at a.b.render (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40083:43)\n' + ' at (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40082:83)\n' + ' at Object.exports.renderToString (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40093:138)\n' + ' at renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:33648:46)\n' + ' at Object.ctx.renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:1306:30)\n' + '\n' + 'Error occurred prerendering page "/500". Read more:\n' + 'Error: Minified React error #321; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.\n' + ' at S (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69988:327)\n' + ' at Object.exports.useState (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69993:277)\n' + ' at StyledThemeProvider (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:177:35)\n' + ' at d (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40074:498)\n' + ' at bb (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40077:16)\n' + ' at a.b.render (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40083:43)\n' + ' at (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40082:83)\n' + ' at Object.exports.renderToString (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40093:138)\n' + ' at renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:33648:46)\n' + ' at Object.ctx.renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:1306:30)\n' + 'Unhandled error during request: Error: Minified React error #321; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.\n' + ' at S (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69988:327)\n' + ' at Object.exports.useState (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69993:277)\n' + ' at StyledThemeProvider (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:177:35)\n' + ' at d (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40074:498)\n' + ' at bb (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40077:16)\n' + ' at a.b.render (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40083:43)\n' + ' at (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40082:83)\n' + ' at Object.exports.renderToString (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40093:138)\n' + ' at renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:33648:46)\n' + ' at Object.ctx.renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:1306:30)\n' + '\n' + 'Error occurred prerendering page "/404". Read more:\n' + 'Error: Minified React error #321; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.\n' + ' at S (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69988:327)\n' + ' at Object.exports.useState (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69993:277)\n' + ' at StyledThemeProvider (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:177:35)\n' + ' at d (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40074:498)\n' + ' at bb (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40077:16)\n' + ' at a.b.render (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40083:43)\n' + ' at (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40082:83)\n' + ' at Object.exports.renderToString (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40093:138)\n' + ' at renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:33648:46)\n' + ' at Object.ctx.renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:1306:30)\n' + '\n' + '> Build error occurred\n' + 'Error: Export encountered errors on following paths:\n' + '\t/404\n' + '\t/500\n' + '\t/post/[id]\n' + ' at /codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/node_modules/next/dist/export/index.js:493:19\n' + ' at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)\n' + ' at async Span.traceAsyncFn (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/node_modules/next/dist/trace/trace.js:74:20)\n' + ' at async /codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/node_modules/next/dist/build/index.js:970:17\n' + ' at async Span.traceAsyncFn (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/node_modules/next/dist/trace/trace.js:74:20)\n' + ' at async /codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/node_modules/next/dist/build/index.js:844:13\n' + ' at async Span.traceAsyncFn (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/node_modules/next/dist/trace/trace.js:74:20)\n' + ' at async [as default] (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/node_modules/next/dist/build/index.js:82:25)', failed: true, timedOut: false, isCanceled: false, killed: false }  2021-11-18T05:17:53.421Z [ERROR]: [?25h 57s β€Ί d2wuxof40gra3l β€Ί Error: Command failed with exit code 1: node_modules/.bin/next build warn - The `target` config is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. See more info here warn - You have enabled experimental feature(s). warn - Experimental features are not covered by semver, and may cause unexpected or broken application behavior. Use them at your own risk. Unhandled error during request: Error: Minified React error #321; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. at S (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69988:327) at Object.exports.useState (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69993:277) at StyledThemeProvider (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:177:35) at d (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40074:498) at bb (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40077:16) at a.b.render (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40083:43) at (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40082:83) at Object.exports.renderToString (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40093:138) at renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:33648:46) at Object.ctx.renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:1306:30) Error occurred prerendering page "/post/[id]". Read more: Error: Minified React error #321; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. at S (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69988:327) at Object.exports.useState (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69993:277) at StyledThemeProvider (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:177:35) at d (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40074:498) at bb (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40077:16) at a.b.render (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40083:43) at (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40082:83) at Object.exports.renderToString (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40093:138) at renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:33648:46) at Object.ctx.renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:1306:30) Unhandled error during request: Error: Minified React error #321; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. at S (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69988:327) at Object.exports.useState (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69993:277) at StyledThemeProvider (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:177:35) at d (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40074:498) at bb (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40077:16) at a.b.render (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40083:43) at (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40082:83) at Object.exports.renderToString (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40093:138) at renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:33648:46) at Object.ctx.renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:1306:30) Error occurred prerendering page "/500". Read more: Error: Minified React error #321; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. at S (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69988:327) at Object.exports.useState (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69993:277) at StyledThemeProvider (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:177:35) at d (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40074:498) at bb (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40077:16) at a.b.render (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40083:43) at (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40082:83) at Object.exports.renderToString (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40093:138) at renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:33648:46) at Object.ctx.renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:1306:30) Unhandled error during request: Error: Minified React error #321; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. at S (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69988:327) at Object.exports.useState (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69993:277) at StyledThemeProvider (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:177:35) at d (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40074:498) at bb (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40077:16) at a.b.render (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40083:43) at (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40082:83) at Object.exports.renderToString (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40093:138) at renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:33648:46) at Object.ctx.renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:1306:30) Error occurred prerendering page "/404". Read more: Error: Minified React error #321; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. at S (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69988:327) at Object.exports.useState (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:69993:277) at StyledThemeProvider (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:177:35) at d (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40074:498) at bb (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40077:16) at a.b.render (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40083:43) at (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40082:83) at Object.exports.renderToString (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:40093:138) at renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/436.js:33648:46) at Object.ctx.renderPage (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.next//chunks/871.js:1306:30) > Build error occurred Error: Export encountered errors on following paths: /404 /500 /post/[id] at /codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/node_modules/next/dist/export/index.js:493:19 at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) at async Span.traceAsyncFn (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/node_modules/next/dist/trace/trace.js:74:20) at async /codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/node_modules/next/dist/build/index.js:970:17 at async Span.traceAsyncFn (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/node_modules/next/dist/trace/trace.js:74:20) at async /codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/node_modules/next/dist/build/index.js:844:13 at async Span.traceAsyncFn (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/node_modules/next/dist/trace/trace.js:74:20) at async [as default] (/codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/node_modules/next/dist/build/index.js:82:25) info - Checking validity of types... info - Creating an optimized production build... info - Disabled SWC as replacement for Babel because of custom Babel configuration ".babelrc" info - Using external babel configuration from /codebuild/output/src136248934/src/fox/apps/news/.babelrc info - Compiled successfully info - Collecting page data... info - Generating static pages (0/3) info - Generating static pages (3/3) [?25h Terminating logging... ```


  - frontend:
            - cd ../..
            - nvm install v16.2.0
            - echo "//{TOKEN}" > .npmrc
            # Replicates NPM CI with RM and Frozen Lock
            - rm -rf node_modules **/node_modules
            - rm -rf yarn.lock **/yarn.lock
            - yarn cache clean
            - yarn install --frozen-lockfile
            - rm -r node_modules/@next/swc-linux-x64-gnu
            - ls
            - ls
            - npx nx build news
            - cp -r node_modules apps/news/node_modules
            - cd apps/news
            - ls
            - cp -r dist/.next .next
        baseDirectory: .next
          - '**/*'
          - node_modules/**/*
    appRoot: apps/news
ghost commented 2 years ago

Hi @Rafcin sorry for the delay and thank you for all of this context. Just out of curiosity, are you able to successfully build your app locally? Also, can you provide the App ID and region your app is deployed again?

Also it would be helpful if you could provide a sample repo with a similar structure. I was able to get my basic NX/Next.js app to deploy correctly with similar build commands.

Rafcin commented 2 years ago

The app ID it deployed with is d1qgwpip26q5k8

It builds correctly if you use NX build but you have to run NX build in the root of the repo. If you run NX build appname in the apps folder it fails. Same thing if you run yarn build in the apps folder.

The error it's throwing now is one of the pages post[id], 500 and 404 have invalid hook calls. It's odd.

It would be a lot of work to reproduce the repo, instead I'll add you to the git repo and I'll give you admin access as well.

Rafcin commented 2 years ago

@hloriana invite sent

Rafcin commented 2 years ago

From what I've been able to put together at this point, if Amplify didn't need to run the build step inside the root it would work fine.

If you set the root as apps/appname and you have the package json inside the app then it will automatically decide it needs to run next build. However if you don't have the json then you can't detect the app as Next SSR.

The other problem is if you remove the json and already have it set as Next SSR and point the artifact to dist then it will build but the artifact size for some reason is only 7mb and when it gets to the deploy stage it blows up with that error code 7.

Then if you get error code 7 and switch it to Web_Dynamic to Web and redeploy it works BUT it doesn't create and assets or a CloudFront distribution and the resulting amplify url is just a 404.

So that leads me to believe that the node modules and build have to occur in the apps folder anyway to make the build process work.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Hi @Rafcin so after further investigation with the team, hosting Next.js apps within an NX monorepo is not fully supported yet but we are rolling out an update that should fix this issue.

Some customers are able to workaround this by using this amplify.yml

version: 1
  - frontend:
            # This step will build app with Nx framework 
            - cd ../../
            - npm install
            - npx nx run my-app:build
            # This step will build/update SSR resources(S3, Cloudfront, Lambda@Edge)
            - cd apps/my-app
            - npm install
        baseDirectory: ../../dist/apps/my-app/.next
          - '**/*'
            - node_modules/**/*
    appRoot: apps/my-app
Rafcin commented 2 years ago

@hloriana Thanks for the update.

Is there a timeline for when this will be released? I will need to release updates to my site at some point in the next week.

Like I mentioned in other issues, the solution you provided below won't work. I've tried this and that's why I opened the issue in the first place. The dist location doesn't matter, but if you run Yarn install (in my case instead of NPM) it will blow up on install and it will attempt to run next build immediately after yarn install

Rafcin commented 2 years ago

@hloriana This solution was mentioned by Victor here

In theory it should work but if you run npm or yarn install it will trigger next build and next build will blow up because it can't find node_modules/.bin/next.

I can't stop the amplify build process from running next build it just does that on it's own

ghost commented 2 years ago

@Rafcin I do not have an exact date but I will be sure to keep you updated.

Rafcin commented 2 years ago

Adding some extra info. The following YML allows it to partially build. However it blows up on npx severless

  - frontend:
            - cd ../..
            - nvm install v16.2.0
            - echo "//{TOKEN}" > .npmrc
            # Replicates NPM CI with RM and Frozen Lock
            - rm -rf node_modules **/node_modules
            - rm -rf yarn.lock **/yarn.lock
            - yarn cache clean
            - yarn install --frozen-lockfile
            - npx nx run news:build
            - ls
            - ls
            # - npx nx build news
            # - cp -r node_modules apps/news/node_modules
            - cd apps/news
            - yarn install --frozen-lockfile
            # - cp dist/package.json package.json
            # - rm -rf node_modules **/node_modules
            # - rm -rf yarn.lock **/yarn.lock
            # - yarn cache clean
            # - yarn install --frozen-lockfile
            # - rm -r node_modules/@next/swc-linux-x64-gnu
            # - ls
            # - cp -r dist/.next .next
        baseDirectory: dist/.next
          - '**/*'
          - node_modules/**/*
    appRoot: apps/news
2021-11-19T20:07:54.837Z [INFO]: Starting SSR Build...
2021-11-19T20:09:15.486Z [ERROR]: News {
                                  status: 'loading',
                                  isLoading: true,
                                  isSuccess: false,
                                  isError: false,
                                  isIdle: false,
                                  data: undefined,
                                  dataUpdatedAt: 0,
                                  error: null,
                                  errorUpdatedAt: 0,
                                  failureCount: 0,
                                  isFetched: false,
                                  isFetchedAfterMount: false,
                                  isFetching: true,
                                  isRefetching: false,
                                  isLoadingError: false,
                                  isPlaceholderData: false,
                                  isPreviousData: false,
                                  isRefetchError: false,
                                  isStale: true,
                                  refetch: [Function: bound refetch],
                                  remove: [Function: bound remove]
Terminating logging...

Kgnanask from the Amplify discord is looking into why it terminated. At the moment the reason for it terminating is unknown, the logs didn't say why.

Rafcin commented 2 years ago

@swaminator So regarding how the app is built with NX, will it be possible at all for me to deploy my app?

Rafcin commented 2 years ago

@ferdingler @swaminator Hello again! Just wanted to check-in and ask, has a solution been found to the nx deployment issue? I really need to know if I need to move away from NX or not because I've got some higher-up people breathing down my neck ;-; and I need to deploy something soon or rework my project to not use NX. 😟

Rafcin commented 2 years ago

I noticed when the artifacts are zipped, it seems that it only zips 7 mb although it should be 90 something MB.

2021-12-01T09:08:31.363Z [INFO]: No custom headers found.
2021-12-01T09:08:31.487Z [INFO]: # Starting build artifact upload process...
2021-12-01T09:08:32.307Z [INFO]: # Build artifact is: 7MB
2021-12-01T09:08:32.307Z [INFO]: # Uploading build artifact ''...
2021-12-01T09:08:32.323Z [INFO]: # Build artifact is: 7MB
2021-12-01T09:08:32.324Z [INFO]: # Uploading build artifact ''...
2021-12-01T09:08:32.635Z [INFO]: # Build artifact upload completed
2021-12-01T09:08:32.636Z [INFO]: # Starting environment caching...
2021-12-01T09:08:32.636Z [INFO]: # Uploading environment cache artifact...
2021-12-01T09:08:32.728Z [INFO]: # Environment caching completed
Terminating logging...
Rafcin commented 2 years ago

I also modified the serverless yml to add the desired cloudfront headers. Don't know if it will work.

  component: '@sls-next/serverless-component@1.18.0'
      cmd: ':'
      cleanupDotNext: false
      defaultLambda: 30
      apiLambda: 30
      imageLambda: 30
      regenerationLambda: 30
            - CloudFront-Is-Desktop-Viewer
            - CloudFront-Is-Mobile-Viewer
            - CloudFront-Is-Tablet-Viewer
            - CloudFront-Viewer-Country
            - CloudFront-Viewer-Latitude
            - CloudFront-Viewer-Longitude
            - CloudFront-Viewer-Time-Zone
            - CloudFront-Viewer-City
            - Authorization
        AMPLIFY_DIFF_DEPLOY: 'false'
        AMPLIFY_MONOREPO_APP_ROOT: apps/news
Rafcin commented 2 years ago

I was speaking with another user Juan who was able to build a NX repo based on

When I used this method I had a similar issue where the project complains there's no SSR resource file and the artifact zip is also only 7mb. I think it's just about the artifact being wrong although that I can't debug and I have no idea why it's not packing the entire artifact normally.

s875515 commented 2 years ago

same issue here :(

truecolintracy commented 2 years ago

Seeing this error with yarn workspaces and was hoping to find some useful information here or a potential solution. Seems like a big oversight considering many builds with next are using monorepos at this point. Any help would be much appreciated.

Rafcin commented 2 years ago

Seeing this error with yarn workspaces and was hoping to find some useful information here or a potential solution. Seems like a big oversight considering many builds with next are using monorepos at this point. Any help would be much appreciated.

If I remember correctly you need to spin up a new project so the amplify system can detect it's a monorepo setup, when setting up you'll be given the option to specify your target as apps/appname or however your structure looks and that should work then.

indiejoseph commented 2 years ago

Hi forks, i got a good news, after many hours of tried and error, my Nextjs app able to deploy on Amplify without fail, i can visit the site, and SSR rendering same doing fine, but all nextjs API handles return 503 error "Cannot find module '../../../webpack-api-runtime.js"...., still figuring out what is it.

here is my amplify.yml:

version: 1
  - appRoot: apps/nextjsapp
            - amplifyPush --simple
            # This step will build app with Nx framework
            - cd ../../
            - nvm install
            - nvm use
            - yarn install --frozen-lockfile
            - yarn nx build nextjsapp --prod
            - cd apps/nextjsapp
            - ln -s ../../dist/apps/nextjsapp/.next .next
            - ln -s ../../node_modules node_modules
            - export AMPLIFY_SSR_BUILD=true
        baseDirectory: ../../dist/apps/nextjsapp/.next
          - '**/*'
          - node_modules/**/*
Rafcin commented 2 years ago

Override the serverless yml by switching to the. SLS package to version ​component​: ***@***.******@***.***​' This should solve the problem with the 503 on API routes with the latest version of Next. (Should be fine with next 11 as well)

On Sun, Apr 3, 2022, 7:02 AM Joseph cheng @.***> wrote:

Hi forks, i got a good news, after many hours of tried and error, my Nextjs app able to deploy on Amplify without fail, i can visit the site, and SSR rendering same doing fine, but all nextjs API handles return 503 error "Cannot find module '../../../webpack-api-runtime.js"...., still figuring out what is it.

here is my amplify.yml:

version: 1applications:

  • appRoot: apps/nextjsapp backend: phases: build: commands:
    • amplifyPush --simple frontend: phases: preBuild: commands:

      This step will build app with Nx framework

    • cd ../../
    • nvm install
    • nvm use
    • yarn install --frozen-lockfile build: commands:
    • yarn nx build nextjsapp --prod
    • cd apps/nextjsapp
    • ln -s ../../dist/apps/nextjsapp/.next .next
    • ln -s ../../node_modules node_modules
    • export AMPLIFY_SSR_BUILD=true artifacts: baseDirectory: ../../dist/apps/nextjsapp/.next files:
      • '*/' cache: paths:
      • node_modules/*/

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indiejoseph commented 2 years ago

Hi Rafcin, the sls component version seems got redacted

Rafcin commented 2 years ago

'@sls-next/serverless-component@3.7.0-alpha.11' When you build, using the amplify YML after prebuild run - cp config/serverless.yml serverless.yml and just overwrite the generated sls file.

  component: '@sls-next/serverless-component@3.7.0-alpha.11'
      defaultLambda: 1024
      apiLambda: 2048
      imageLambda: 2048
      defaultLambda: 30
      apiLambda: 30
      imageLambda: 30
      regenerationLambda: 30
            - CloudFront-Is-Desktop-Viewer
            - CloudFront-Is-Mobile-Viewer
            - CloudFront-Is-Tablet-Viewer
            - CloudFront-Viewer-Country
            - CloudFront-Viewer-Latitude
            - CloudFront-Viewer-Longitude
            - CloudFront-Viewer-Time-Zone
            - CloudFront-Viewer-City
            - Authorization
        AMPLIFY_DIFF_DEPLOY: 'false'
indiejoseph commented 2 years ago

Thanks @Rafcin after updated the sls component version, the API backed is working great, but the frontend is return 503 error, and the log show SQS permission error, and then i attached SQS policy into the lambda role, the frontend working immediately. but some pages works, but pages still getting Minified React error #321 errors..., i think i should switch back to yarn workspace.....

Rafcin commented 2 years ago

Oh right you are using NX. As of now Amplify and NX don't really work together. I suggest trying Turborepo, you will def find it better. It's just as fast and it takes 2 seconds to set up with workspaces.

[image: created with] Raf Szuminski

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On Mon, Apr 4, 2022 at 12:55 AM Joseph cheng @.***> wrote:

Thanks @Rafcin after updated the sls component version, the API backed is working great, but the frontend is return 503 error, and the log show SQS permission error, and then i attached SQS policy into the lambda role, the frontend working immediately. but some pages works, but pages still getting Minified React error #321 errors..., i think i should switch back to yarn workspace.....

β€” Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe . You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.***>

indiejoseph commented 2 years ago

Just figure out the React error actually came from React v18 issue, after downgrade to v17 my app working well without any problem, my workaround is:

version: 1
  - appRoot: apps/nextjsapp
            - amplifyPush --simple
            # This step will build app with Nx framework
            - cd ../../
            - nvm install
            - nvm use
            - yarn install --frozen-lockfile
            - yarn nx build nextjsapp --prod
            - cd apps/nextjsapp
            # create symbolic link from root to app folder
            - ln -s ../../dist/apps/nextjsapp/.next .next
            - ln -s ../../node_modules node_modules
            # enable SSR build flag to transpile libs/ui
            - export AMPLIFY_SSR_BUILD=true
        baseDirectory: ../../dist/apps/nextjsapp/.next
          - '**/*'
          - node_modules/**/*


const withNx = require('@nrwl/next/plugins/with-nx');
const path = require('path');
const isSSRBuild = process.env.AMPLIFY_SSR_BUILD === 'true';

 * @type {import('@nrwl/next/plugins/with-nx').WithNxOptions}
const nextConfig = {
  nx: {
    // Set this to true if you would like to to use SVGR
    // See:
    svgr: false,
  webpack (config, { defaultLoaders }) {
    if (isSSRBuild) {
      // XXX: This is a workaround for a bug in Amplify SSR deployment
        test: /\.([jt])sx?$/,
        include: [path.join(__dirname, '../../libs')],
        exclude: /node_modules/,
        use: [defaultLoaders.babel],

      test: /\.svg$/,
      use: [
          loader: '@svgr/webpack',
          options: {
            svgoConfig: {
              plugins: [
                  name: 'preset-default',
                  params: {
                    overrides: { removeViewBox: false },

    return config;

module.exports = withNx(nextConfig);
robotsrng commented 2 years ago

indiejoseph. If I could buy you a beer I would.


calavera commented 2 years ago

That's awesome @indiejoseph! Thanks for figuring this out πŸ™Œ

jaysoo commented 2 years ago

Hi πŸ‘‹ , if there's anything from the Nx side that can make the build work better please let us know.

For example, in @indiejoseph 's solution, the AMPLIFY_SSR_BUILD is set manually for Nx to check, but if this is provided by default we can build support into @nrwl/next directly.

digoburigo commented 1 year ago

Generating with the @indiejoseph config I encounter this error

package.json versions

    "next": "13.0.0",
    "react": "18.2.0",
    "react-dom": "18.2.0",
2022-11-01T19:45:33.159Z [INFO]: 
2022-11-01T19:45:33.160Z [INFO]: > nx run generic-portal:build:production
2022-11-01T19:45:34.768Z [INFO]: warn  - No build cache found. Please configure build caching for faster rebuilds. Read more:
2022-11-01T19:45:34.787Z [INFO]: Attention: Next.js now collects completely anonymous telemetry regarding usage.
2022-11-01T19:45:34.787Z [INFO]: This information is used to shape Next.js' roadmap and prioritize features.
                                 You can learn more, including how to opt-out if you'd not like to participate in this anonymous program, by visiting the following URL:
2022-11-01T19:45:34.889Z [INFO]: info  - Skipping linting
2022-11-01T19:45:34.891Z [INFO]: info  - Checking validity of types...
2022-11-01T19:45:40.683Z [INFO]: info  - Creating an optimized production build...
2022-11-01T19:45:53.767Z [INFO]: info  - Compiled successfully
2022-11-01T19:45:53.768Z [INFO]: info  - Collecting page data...
2022-11-01T19:45:55.356Z [INFO]: info  - Generating static pages (0/5)
2022-11-01T19:45:55.448Z [INFO]: info  - Generating static pages (1/5)
2022-11-01T19:45:55.452Z [INFO]: info  - Generating static pages (2/5)
2022-11-01T19:45:55.461Z [INFO]: info  - Generating static pages (3/5)
2022-11-01T19:45:56.217Z [INFO]: info  - Generating static pages (5/5)
2022-11-01T19:45:56.230Z [INFO]: info  - Finalizing page optimization...
2022-11-01T19:45:56.234Z [INFO]: 
2022-11-01T19:45:56.250Z [INFO]: Route (pages)                              Size     First Load JS
                                 β”Œ β—‹ /                                      2.33 kB         367 kB
                                 β”œ   /_app                                  0 B            87.9 kB
                                 β”œ β—‹ /[tenant]                              313 B          88.2 kB
                                 β”œ β—‹ /[tenant]/[projectId] (858 ms)         278 kB          643 kB
                                 β”œ β—‹ /404                                   181 B          88.1 kB
                                 β”” Ξ» /api/test                              0 B            87.9 kB
                                 + First Load JS shared by all              91.6 kB
                                 β”œ chunks/framework-22108eb722d84e59.js   45.4 kB
                                 β”œ chunks/main-3feb51816554d004.js        25.7 kB
                                 β”œ chunks/pages/_app-223d5ef6ed9f53b3.js  15 kB
                                 β”œ chunks/webpack-15199bcd0330b034.js     1.8 kB
                                 β”” css/50af800ef8042ad4.css               3.68 kB
2022-11-01T19:45:56.250Z [INFO]: Ξ»  (Server)  server-side renders at runtime (uses getInitialProps or getServerSideProps)
                                 β—‹  (Static)  automatically rendered as static HTML (uses no initial props)
2022-11-01T19:45:57.363Z [INFO]: 
2022-11-01T19:45:57.364Z [INFO]: 
                                 >  NX   Successfully ran target build for project generic-portal
2022-11-01T19:45:57.375Z [INFO]: # Executing command: cd apps/generic-portal
2022-11-01T19:45:57.394Z [INFO]: # Executing command: ln -s ../../dist/apps/generic-portal/.next .next
2022-11-01T19:45:57.395Z [INFO]: # Executing command: ln -s ../../node_modules node_modules
2022-11-01T19:45:57.396Z [INFO]: # Executing command: export AMPLIFY_SSR_BUILD=true
2022-11-01T19:45:57.396Z [INFO]: Starting SSR Build...
2022-11-01T19:46:22.690Z [ERROR]: Serverless Error ----------------------------------------
Terminating logging...
hasanlussa commented 1 year ago

we're successfully deploy nx to amplify using this approach

  1. using standalone build with monorepo configurations
// apps/web-app/next.config.js
module.exports = {
  output: 'standalone',
  experimental: {
    // this includes files from the monorepo base two directories up
    outputFileTracingRoot: path.join(__dirname, '../../'),
  1. on build steps, we move standalone builds from basedir to standalone directory, then replace relative path from distDir on server.js
version: 1
  - frontend:
            - yarn install
            - npx nx run web-app:build:production
            - mv ./dist/apps/web-app/.next/standalone/apps/web-app/* ./dist/apps/web-app/.next/standalone/
            - sed -i 's/\/..\/..//' ./dist/apps/web-app/.next/standalone/server.js
        baseDirectory: dist/apps/web-app/.next
          - '**/*'
          - node_modules/**/*

works like charms

manxon commented 1 year ago

we're successfully deploy nx to amplify using this approach

  1. using standalone build with monorepo configurations
// apps/web-app/next.config.js
module.exports = {
  output: 'standalone',
  experimental: {
    // this includes files from the monorepo base two directories up
    outputFileTracingRoot: path.join(__dirname, '../../'),
  1. on build steps, we move standalone builds from basedir to standalone directory, then replace relative path from distDir on server.js
version: 1
  - frontend:
            - yarn install
            - npx nx run web-app:build:production
            - mv ./dist/apps/web-app/.next/standalone/apps/web-app/* ./dist/apps/web-app/.next/standalone/
            - sed -i 's/\/..\/..//' ./dist/apps/web-app/.next/standalone/server.js
        baseDirectory: dist/apps/web-app/.next
          - '**/*'
          - node_modules/**/*

works like charms

Does this work for SSR? I'm getting the following error on cloudfront from Monitoring menu `

Β  2022-12-03T11:11:00.939-05:00 node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:936
Β  2022-12-03T11:11:00.939-05:00 throw err;
Β  2022-12-03T11:11:00.939-05:00 ^
Β  2022-12-03T11:11:00.939-05:00CopyError: Cannot find module '/var/task/server.js' Error: Cannot find module '/var/task/server.js'


manxon commented 1 year ago

Just figure out the React error actually came from React v18 issue, after downgrade to v17 my app working well without any problem, my workaround is:

version: 1
  - appRoot: apps/nextjsapp
            - amplifyPush --simple
            # This step will build app with Nx framework
            - cd ../../
            - nvm install
            - nvm use
            - yarn install --frozen-lockfile
            - yarn nx build nextjsapp --prod
            - cd apps/nextjsapp
            # create symbolic link from root to app folder
            - ln -s ../../dist/apps/nextjsapp/.next .next
            - ln -s ../../node_modules node_modules
            # enable SSR build flag to transpile libs/ui
            - export AMPLIFY_SSR_BUILD=true
        baseDirectory: ../../dist/apps/nextjsapp/.next
          - '**/*'
          - node_modules/**/*


const withNx = require('@nrwl/next/plugins/with-nx');
const path = require('path');
const isSSRBuild = process.env.AMPLIFY_SSR_BUILD === 'true';

 * @type {import('@nrwl/next/plugins/with-nx').WithNxOptions}
const nextConfig = {
  nx: {
    // Set this to true if you would like to to use SVGR
    // See:
    svgr: false,
  webpack (config, { defaultLoaders }) {
    if (isSSRBuild) {
      // XXX: This is a workaround for a bug in Amplify SSR deployment
        test: /\.([jt])sx?$/,
        include: [path.join(__dirname, '../../libs')],
        exclude: /node_modules/,
        use: [defaultLoaders.babel],

      test: /\.svg$/,
      use: [
          loader: '@svgr/webpack',
          options: {
            svgoConfig: {
              plugins: [
                  name: 'preset-default',
                  params: {
                    overrides: { removeViewBox: false },

    return config;

module.exports = withNx(nextConfig);

Thank you for this I was able to deploy with monorepo using this amplify config. Even though, from the announment of the Nextjs 12 and 13 support the deployment platform changed from Web Dynamic to Web Compute and everything started to fail again. The frontend compiles but when loading from web browser it generates a 500 error that is logged to cloudfront Monitoring as:


Β  2022-12-03T11:11:00.939-05:00 node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:936
Β  2022-12-03T11:11:00.939-05:00 throw err;
Β  2022-12-03T11:11:00.939-05:00 ^
Β  2022-12-03T11:11:00.939-05:00CopyError: Cannot find module '/var/task/server.js' Error: Cannot find module '/var/task/server.js'

` This is using Nextjs SSR, so when trying to look for the server.js in my local machine build it isn't generated either, even though for a no monorepo set up it runs fine

mucahidyazar commented 1 year ago

@manxon did you find any solution for next.js 12 apps with monorepo and nx?

mucahidyazar commented 1 year ago

@hloriana Do you have any news on this issue?

manxon commented 1 year ago

There are two approaches to this issue:

  1. Revert AWS to work from the new realeased web compute to the old web dynamic using the Amplify CLI /usr/local/bin/aws amplify update-app --app-id XXXXXXXX --platform WEB_DYNAMIC --region us-east-1
  2. Using YAML config for the web compute, this one haven't worked completely for me as my css assets are not rendered ok


version: 1
  - appRoot: apps/base
            # This step will build app with Nx framework
            - cd ../../
            - yarn install --frozen-lockfile
            - yarn nx build base --prod --skip-nx-cache
            - mv ./dist/apps/base/.next/standalone/apps/base/* ./dist/apps/base/.next/standalone/
            # - mv ./dist/apps/base/.next/standalone/* ./dist/apps/base/.next
            - sed -i 's/\/..\/..//' ./dist/apps/base/.next/standalone/server.js
            - cd apps/base
            # create symbolic link from root to app folder
            - ln -s ../../dist/apps/base/.next .next
            - ln -s ../../node_modules node_modules
            - ln -s ../../libs libs
        baseDirectory: ../../dist/apps/base/.next
          - '**/*'
          - node_modules/**/*

next.config.js (Next js 12)

experimental: {
    // this includes files from the monorepo base two directories up
    outputFileTracingRoot: path.join(__dirname, '../../'),
mucahidyazar commented 1 year ago

@manxon Actually I had different yaml file and I can even work next v12.3.0. I want to work with next v13. By the way how many minutes does the build take to finish build for this yml. I curried about it. My yaml takes 15 mins for each build

manxon commented 1 year ago

Yes, that's one downside of for amplify and nextjs, it takes a lot of time to compile for me the average is 20mins to complete, is really painful.

Can you please share your yaml to see if it works for me?

mucahidyazar commented 1 year ago

@manxon Sure bro. This YAML workflow takes 15mins for my 3 projects. And it works until next@12.3.0. You do not need to do anything. Delete your outputFileTracingRoot from your next.config.js and try it. Here is the code;

version: 1
  - appRoot: apps/your-app-name
            - cd ../../
            - yarn
            - npx nx run your-app-name:build:production
            - cp -R dist/apps/your-app-name/.next apps/your-app-name
            - cp -R node_modules apps/your-app-name
            - cd apps/your-app-name
        baseDirectory: .next
          - '**/*'
          - node_modules/**/*
sergioUjo commented 1 year ago

I am still having problems running nx/nextjs on amplify

sergioUjo commented 1 year ago

we're successfully deploy nx to amplify using this approach

  1. using standalone build with monorepo configurations
// apps/web-app/next.config.js
module.exports = {
  output: 'standalone',
  experimental: {
    // this includes files from the monorepo base two directories up
    outputFileTracingRoot: path.join(__dirname, '../../'),
  1. on build steps, we move standalone builds from basedir to standalone directory, then replace relative path from distDir on server.js
version: 1
  - frontend:
            - yarn install
            - npx nx run web-app:build:production
            - mv ./dist/apps/web-app/.next/standalone/apps/web-app/* ./dist/apps/web-app/.next/standalone/
            - sed -i 's/\/..\/..//' ./dist/apps/web-app/.next/standalone/server.js
        baseDirectory: dist/apps/web-app/.next
          - '**/*'
          - node_modules/**/*

works like charms

"nx": "15.8.5", "next": "13.1.1", This one worked for me, I just had to copy the public folder as well :1st_place_medal:

Blendfoul commented 1 year ago

we're successfully deploy nx to amplify using this approach

  1. using standalone build with monorepo configurations
// apps/web-app/next.config.js
module.exports = {
  output: 'standalone',
  experimental: {
    // this includes files from the monorepo base two directories up
    outputFileTracingRoot: path.join(__dirname, '../../'),
  1. on build steps, we move standalone builds from basedir to standalone directory, then replace relative path from distDir on server.js
version: 1
  - frontend:
            - yarn install
            - npx nx run web-app:build:production
            - mv ./dist/apps/web-app/.next/standalone/apps/web-app/* ./dist/apps/web-app/.next/standalone/
            - sed -i 's/\/..\/..//' ./dist/apps/web-app/.next/standalone/server.js
        baseDirectory: dist/apps/web-app/.next
          - '**/*'
          - node_modules/**/*

works like charms

"nx": "15.8.5", "next": "13.1.1", This one worked for me, I just had to copy the public folder as well πŸ₯‡

I'm using the same schema in our production environment but are unable to take advantage of ISR because it seems next creates the regenerated data into the incorrect folder does anyone know how or if it's possible to work around this issue?

"next": "13.1.1"

beniusij commented 1 year ago

Does anyone else get the backend build step failing despite not having a backend set up? Screenshot 2023-05-03 at 21 28 53

NX 15.9.2 NextJS 13.2.2

version: 1
  - appRoot: apps/web
            - cd ../../
            - echo "Installing NPM packages"
            - npm install
            - echo "Building web application"
            - npx nx build web --verbose
            - echo "So that went through, CDing back to app's root directory"
            - cd apps/web
            - echo "Moving and removing folders"
            - mv -f ../../dist/apps/web/.next/standalone/apps/web/* ../../dist/apps/web/.next/standalone
            - sed -i 's/\/..\/..//' ../../dist/apps/web/.next/standalone/server.js
        baseDirectory: dist/apps/web/.next
          - '**/*'
          - node_modules/**/*

Tried redeploying a commit that successfully deployed 2 months ago - fails with the same error. Any advice would be much appreciated!

victorccccc commented 1 year ago


We have provided the support for NextJs Web Compute + Monorepo frameworks

FAQ link:

Please feel free to create new issue if you have additional question.


github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago


Comments on closed issues are hard for our team to see. If you need more assistance, please either tag a team member or open a new issue that references this one. If you wish to keep having a conversation with other community members under this issue feel free to do so.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue for related bugs.