aws-amplify / amplify-hosting

AWS Amplify Hosting provides a Git-based workflow for deploying and hosting fullstack serverless web applications.
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A/B testing based on git branches #331

Open zappys opened 4 years ago

zappys commented 4 years ago

Can we setup A/B tests using git branches ? We are thinking to move from netlify to amplify-console but this is holding us back.

You can see how netlify implements this here:

Is there any way we can setup a split test with ampify-console ?

rallona commented 4 years ago

Hi!! Any improvement related with A/B testing? I need it working on amplify.

Munsterberg commented 4 years ago

Any progress on this?

alexkates commented 4 years ago


HeinrichTremblay commented 4 years ago

This feature would be great! For Gatsby based projects, the A/B testing approach by using git branches is the one officially recommended in their docs with Netlify. Here's the link:

karimjp commented 4 years ago

Any updates?

kylekirkby commented 3 years ago

I'd also love for this feature to be added!

intonumbers commented 3 years ago

I would also be highly interested in this feature!

avnerkhan commented 3 years ago

Me too! This would. be a great feature to have.

Uri-CyberWrite commented 3 years ago

+1 on this feature, A/B testing based on git branches on top of AWS Amplify would be an amazing feature to have!

maximussinclair commented 3 years ago

Yes please!

redixhumayun commented 3 years ago

+1 on this feature.

Erick-Suarez commented 3 years ago


Belrald commented 3 years ago


MarwanNakhaleh commented 3 years ago


carlotamolintr commented 3 years ago


raunaqss commented 3 years ago

+1 (would pay for this feature in AWS Amplify Console)

afontcu commented 3 years ago

We are thinking to move from netlify to amplify-console but this is holding us back.

This is our situation as well. So, +1

bajcmartinez commented 3 years ago


raunaqss commented 3 years ago

This would be unreal

mark-04 commented 3 years ago


gwidonw commented 3 years ago


marvinbernd commented 3 years ago


SimonHoiberg commented 2 years ago

+1 🔥

Like, seriously. I got it working by hacking around the lambda@edge functions Amplify create, but a UI to set this up would be AMAZING!

Come on, Amplify team! Please, give it to us 🤩

NickEast12 commented 2 years ago


Pijuli commented 2 years ago


woolimi commented 2 years ago

Any news about it ?? please, we really need this 🙏

tmosmant commented 2 years ago

@SimonHoiberg can you share how you hacked the lambda@edge functions? We don't find them in our AWS console.

SimonHoiberg commented 2 years ago

@SimonHoiberg can you share how you hacked the lambda@edge functions? We don't find them in our AWS console.

Lambda Edge functions are created in the us-east-1 region (N. Virginia). Go to that region and then find the Lambda Edge functions under the Lambda section. They'll have the description "Default Lambda@Edge for Next CloudFront distribution".

It's horrible though. There's a ton of code, and it took us quite a long time to find out how to alter it in the right way. I don't have the actual code anymore to share, unfortunately.

But let's use this occasion to push the AWS Amplify team once again :fist_oncoming: We want this inbuilt!

jd-carroll commented 2 years ago

@SimonHoiberg do you think what I am trying to do in #2812 would also work for your use cases?

mkarsene commented 2 years ago

Its like the amplify team is asleep at the wheel. Thought AWS was customer first... :P

kaaroIndus commented 1 year ago

Any workaround for this? I came across running these manually using middlewares. Nothing as neat as linking branches to the split. Would have to maintain the alternatives versions of each file.

BenjaminJameson commented 1 year ago


hanna-becker commented 1 year ago

We'd also love to see an A/B testing solution for Amplify!

iandesj commented 1 year ago


arpitSB commented 7 months ago


tettoffensive commented 4 months ago

So is there no way to do A/B or multivariant split testing with amplify using 302 redirects? Normally we've done this in an .htaccess file on non-amplify projects with something like this:

RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ([02468])(?!.*\d)
RewriteRule ^$ /r [R=302,QSA]

I was hoping that the condition (The condition for a URL rewrite or redirect rule, such as a country code.) might support something.

I guess my best option is to use client side javascript to handle the test?