aws-amplify / amplify-js

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Establishing AppSync WebSocket connection fails after upgrading to v4.3.30 #10194

Closed Jordan-Eckowitz closed 2 years ago

Jordan-Eckowitz commented 2 years ago

Before opening, please confirm:

JavaScript Framework


Amplify APIs


Amplify Categories


Environment information

``` # Put output below this line System: OS: macOS 12.5 CPU: (12) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz Memory: 135.84 MB / 16.00 GB Shell: 5.8.1 - /bin/zsh Binaries: Node: 14.18.2 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v14.18.2/bin/node npm: 6.14.15 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v14.18.2/bin/npm Browsers: Chrome: 104.0.5112.79 Firefox: 103.0.2 Safari: 15.6 npmPackages: @aws-amplify/api-graphql: ^2.3.10 => 2.3.10 (2.2.18) @aws-amplify/pubsub: ^4.4.9 => 4.4.9 (4.4.7, 4.2.5) @aws/dynamodb-batch-iterator: ^0.7.1 => 0.7.1 @babel/core: ^7.9.6 => 7.14.6 (7.12.9, 7.9.0) @babel/polyfill: ^7.8.7 => 7.12.1 @dnd-kit/core: ^5.0.1 => 5.0.1 @dnd-kit/sortable: ^6.0.0 => 6.0.0 @dnd-kit/utilities: ^3.1.0 => 3.1.0 @reach/router: ^1.3.3 => 1.3.4 @sentry/browser: ^5.15.4 => 5.30.0 @smartrent/use-persisted-state: ^0.3.1 => 0.3.1 @storybook/addon-actions: ^6.1.20 => 6.3.1 @storybook/addon-essentials: ^6.1.20 => 6.3.1 @storybook/addon-knobs: ^6.1.20 => 6.3.0 @storybook/addon-links: ^6.1.20 => 6.3.1 @storybook/client-api: ^6.3.12 => 6.3.12 (6.3.1) @storybook/node-logger: ^6.1.20 => 6.3.1 @storybook/preset-create-react-app: ^3.1.6 => 3.1.7 @storybook/react: ^6.2.9 => 6.3.1 @svgr/cli: ^5.4.0 => 5.5.0 @svgr/webpack: ^5.5.0 => 5.5.0 (4.3.3) @testing-library/jest-dom: ^5.11.0 => 5.14.1 @testing-library/react: ^10.4.4 => 10.4.9 @testing-library/user-event: ^12.8.3 => 12.8.3 @types/aos: ^3.0.3 => 3.0.3 @types/d3: ^6.3.0 => 6.7.5 @types/faker: ^5.5.8 => 5.5.8 @types/jest: ^26.0.14 => 26.0.23 @types/lodash: ^4.14.168 => 4.14.170 @types/node: ^14.11.5 => 14.17.4 (15.12.5, 13.13.52) @types/reach__router: ^1.3.9 => 1.3.9 @types/react: ^16.9.51 => 16.14.8 (17.0.11) @types/react-beautiful-dnd: ^13.0.0 => 13.0.0 @types/react-collapse: ^5.0.1 => 5.0.1 @types/react-dom: ^16.9.8 => 16.9.13 @types/react-helmet: ^6.1.0 => 6.1.1 @types/react-lottie: ^1.2.5 => 1.2.5 @types/react-redux: ^7.1.15 => 7.1.16 @types/react-scroll: ^1.8.3 => 1.8.3 @types/react-slider: ^1.0.0 => 1.3.0 @types/styled-components: ^5.1.4 => 5.1.10 @types/uuid: ^8.3.0 => 8.3.0 @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin: ^4.14.1 => 4.28.1 (2.34.0) @typescript-eslint/parser: ^4.14.1 => 4.28.1 (2.34.0) ag-grid-base-icons: 1.0.0 ag-grid-community: ^23.2.1 => 23.2.1 ag-grid-react: ^23.2.1 => 23.2.1 aos: ^2.3.4 => 2.3.4 aws-amplify: ^4.3.11 => 4.3.30 aws-amplify-react: ^5.1.9 => 5.1.9 aws-sdk: ^2.656.0 => 2.935.0 axios: ^0.21.1 => 0.21.1 (0.26.0, 0.21.4) babel-loader: ^8.1.0 => 8.1.0 (8.2.2) browser-image-compression: ^1.0.9 => 1.0.14 copy-text-to-clipboard: ^3.0.1 => 3.0.1 core-js: ^3.6.5 => 3.15.1 (2.6.12) csv-parse: ^4.14.2 => 4.16.0 current-device: 0.10.2 => 0.10.2 customize-cra: ^1.0.0 => 1.0.0 customize-cra-react-refresh: ^1.1.0 => 1.1.0 d3: ^6.1.1 => 6.7.0 (3.5.17) date-fns: ^2.11.1 => 2.22.1 detect-browser: ^5.1.0 => 5.2.0 dotenv: ^8.2.0 => 8.6.0 (6.2.0, 8.2.0) eslint-config-airbnb: ^18.1.0 => 18.2.1 eslint-config-prettier: ^6.11.0 => 6.15.0 eslint-plugin-import: ^2.20.2 => 2.23.4 (2.20.1) eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y: ^6.2.3 => 6.2.3 eslint-plugin-prettier: ^3.1.3 => 3.4.0 eslint-plugin-react: ^7.19.0 => 7.19.0 example: 0.1.0 faker: ^5.5.3 => 5.5.3 fast-json-patch: ^3.0.0-1 => 3.0.0-1 framer-motion: ^3.1.1 => 3.10.6 handlebars: ^4.7.7 => 4.7.7 husky: ^4.3.8 => 4.3.8 immer: ^8.0.1 => 8.0.4 (9.0.6, 8.0.1, 1.10.0) is_js: ^0.9.0 => 0.9.0 jest-environment-jsdom-sixteen: ^1.0.3 => 1.0.3 jest-extended: ^0.11.5 => 0.11.5 lint-staged: ^10.5.3 => 10.5.4 lodash: ^4.17.21 => 4.17.21 lodash.debounce: ^4.0.8 => 4.0.8 memo-parser: undefined (0.2.1) minimist: ^1.2.5 => 1.2.5 mobx: ^5.15.4 => 5.15.7 node-sass: ^4.14.1 => 4.14.1 plotly.js: ^1.52.3 => 1.58.4 polished: ^4.1.3 => 4.1.3 (3.7.2) prettier: ^2.1.2 => 2.3.2 (2.2.1) pretty-checkbox: ^3.0.3 => 3.0.3 prop-types: ^15.7.2 => 15.7.2 query-string: ^6.12.1 => 6.14.1 (4.3.4) react: ^16.13.1 => 16.14.0 react-app-polyfill: ^1.0.6 => 1.0.6 react-app-rewired: ^2.1.6 => 2.1.8 react-autocomplete-hint: ^1.3.0 => 1.3.0 react-beautiful-dnd: ^13.0.0 => 13.1.0 react-collapse: ^5.1.0 => 5.1.0 react-csv: ^2.0.3 => 2.0.3 react-dom: ^16.13.1 => 16.14.0 react-draggable: 4.2.0 => 4.2.0 (4.4.3) react-dropzone: ^10.2.2 => 10.2.2 react-elastic-carousel: ^0.11.5 => 0.11.5 react-emoji-render: ^1.2.4 => 1.2.4 react-error-boundary: ^3.1.1 => 3.1.3 react-grid-layout: ^0.18.3 => 0.18.3 react-gtm-module: ^2.0.4 => 2.0.11 react-helmet: ^5.2.1 => 5.2.1 react-highlight-words: ^0.16.0 => 0.16.0 react-icons: ^4.2.0 => 4.2.0 react-idle-timer: ^5.0.0-rc.24 => 5.0.0-rc.24 react-is: ^16.13.1 => 16.13.1 (17.0.2) react-lottie: ^1.2.3 => 1.2.3 react-multiselect-checkboxes: ^0.1.1 => 0.1.1 react-redux: ^7.2.0 => 7.2.4 react-scripts: ^3.4.3 => 3.4.4 react-scroll: ^1.7.16 => 1.8.2 react-scroll-sync: ^0.8.0 => 0.8.0 react-slider: ^1.1.2 => 1.3.1 react-spinners: ^0.8.1 => 0.8.3 react-spring: ^8.0.27 => 8.0.27 react-swipeable: ^5.5.1 => 5.5.1 react-toastify: ^5.5.0 => 5.5.0 react-tooltip-lite: ^1.11.2 => 1.12.0 react-transition-group: ^4.3.0 => 4.4.2 (2.9.0) react-transition-group/CSSTransition: undefined () react-transition-group/ReplaceTransition: undefined () react-transition-group/SwitchTransition: undefined () react-transition-group/Transition: undefined () react-transition-group/TransitionGroup: undefined () react-transition-group/TransitionGroupContext: undefined () react-transition-group/config: undefined () react-use: ^14.1.0 => 14.3.0 react-visibility-sensor: ^5.1.1 => 5.1.1 redoc: 2.0.0-rc.41 => 2.0.0-rc.41 redux: ^4.0.5 => 4.1.0 redux-devtools: ^3.5.0 => 3.7.0 redux-devtools-extension: ^2.13.8 => 2.13.9 redux-mock-store: ^1.5.4 => 1.5.4 redux-state-sync: ^3.1.2 => 3.1.2 redux-thunk: ^2.3.0 => 2.3.0 reselect: ^4.0.0 => 4.0.0 simplur: ^3.0.1 => 3.0.1 smart-timeout: ^2.2.0 => 2.6.1 source-map-explorer: ^2.4.2 => 2.5.2 styled-components: ^5.1.0 => 5.3.0 styled-components/macro: undefined () styled-components/native: undefined () styled-components/primitives: undefined () stylelint: ^13.3.3 => 13.13.1 stylelint-config-recommended: ^3.0.0 => 3.0.0 typescript: ^4.0.3 => 4.3.4 use-deep-compare-effect: ^1.6.1 => 1.6.1 uuid: ^8.3.0 => 8.3.2 (3.4.0, 3.3.2) npmGlobalPackages: @aws-amplify/cli: 7.6.3 npm: 6.14.15 serverless: 2.40.0 ```

Describe the bug

I want to upgrade to v4.3.30 to get access to the new connection state feature:

After upgrading I am not able to establish a WebSocket connection for the API. It fails and I get the following warning message:

"AppSync Realtime subscription init error: Error: No User Pool in the configuration."

    "provider": {
        "_config": {},
        "socketStatus": 0,
        "keepAliveTimeout": 300000,
        "subscriptionObserverMap": {},
        "promiseArray": [],
        "connectionStateMonitor": {
            "_linkedConnectionState": {
                "networkState": "connected",
                "connectionState": "disconnected",
                "intendedConnectionState": "disconnected",
                "keepAliveState": "healthy"
            "_linkedConnectionStateObservable": {},
            "_linkedConnectionStateObserver": {
                "_subscription": {
                    "_observer": {},
                    "_state": "ready"
    "error": {
        "errors": [
                "message": "AppSync Realtime subscription init error: Error: No User Pool in the configuration."

Expected behavior

WebSocket connection works as usual

Reproduction steps

  1. Upgrade to v4.3.30

Code Snippet

// Put your code below this line.

Log output

``` // Put your logs below this line ```


No response

Manual configuration

No response

Additional configuration

No response

Mobile Device

No response

Mobile Operating System

No response

Mobile Browser

No response

Mobile Browser Version

No response

Additional information and screenshots

No response

elorzafe commented 2 years ago

@Jordan-Eckowitz have you clear your node_modules and reinstall again?

Jordan-Eckowitz commented 2 years ago

@elorzafe that did the trick, thanks!