aws-amplify / amplify-js

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AmazomMQ and Pub/Sub, MqttOverWSProvider - Error forming connection Error: AMQJS0013E #11322

Open Nikola-Milovic opened 1 year ago

Nikola-Milovic commented 1 year ago

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JavaScript Framework


Amplify APIs


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Describe the bug

When trying to connect with AmazonMQ using the MqttOverWSProvider and Pub/Sub I keep experiencing the same error

[DEBUG] 57:11.670 MqttOverWSProvider - Error forming connection Error: AMQJS0013E Invalid argument wss:// for host.
    at new Client4 (paho-mqtt.js:2007:12)
    at MqttOverWSProvider2.<anonymous> (MqttOverWSProvider.ts:188:18)
    at step (tslib.es6.js:100:23)
    at (tslib.es6.js:81:53)
    at tslib.es6.js:74:71
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at __awaiter (tslib.es6.js:70:12)
    at MqttOverWSProvider2.newClient (MqttOverWSProvider.ts:182:3)
    at MqttOverWSProvider2.<anonymous> (MqttOverWSProvider.ts:236:30)
    at step (tslib.es6.js:100:23)

Expected behavior

I would connect and use Pub/Sub as expected

Reproduction steps

Create an ActiveMQ broker on AmazonMQ and try to connect to it

import { CfnOutput, Fn } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { aws_iam as iam, aws_secretsmanager as secman, aws_amazonmq as amazonmq } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { isDev } from './utils';

type ActiveMQConstructProps = {
  authenticatedRole: iam.IRole;

export class ActiveMQConstruct extends Construct {
  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: ActiveMQConstructProps) {
    super(scope, id);

    const { authenticatedRole } = props;

    const password = new secman.Secret(this, 'BrokerAdminPassword', {
      generateSecretString: { excludePunctuation: true },
      description: 'Password for the Message Broker User',

    const user: amazonmq.CfnBroker.UserProperty = {
      consoleAccess: true,
      username: 'admin',
      password: password.toString(),

    const mqBroker = new amazonmq.CfnBroker(this, 'ActiveMQ', {
      autoMinorVersionUpgrade: true,
      brokerName: 'MyActiveMQ',
      storageType: 'in-memory', // havent tested this option, you can maybe remove it
      maintenanceWindowStartTime: {
        dayOfWeek: 'WEDNESDAY',
        timeOfDay: '14:00',
        timeZone: 'Europe/London',
      deploymentMode: 'SINGLE_INSTANCE',
      engineType: 'ActiveMQ', // Change engine type to ActiveMQ
      engineVersion: '5.15.10', // Use a compatible ActiveMQ version
      hostInstanceType: 'mq.t3.micro',
      publiclyAccessible: true,
      users: [user],

Code Snippet

import { MqttOverWSProvider } from "@aws-amplify/pubsub";
import { Amplify, Analytics, Hub, Logger, PubSub } from "aws-amplify";


export const configureAmplify = async () => {
    try {
            Auth: {
                region: env.AWS_REGION,
                userPoolId: env.AWS_COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID,
                userPoolWebClientId: env.AWS_COGNITO_ADMIN_USER_POOL_CLIENT_ID,
                identityPoolId: env.AWS_COGNITO_IDENTITY_POOL_ID,
                identityPoolRegion: env.AWS_REGION,
                mandatorySignIn: true,

            new MqttOverWSProvider({
                aws_pubsub_endpoint: env.AWS_MQTT_ENDPOINT,
                aws_region: env.AWS_REGION,

    } catch (error) {
        console.error("error occured during amplify setup", error);

And in my main.tsx for my Vite website

import {configureAmplify} from "@admin/lib/amplify";


            <Main />

Additional information and screenshots

Not sure which one of these should I use, I tried them all


The broker is publicly available

cwomack commented 5 months ago

@Nikola-Milovic, appreciate your patience on this issue for how it took us to get back. Is this still occurring and do you have a minimal sample repo you can share to reproduce this?

Nikola-Milovic commented 5 months ago

@cwomack i can try recreating it when I get the time, its been a while since I tried using it

cwomack commented 5 months ago

@Nikola-Milovic, understandable. I'll be building one on my side as well using v6 and double checking the documentation and steps at this point. Trying to determine if this is specific to v5, v6, a documentation miss, etc.