aws-amplify / amplify-js

A declarative JavaScript library for application development using cloud services.
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Amplify doesn't display custom icons for Push Notifications #11593

Closed asmonterroso closed 11 months ago

asmonterroso commented 12 months ago

Before opening, please confirm:

JavaScript Framework

React Native

Amplify APIs

Push Notifications

Amplify Categories


Environment information

``` # Put output below this line npm run android ```

Describe the bug

I have been trying to add a custom icon for Push Notifications in Amplify, but I'm facing some difficulties. I have attempted to add the icon in the drawable- and minimap- folders, and I even used the icons generated from the Android Asset Studio ( to confirm that the issue is not with my icons.

Example: How to Add Default Icons I followed the guide:

In the JSON configuration, I included the following line:

"IconReference": "ic_notification"

However, the custom icon is not being displayed. I also tried passing a URL in ImageIconUrl, but it didn't work either. I have followed various Firebase guides and attempted to include the icon in the AndroidManifest.xml, but the result is always the same: it shows a small Android icon, which I assume is the default one.

Steps to Reproduce:

Actual Behavior: The Push Notification always shows a small default Android icon.

Additional Information:

Thank you!

Expected behavior

The Push Notification should display the custom icon specified in the configuration.

Reproduction steps

Code Snippet

// Put your code below this line.

Log output

``` // Put your logs below this line ```


const awsmobile = {
  aws_project_region: "region",
  aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "region:xxxxxx",
  aws_cognito_region: "region",
  oauth: {},
  aws_cognito_username_attributes: [],
  aws_cognito_social_providers: [],
  aws_cognito_signup_attributes: [],
  aws_cognito_mfa_types: [],
  aws_cognito_password_protection_settings: {
    passwordPolicyCharacters: [],
  aws_cognito_verification_mechanisms: [],
  aws_mobile_analytics_app_id: "xxxxx",
  aws_mobile_analytics_app_region: "region",
  Analytics: {
    AWSPinpoint: {
      appId: "xxxxx",
      region: "region",
  Notifications: {
    Push: {
      AWSPinpoint: {
        appId: "xxxxx",
        region: "region",

export default awsmobile

Manual configuration

No response

Additional configuration

Add for support:

    tools:overrideLibrary="com.amplifyframework.pushnotifications.pinpoint.common, com.amplifyframework.annotations, com.amplifyframework.common.core" />

Mobile Device

No response

Mobile Operating System

No response

Mobile Browser

No response

Mobile Browser Version

No response

Additional information and screenshots

The first icon:

Screenshot 2023-07-07 at 13 23 46
jayjo34 commented 10 months ago

Hello @asmonterroso,

Why did you close the Issue? I do have the same problem, did you solved it? Thx in advance!

asmonterroso commented 10 months ago

Hi @jayjo34,

I didn't get help, but I found a solution at check it if it helps you.

But there are still problems to customize the icon and sound, I have searched many places and it is very difficult to find support for Amplify

jayjo34 commented 10 months ago

@asmonterroso thank you! I will check if this xml file will fix it, I already tried alot of things. I really like pinpoint, but the aws-amplify docs are very confusing and incomplete.

minotogna commented 9 months ago

Hi @asmonterroso did you find a solution to customize the icon on android ? I have the same problem Thank you

jayjo34 commented 9 months ago

@minotogna , @asmonterroso : I found a temporary workaround, here are the steps I did:

  1. Create a Custom Class inside /node_modules/@aws-amplify/rtn-push-notification/android/src/main/kotlin/com/amazonaws/amplify/rtnpushnotification/, which will be used as a clone for the compiled aws package : com.amplifyframework.pushnotifications.pinpoint.PushNotificationsUtils, I've named it CustomPushNotificationsUtils.kt.
  2. clone the original content from com.amplifyframework.pushnotifications.pinpoint.PushNotificationsUtilsClass into the newly created one, rename the cloned Class and resolve all errors which your IDE is showing you. (e.g. @OptIn(InternalAmplifyApi::class)) ( I've used Android Studio for this, just use the "go to definition" function and find the definition of import com.amplifyframework.pushnotifications.pinpoint.PushNotificationsUtils.)
  3. Now, you need to change the usage of PushNotificationsUtilsto CustomPushNotificationsUtils in /node_modules/@aws-amplify/rtn-push-notification/android/src/main/kotlin/com/amazonaws/amplify/rtnpushnotification/PushNotificationAWSPinpointUtils.kt :
    • change import com.amplifyframework.pushnotifications.pinpoint.PushNotificationsUtils to import com.amplifyframework.pushnotifications.pinpoint.CustomPushNotificationsUtils
    • Line 40 : private val utils = PushNotificationsUtils(context) to private val utils = CustomPushNotificationsUtils(context)
  4. Now, you can customize the notification as you want , for example (CustomPushNotificationsUtils.kt) :
    builder.apply {
               setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_notification) //set custom vector graphic with Android Studio
               setColor(Color.parseColor("#000000")) // set custom color
  5. optional : create a patch with patch-package


minotogna commented 9 months ago

@minotogna , @asmonterroso : I found a temporary workaround, here are the steps I did:

  1. Create a Custom Class inside /node_modules/@aws-amplify/rtn-push-notification/android/src/main/kotlin/com/amazonaws/amplify/rtnpushnotification/, which will be used as a clone for the compiled aws package : com.amplifyframework.pushnotifications.pinpoint.PushNotificationsUtils, I've named it CustomPushNotificationsUtils.kt.
  2. clone the original content from com.amplifyframework.pushnotifications.pinpoint.PushNotificationsUtilsClass into the newly created one, rename the cloned Class and resolve all errors which your IDE is showing you. (e.g. @OptIn(InternalAmplifyApi::class)) ( I've used Android Studio for this, just use the "go to definition" function and find the definition of import com.amplifyframework.pushnotifications.pinpoint.PushNotificationsUtils.)
  3. Now, you need to change the usage of PushNotificationsUtilsto CustomPushNotificationsUtils in /node_modules/@aws-amplify/rtn-push-notification/android/src/main/kotlin/com/amazonaws/amplify/rtnpushnotification/PushNotificationAWSPinpointUtils.kt :
  • change import com.amplifyframework.pushnotifications.pinpoint.PushNotificationsUtils to import com.amplifyframework.pushnotifications.pinpoint.CustomPushNotificationsUtils
  • Line 40 : private val utils = PushNotificationsUtils(context) to private val utils = CustomPushNotificationsUtils(context)
  1. Now, you can customize the notification as you want , for example (CustomPushNotificationsUtils.kt) :
builder.apply {
              setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_notification) //set custom vector graphic with Android Studio
              setColor(Color.parseColor("#000000")) // set custom color
  1. optional : create a patch with patch-package


  • Be aware that this is a workaround which could change with the next update of @aws-amplify

Thanks a lot @jayjo34 ! You made my day 😄 I will give it a try next week .

but does it mean there’s a bug from amplify side ? In case we should then reopen this issue to let find a permanent solution to this ? What are your thoughts?

thank you🌞

jayjo34 commented 9 months ago

@minotogna I think it is not a bug, rather a unrecognized feature. Actually, this involves two repos. To create a pull request somebody needs to integrate a possibility to change the notification parameters within React-Native. I currently don't have time to wrap around this PR. But a reopening should be at least useful.

jayjo34 commented 9 months ago


minotogna commented 9 months ago

@minotogna #12004

Thank you @jayjo34 ! I’ll follow this issue .

khanhpoeta commented 3 months ago

I have a solution without change code in node_module use ic_launcher_foreground.xml like a custom notification icon use ic_launcher.xml in mipmap-anydpi to define icon launcher in ic_launcher.xml we can define the app icon that don't use ic_launcher_foreground.xml in drawable

eg: this is my ic_launcher.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<adaptive-icon xmlns:android="">
    <background android:drawable="@drawable/ic_launcher_background" />
    <foreground android:drawable="@mipmap/ic_launcher_foreground" />
    <monochrome android:drawable="@mipmap/ic_launcher_monochrome" />