aws-amplify / amplify-js

A declarative JavaScript library for application development using cloud services.
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DataStore - subscriptionError Connection failed. (migration from v5 to v6 breaks subscriptions if we override GraphQL auth header) #12679

Closed ArsSirek closed 12 months ago

ArsSirek commented 12 months ago

Before opening, please confirm:

JavaScript Framework


Amplify APIs

Authentication, GraphQL API, DataStore, Storage

Amplify Categories

auth, storage, api

Environment information

``` System: OS: Linux 5.15 Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS 22.04.3 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) CPU: (8) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz Memory: 26.08 GB / 39.10 GB Container: Yes Shell: 5.1.16 - /bin/bash Binaries: Node: 19.7.0 - /tmp/yarn--1701855821793-0.9327831798435224/node Yarn: 1.22.19 - /tmp/yarn--1701855821793-0.9327831798435224/yarn npm: 9.8.0 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v19.7.0/bin/npm pnpm: 8.6.12 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v19.7.0/bin/pnpm Browsers: Chrome: 119.0.6045.199 Chromium: 119.0.6045.199 npmPackages: @atlaskit/theme: ^12.6.2 => 12.6.2 @atlaskit/theme/color-palettes: undefined () @atlaskit/theme/colors: undefined () @atlaskit/theme/components: undefined () @atlaskit/theme/constants: undefined () @atlaskit/theme/deprecated-provider-please-do-not-use: undefined () @atlaskit/theme/elevation: undefined () @atlaskit/theme/types: undefined () @atlaskit/theme/typography: undefined () @aws-amplify/auth: ^6.0.5 => 6.0.5 @aws-amplify/auth/cognito: undefined () @aws-amplify/auth/cognito/server: undefined () @aws-amplify/auth/server: undefined () @aws-amplify/datastore: ^5.0.5 => 5.0.5 @aws-amplify/storage: ^6.0.5 => 6.0.5 @aws-amplify/storage/s3: undefined () @aws-amplify/storage/s3/server: undefined () @aws-amplify/storage/server: undefined () @emotion/react: ^11.9.0 => 11.11.1 @emotion/styled: ^11.8.1 => 11.11.0 @hello-pangea/dnd: ^16.3.0 => 16.3.0 @mui/joy: ^5.0.0-alpha.78 => 5.0.0-beta.17 @mui/system: ^5.12.3 => 5.14.20 @my-scope/package-a: 0.0.0 @my-scope/package-b: 0.0.0 @paddle/paddle-js: ^0.3.1 => 0.3.1 @sentry/react: ^7.59.3 => 7.85.0 @storybook/addon-essentials: ^7.5.3 => 7.6.3 @storybook/addon-interactions: ^7.5.3 => 7.6.3 @storybook/addon-links: ^7.5.3 => 7.6.3 @storybook/addon-onboarding: ^1.0.8 => 1.0.9 @storybook/blocks: ^7.5.3 => 7.6.3 @storybook/react: ^7.5.3 => 7.6.3 @storybook/react-vite: ^7.5.3 => 7.6.3 @storybook/testing-library: ^0.2.2 => 0.2.2 @types/markdown-it: ^12.2.3 => 12.2.3 @types/node: ^12.20.47 => 12.20.55 (20.10.3, 20.5.1, 18.19.2) @types/qs: ^6.9.7 => 6.9.10 @types/raf-schd: ^4.0.1 => 4.0.3 @types/react: ^18.2.15 => 18.2.42 @types/react-beautiful-dnd: ^13.1.4 => 13.1.7 @types/react-dom: ^18.2.7 => 18.2.17 @types/react-toggle: ^4.0.3 => 4.0.5 @types/seedrandom: ^3 => 3.0.8 @types/uuid: ^8.3.4 => 8.3.4 (9.0.7) @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin: ^6.0.0 => 6.13.2 @typescript-eslint/parser: ^6.0.0 => 6.13.2 @vitejs/plugin-react-swc: ^3.3.2 => 3.5.0 @vue/compiler-sfc: ^3.3.4 => 3.3.10 aws-amplify: ^6.0.5 => 6.0.5 aws-amplify/adapter-core: undefined () aws-amplify/analytics: undefined () aws-amplify/analytics/kinesis: undefined () aws-amplify/analytics/kinesis-firehose: undefined () aws-amplify/analytics/personalize: undefined () aws-amplify/analytics/pinpoint: undefined () aws-amplify/api: undefined () aws-amplify/api/server: undefined () aws-amplify/auth: undefined () aws-amplify/auth/cognito: undefined () aws-amplify/auth/cognito/server: undefined () aws-amplify/auth/server: undefined () aws-amplify/datastore: undefined () aws-amplify/in-app-messaging: undefined () aws-amplify/in-app-messaging/pinpoint: undefined () aws-amplify/push-notifications: undefined () aws-amplify/push-notifications/pinpoint: undefined () aws-amplify/storage: undefined () aws-amplify/storage/s3: undefined () aws-amplify/storage/s3/server: undefined () aws-amplify/storage/server: undefined () aws-amplify/utils: undefined () baz: undefined () bfj: ^7.0.2 => 7.1.0 browser_field: undefined () browserslist: ^4.18.1 => 4.22.2 camelcase: ^6.2.1 => 6.3.0 (5.3.1) classnames: ^2.3.2 => 2.3.2 copyfiles: ^2.4.1 => 2.4.1 crel: ^4.2.1 => 4.2.1 css-box-model: ^1.2.1 => 1.2.1 date-fns: ^2.30.0 => 2.30.0 dotenv: ^10.0.0 => 10.0.0 (16.3.1) dotenv-expand: ^5.1.0 => 5.1.0 (10.0.0) eslint: ^8.45.0 => 8.55.0 eslint-plugin-react-hooks: ^4.6.0 => 4.6.0 eslint-plugin-react-refresh: ^0.4.3 => 0.4.5 eslint-plugin-storybook: ^0.6.15 => 0.6.15 false_main: undefined () file-loader: ^6.2.0 => 6.2.0 fs-extra: ^10.0.0 => 10.1.0 (11.2.0, 11.1.1, 9.1.0, 4.0.1) hotkeys-js: ^3.10.1 => 3.12.2 identity-obj-proxy: ^3.0.0 => 3.0.0 invalid_main: undefined () ljharb-monorepo-symlink-test: 0.0.0 markdown-it: ^12.3.2 => 12.3.2 (13.0.2) material-symbols: ^0.13.0 => 0.13.2 memoize-one: ^6.0.0 => 6.0.0 mobx: ^6.5.0 => 6.12.0 mobx-react-lite: ^3.3.0 => 3.4.3 mobx-state-tree: ^5.1.3 => 5.4.0 mylib: 0.0.0 nanoid: ^4.0.2 => 4.0.2 (3.3.7) notistack: v3 => 3.0.1 path-to-regexp: ^6.2.1 => 6.2.1 (0.1.7) postcss: ^8.4.4 => 8.4.32 postcss-normalize: ^10.0.1 => 10.0.1 postcss-preset-env: ^7.0.1 => 7.8.3 prompts: ^2.4.2 => 2.4.2 prosemirror: ^0.11.1 => 0.11.1 prosemirror-collab: ^1.3.0 => 1.3.1 prosemirror-dropcursor: ^1.5.0 => 1.8.1 prosemirror-example-setup: ^1.2.0 => 1.2.2 prosemirror-gapcursor: ^1.3.1 => 1.3.2 prosemirror-history: ^1.3.0 => 1.3.2 prosemirror-inputrules: ^1.2.0 => 1.3.0 prosemirror-keymap: ^1.2.0 => 1.2.2 prosemirror-markdown: ^1.9.1 => 1.11.2 prosemirror-model: ^1.18.1 => 1.19.3 prosemirror-schema-basic: ^1.2.0 => 1.2.2 prosemirror-schema-list: ^1.2.0 => 1.3.0 prosemirror-state: ^1.4.0 => 1.4.3 prosemirror-tables: ^1.1.1 => 1.3.5 prosemirror-transform: ^1.7.2 => 1.8.0 prosemirror-utils: ^0.9.6 => 0.9.6 prosemirror-view: ^1.26.1 => 1.32.5 qs: ^6.11.2 => 6.11.2 (6.11.0, 6.4.1) raf-schd: ^4.0.3 => 4.0.3 react: ^18.2.0 => 18.2.0 react-app-polyfill: ^3.0.0 => 3.0.0 react-cropper: ^2.1.8 => 2.3.3 react-dev-utils: ^12.0.1 => 12.0.1 react-dom: ^18.2.0 => 18.2.0 react-hook-form: ^7.39.3 => 7.48.2 react-intl-universal: ^2.5.1 => 2.9.0 react-intl-universal-extract: ^1.0.4 => 1.0.6 react-redux: ^8.1.2 => 8.1.3 react-refresh: ^0.11.0 => 0.11.0 (0.14.0) react-router-dom: ^6.2.2 => 6.20.1 react-toggle: ^4.1.2 => 4.1.3 redux: ^4.2.1 => 4.2.1 resolve: ^1.20.0 => 1.22.8 rimraf: ^5.0.1 => 5.0.5 (3.0.2, 2.7.1, 2.6.3) seedrandom: ^3.0.5 => 3.0.5 semver: ^7.3.5 => 7.5.4 (6.3.1, 5.7.2) storybook: ^7.5.3 => 7.6.3 tailwindcss: ^3.0.2 => 3.3.6 transliteration: ^2.3.5 => 2.3.5 typescript: ^5.0.2 => 5.3.2 use-memo-one: ^1.1.3 => 1.1.3 vite: ^4.4.5 => 4.5.1 vite-bundle-visualizer: ^0.10.0 => 0.10.1 vite-plugin-svgr: ^3.2.0 => 3.3.0 web-vitals: ^0.2.4 => 0.2.4 workbox-expiration: ^7.0.0 => 7.0.0 workbox-precaching: ^7.0.0 => 7.0.0 workbox-routing: ^7.0.0 => 7.0.0 workbox-strategies: ^7.0.0 => 7.0.0 npmGlobalPackages: corepack: 0.16.0 create-react-app: 5.0.1 http-server: 14.1.1 npm: 9.8.0 pnpm: 8.6.12 to: 0.2.9 yarn: 1.22.19 Done in 2.43s. ```

Describe the bug

AWS Amplify allows to override Authorization header for GraphQL API, this is useful for example if we want to pass cognito Id token instead of the access token (to utilize custom attributes in the auth rules in the GraphQL schema)

In previous version (aws-amplify/5.3.8 datastore/2 framework/1) When I override the auth logic with

    DataStore: {
        authModeStrategyType: AuthModeStrategyType.MULTI_AUTH,
    // Use ID token instead of access token in API calls
    API: {
        graphql_headers: async () => {
            const session = await Auth.currentSession();
            return {
                Authorization: session.getIdToken().getJwtToken(),

DataStore worked fine with Xhr requests to AppSync and with subscriptions requests from Web-sockets as well.

Now after I migrated to v6. (aws-amplify/6.0.5 datastore/2 framework/1) I configure the same logic with a new syntax

export const headerResolver = async (options: {
    query: string;
    variables?: Record<string, DocumentType>;
}): Promise<Record<string, string>> => {
    const { idToken } = (await fetchAuthSession()).tokens ?? {};
    return {
        "Authorization": idToken!.toString(),

Amplify.configure(amplifyconfig, {
    API: {
        GraphQL: {
            headers: headerResolver,
            withCredentials: false
    Storage: {
        S3: {
            prefixResolver: prefixResolver

    authModeStrategyType: AuthModeStrategyType.MULTI_AUTH,

But now only the Xhr requests uses the configured Auth headers, the websocket subscription requests ignores this setting and continues to use the access token. I will attach a screenshot where you can see that the Auth header used in websocket is the access token. Screenshot from 2023-12-06 13-59-06

Expected behavior

I would expect the websockets Subscription request to respect the Authorization header override too.

At least this is a breaking change, because in the v5 my setup works fine.

Reproduction steps

  1. install aws amplify project
  2. configure auth override (as provided in this issue)
  3. use Auth rules that expect custom attribute claims like this one
    type ClientUser @model @auth(rules: [{ allow: owner, ownerField: "ownerId", identityClaim: "custom:clientId" }]) {
    ownerId: ID! @index(name: "byClient")
    id: ID! @primaryKey
  4. See that POST requests pass the auth rules fine, but the subscription fails with the DataStore - subscriptionError Connection failed error message due to the fact that it continues to use access token which obviously fails the @auth rule checks

Code Snippet

Amplify.configure(amplifyconfig, {
    API: {
        GraphQL: {
            headers: headerResolver,
            withCredentials: false
    Storage: {
        S3: {
            prefixResolver: prefixResolver

    authModeStrategyType: AuthModeStrategyType.MULTI_AUTH,

example GraphQL schema

type ClientUser @model @auth(rules: [{ allow: owner, ownerField: "ownerId", identityClaim: "custom:clientId" }]) {
    ownerId: ID! @index(name: "byClient")
    id: ID! @primaryKey
    email: String! @index(name: "byEmail")
    name: String
    surname: String
    isConfirmed: Boolean

Log output

``` [DEBUG] 11:53.687 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - closing WebSocket... chunk-OIFQX63M.js:78:10 [DEBUG] 11:53.688 Hub - Dispatching to api with Object { event: "ConnectionStateChange", data: {…}, message: "Connection state is Disconnected" } chunk-OIFQX63M.js:88:10 Navigated to https://localhost:5173/app/aba/%D0%B5%D1%83%D1%8B%D0%B5%D1%83vvvvvvv-3463435d-dde3-44e8-9757-78e646bf9f37 [vite] connecting... client.ts:18:8 [vite] connected. client.ts:150:14 Download the React DevTools for a better development experience: react-dom.development.js:29840:16 VITE_API_BASE_URL DocumentSyncManager.ts:40:8 [DEBUG] 12:04.526 Hub - Dispatching to core with Object { event: "configure", data: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:04.529 Hub - Dispatching to core with Object { event: "configure", data: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:04.792 CognitoCredentialsProvider - Clearing out in-memory credentials ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.199 DataStore - Starting DataStore ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.199 DataStore - Starting Storage ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.467 DataStore - GraphQL endpoint available ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [INFO] 12:05.468 DataStore - starting sync engine... ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.486 Hub - Dispatching to datastore with Object { event: "networkStatus", data: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.486 Hub - Dispatching to datastore with Object { event: "networkStatus", data: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.486 Hub - Dispatching to datastore with Object { event: "storageSubscribed", data: undefined } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.487 Hub - Dispatching to datastore with Object { event: "storageSubscribed", data: undefined } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.488 CognitoCredentialsProvider - returning stored credentials as they neither past TTL nor expired. 2 ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [INFO] 12:05.489 DataStore - Realtime ready ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.489 Hub - Dispatching to datastore with Object { event: "subscriptionsEstablished", data: undefined } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.490 Hub - Dispatching to datastore with Object { event: "subscriptionsEstablished", data: undefined } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.495 CognitoCredentialsProvider - returning stored credentials as they neither past TTL nor expired. ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.496 CognitoCredentialsProvider - returning stored credentials as they neither past TTL nor expired. 17 ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.497 CognitoCredentialsProvider - returning stored credentials as they neither past TTL nor expired. 2 ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.498 DataStore - Attempting Create subscription with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.499 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Authenticating with "userPool" ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.499 DataStore - Attempting Update subscription with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.499 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Authenticating with "userPool" ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.499 DataStore - Attempting Delete subscription with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.500 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Authenticating with "userPool" ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.500 DataStore - Attempting Create subscription with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.500 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Authenticating with "userPool" ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.500 DataStore - Attempting Update subscription with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.500 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Authenticating with "userPool" ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.501 DataStore - Attempting Delete subscription with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.501 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Authenticating with "userPool" ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.501 DataStore - Attempting Create subscription with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.501 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Authenticating with "userPool" ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.502 DataStore - Attempting Update subscription with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.502 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Authenticating with "userPool" ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.502 DataStore - Attempting Delete subscription with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.502 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Authenticating with "userPool" ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.502 DataStore - Attempting Create subscription with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.502 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Authenticating with "userPool" ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.503 DataStore - Attempting Update subscription with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.503 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Authenticating with "userPool" ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.503 DataStore - Attempting Delete subscription with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.503 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Authenticating with "userPool" ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.504 DataStore - Attempting Create subscription with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.504 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Authenticating with "userPool" ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.504 DataStore - Attempting Update subscription with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.504 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Authenticating with "userPool" ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.504 DataStore - Attempting Delete subscription with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.504 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Authenticating with "userPool" ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.509 CognitoCredentialsProvider - returning stored credentials as they neither past TTL nor expired. 15 ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.510 Hub - Dispatching to api with Object { event: "ConnectionStateChange", data: {…}, message: "Connection state is Connecting" } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.510 Hub - Dispatching to api with Object { event: "ConnectionStateChange", data: {…}, message: "Connection state is Connecting" } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.510 Hub - Dispatching to api with Object { event: "ConnectionStateChange", data: {…}, message: "Connection state is Connecting" } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.510 Hub - Dispatching to api with Object { event: "ConnectionStateChange", data: {…}, message: "Connection state is Connecting" } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.511 Hub - Dispatching to api with Object { event: "ConnectionStateChange", data: {…}, message: "Connection state is Connecting" } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.511 Hub - Dispatching to api with Object { event: "ConnectionStateChange", data: {…}, message: "Connection state is Connecting" } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.511 Hub - Dispatching to api with Object { event: "ConnectionStateChange", data: {…}, message: "Connection state is Connecting" } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.511 Hub - Dispatching to api with Object { event: "ConnectionStateChange", data: {…}, message: "Connection state is Connecting" } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.511 Hub - Dispatching to api with Object { event: "ConnectionStateChange", data: {…}, message: "Connection state is Connecting" } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.511 Hub - Dispatching to api with Object { event: "ConnectionStateChange", data: {…}, message: "Connection state is Connecting" } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.511 Hub - Dispatching to api with Object { event: "ConnectionStateChange", data: {…}, message: "Connection state is Connecting" } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.511 Hub - Dispatching to api with Object { event: "ConnectionStateChange", data: {…}, message: "Connection state is Connecting" } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.511 Hub - Dispatching to api with Object { event: "ConnectionStateChange", data: {…}, message: "Connection state is Connecting" } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.512 Hub - Dispatching to api with Object { event: "ConnectionStateChange", data: {…}, message: "Connection state is Connecting" } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.512 Hub - Dispatching to api with Object { event: "ConnectionStateChange", data: {…}, message: "Connection state is Connecting" } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.512 Hub - Dispatching to api with Object { event: "ConnectionStateChange", data: {…}, message: "Connection state is Connecting" } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.512 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Authenticating with "userPool" ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.513 CognitoCredentialsProvider - returning stored credentials as they neither past TTL nor expired. ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.513 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Initializaling retryable Handshake ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.513 retryUtil - bound _initializeHandshake attempt #1 with this vars: ["wss://"] ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.513 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Initializing handshake wss:// ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.515 Hub - Dispatching to datastore with Object { event: "outboxStatus", data: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.515 Hub - Dispatching to datastore with Object { event: "outboxStatus", data: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.517 Hub - Dispatching to datastore with Object { event: "syncQueriesStarted", data: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.517 Hub - Dispatching to datastore with Object { event: "syncQueriesStarted", data: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.524 CognitoCredentialsProvider - returning stored credentials as they neither past TTL nor expired. 10 ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.525 CognitoCredentialsProvider - returning stored credentials as they neither past TTL nor expired. 10 ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.526 DataStore - Attempting sync with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.526 retryUtil - attempt #1 with this vars: ["query operation($limit: Int, $nextToken: String, $lastSync: AWSTimestamp, $filter: ModelClientFilterInput){\n\t\tsyncClients(limit: $limit, nextToken: $nextToken, lastSync: $lastSync, filter: $filter){\n\t\t\titems {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tid\nownerUserId\nname\nslug\ninviteLink\ndefaultRoles\ncreated_at\ncustomer_id\nsubscription_plan\nsubscription_status\nsubscription_endsAt\nsubscription_details\ncreatedAt\nupdatedAt\n_version\n_lastChangedAt\n_deleted\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tnextToken\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstartedAt\n\t\t}\n\t}",{"limit":1000,"nextToken":null,"lastSync":1701857512016,"filter":null}] ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.526 DataStore - Attempting sync with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.526 retryUtil - attempt #1 with this vars: ["query operation($limit: Int, $nextToken: String, $lastSync: AWSTimestamp, $filter: ModelClientUserFilterInput){\n\t\tsyncClientUsers(limit: $limit, nextToken: $nextToken, lastSync: $lastSync, filter: $filter){\n\t\t\titems {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tid\nownerId\nemail\nname\nsurname\nisAdmin\nisReadOnly\nroles\nisConfirmed\navatarPath\ncreatedAt\nupdatedAt\n_version\n_lastChangedAt\n_deleted\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tnextToken\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstartedAt\n\t\t}\n\t}",{"limit":1000,"nextToken":null,"lastSync":1701857512042,"filter":null}] ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.526 DataStore - Attempting sync with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.526 retryUtil - attempt #1 with this vars: ["query operation($limit: Int, $nextToken: String, $lastSync: AWSTimestamp, $filter: ModelClientUserInviteFilterInput){\n\t\tsyncClientUserInvites(limit: $limit, nextToken: $nextToken, lastSync: $lastSync, filter: $filter){\n\t\t\titems {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tid\nownerId\nemail\nisAdmin\nisReadOnly\nroles\nisInviteConfirmed\ninviteLink\ncreatedAt\nupdatedAt\n_version\n_lastChangedAt\n_deleted\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tnextToken\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstartedAt\n\t\t}\n\t}",{"limit":1000,"nextToken":null,"lastSync":1701857512004,"filter":null}] ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.526 DataStore - Attempting sync with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.526 retryUtil - attempt #1 with this vars: ["query operation($limit: Int, $nextToken: String, $lastSync: AWSTimestamp, $filter: ModelWorkspaceFilterInput){\n\t\tsyncWorkspaces(limit: $limit, nextToken: $nextToken, lastSync: $lastSync, filter: $filter){\n\t\t\titems {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tid\nownerId\nname\nchildIds\narchivedIds\ntrashedIds\npinnedIds\nupdatedAt\ncreatedAt\n_version\n_lastChangedAt\n_deleted\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tnextToken\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstartedAt\n\t\t}\n\t}",{"limit":1000,"nextToken":null,"lastSync":1701857511981,"filter":null}] ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.526 DataStore - Attempting sync with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.526 retryUtil - attempt #1 with this vars: ["query operation($limit: Int, $nextToken: String, $lastSync: AWSTimestamp, $filter: ModelItemFilterInput){\n\t\tsyncItems(limit: $limit, nextToken: $nextToken, lastSync: $lastSync, filter: $filter){\n\t\t\titems {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tid\nownerId\nworkspaceId\nname\ntype\nchildIds\nparentIds\nreadRoles\nwriteRoles\ncreator\npinned\ntrashed\narchived\nupdatedAt\ncreatedAt\n_version\n_lastChangedAt\n_deleted\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tnextToken\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstartedAt\n\t\t}\n\t}",{"limit":1000,"nextToken":null,"lastSync":1701857512001,"filter":null}] ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.529 CognitoCredentialsProvider - returning stored credentials as they neither past TTL nor expired. 5 ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.532 CognitoCredentialsProvider - returning stored credentials as they neither past TTL nor expired. 5 ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.703 DataStore - Sync successful with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.712 Hub - Dispatching to datastore with Object { event: "modelSynced", data: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.713 Hub - Dispatching to datastore with Object { event: "modelSynced", data: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.719 DataStore - Sync successful with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.721 Hub - Dispatching to datastore with Object { event: "modelSynced", data: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.721 Hub - Dispatching to datastore with Object { event: "modelSynced", data: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.744 DataStore - Sync successful with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.747 Hub - Dispatching to datastore with Object { event: "modelSynced", data: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.747 Hub - Dispatching to datastore with Object { event: "modelSynced", data: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.767 DataStore - Sync successful with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.770 Hub - Dispatching to datastore with Object { event: "modelSynced", data: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.771 Hub - Dispatching to datastore with Object { event: "modelSynced", data: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.788 DataStore - Sync successful with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.793 Hub - Dispatching to datastore with Object { event: "modelSynced", data: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.793 Hub - Dispatching to datastore with Object { event: "modelSynced", data: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.793 Hub - Dispatching to datastore with Object { event: "syncQueriesReady", data: undefined } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.794 Hub - Dispatching to datastore with Object { event: "syncQueriesReady", data: undefined } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.794 DataStore - Next fullSync in 671.272 seconds. (Wed Dec 06 2023 14:23:17 GMT+0400 (Armenia Standard Time)) ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.795 Hub - Dispatching to datastore with Object { event: "ready", data: undefined } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.795 Hub - Dispatching to datastore with Object { event: "ready", data: undefined } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 datastore ready datastoreSync.ts:16:20 [DEBUG] 12:05.797 CognitoCredentialsProvider - returning stored credentials as they neither past TTL nor expired. ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.798 CognitoCredentialsProvider - returning stored credentials as they neither past TTL nor expired. ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.809 sync_wsp - syncWorkspaceOn c7ef883d-dc27-4db5-af77-42cceafbfe75 ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 users 2 UsersProvider.ts:70:16 reslove attemptToLoadWorkspaces state.ts:57:24 resolve attemptToLoadClientUsers state.ts:74:24 [DEBUG] 12:05.844 CognitoCredentialsProvider - returning stored credentials as they neither past TTL nor expired. ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.845 CognitoCredentialsProvider - returning stored credentials as they neither past TTL nor expired. 2 ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS request did not succeed). Status code: (null). Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at ActivityProvider.ts:27:27 [DEBUG] 12:05.864 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - subscription message from AWS AppSyncRealTime: {"type":"connection_ack","payload":{"connectionTimeoutMs":300000}} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.864 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Notifying connection successful 6 ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.865 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Notifying connection successful 9 ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.866 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - subscription message from AWS AppSync RealTime: {"type":"ka"} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:05.866 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider Object { id: "", observer: null, query: "", variables: {} } ConsoleLogger.ts:77:16 destroy2 EditorReact.tsx:124:28 [DEBUG] 12:06.0 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - subscription message from AWS AppSync RealTime: {"id":"23a2c5a5-27c8-436f-a239-44770ebb5edf","type":"error","payload":{"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onCreateClient on type Subscription"}]}} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.0 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider Object { id: "23a2c5a5-27c8-436f-a239-44770ebb5edf", observer: {…}, query: "subscription operation($id: String!) {\n onCreateClient(id: $id) {\n id\n ownerUserId\n name\n slug\n inviteLink\n defaultRoles\n created_at\n customer_id\n subscription_plan\n subscription_status\n subscription_endsAt\n subscription_details\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n _version\n _lastChangedAt\n _deleted\n }\n}\n", variables: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:77:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.0 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onCreateClient on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.0 DataStore - Create subscription failed with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [WARN] 12:06.0 DataStore - subscriptionError Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onCreateClient on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 Unrecoverable error Object { error: {…} } index.tsx:60:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.1 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Error while unsubscribing Error: Subscription never connected ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.9 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - subscription message from AWS AppSync RealTime: {"id":"fabc8d96-270c-4e13-8ca0-e874dccb2c4c","type":"error","payload":{"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onDeleteClient on type Subscription"}]}} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.9 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider Object { id: "fabc8d96-270c-4e13-8ca0-e874dccb2c4c", observer: {…}, query: "subscription operation($id: String!) {\n onDeleteClient(id: $id) {\n id\n ownerUserId\n name\n slug\n inviteLink\n defaultRoles\n created_at\n customer_id\n subscription_plan\n subscription_status\n subscription_endsAt\n subscription_details\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n _version\n _lastChangedAt\n _deleted\n }\n}\n", variables: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:77:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.10 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onDeleteClient on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.10 DataStore - Delete subscription failed with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [WARN] 12:06.10 DataStore - subscriptionError Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onDeleteClient on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 Unrecoverable error Object { error: {…} } index.tsx:60:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.10 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Error while unsubscribing Error: Subscription never connected ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.11 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - subscription message from AWS AppSync RealTime: {"id":"12fae5f0-8b9c-495b-84f9-b20f1385bf1d","type":"error","payload":{"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onUpdateClientUser on type Subscription"}]}} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.11 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider Object { id: "12fae5f0-8b9c-495b-84f9-b20f1385bf1d", observer: {…}, query: "subscription operation($ownerId: String!) {\n onUpdateClientUser(ownerId: $ownerId) {\n id\n ownerId\n email\n name\n surname\n isAdmin\n isReadOnly\n roles\n isConfirmed\n avatarPath\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n _version\n _lastChangedAt\n _deleted\n }\n}\n", variables: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:77:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.11 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onUpdateClientUser on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.11 DataStore - Update subscription failed with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [WARN] 12:06.11 DataStore - subscriptionError Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onUpdateClientUser on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 Unrecoverable error Object { error: {…} } index.tsx:60:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.12 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Error while unsubscribing Error: Subscription never connected ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.12 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - subscription message from AWS AppSync RealTime: {"id":"be91e86d-eb33-4757-b37a-f778ec7d027a","type":"error","payload":{"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onUpdateClient on type Subscription"}]}} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.12 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider Object { id: "be91e86d-eb33-4757-b37a-f778ec7d027a", observer: {…}, query: "subscription operation($id: String!) {\n onUpdateClient(id: $id) {\n id\n ownerUserId\n name\n slug\n inviteLink\n defaultRoles\n created_at\n customer_id\n subscription_plan\n subscription_status\n subscription_endsAt\n subscription_details\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n _version\n _lastChangedAt\n _deleted\n }\n}\n", variables: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:77:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.12 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onUpdateClient on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.12 DataStore - Update subscription failed with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [WARN] 12:06.12 DataStore - subscriptionError Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onUpdateClient on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 Unrecoverable error Object { error: {…} } index.tsx:60:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.13 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Error while unsubscribing Error: Subscription never connected ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.58 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - subscription message from AWS AppSync RealTime: {"id":"930c1692-db0e-4702-ae4c-b82ebacb9b58","type":"error","payload":{"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onDeleteClientUser on type Subscription"}]}} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.58 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider Object { id: "930c1692-db0e-4702-ae4c-b82ebacb9b58", observer: {…}, query: "subscription operation($ownerId: String!) {\n onDeleteClientUser(ownerId: $ownerId) {\n id\n ownerId\n email\n name\n surname\n isAdmin\n isReadOnly\n roles\n isConfirmed\n avatarPath\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n _version\n _lastChangedAt\n _deleted\n }\n}\n", variables: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:77:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.58 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onDeleteClientUser on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.58 DataStore - Delete subscription failed with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [WARN] 12:06.58 DataStore - subscriptionError Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onDeleteClientUser on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 Unrecoverable error Object { error: {…} } index.tsx:60:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.58 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Error while unsubscribing Error: Subscription never connected ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.66 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - subscription message from AWS AppSync RealTime: {"id":"ae919806-fa41-43fb-b687-de8a422f9b33","type":"error","payload":{"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onCreateClientUser on type Subscription"}]}} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.66 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider Object { id: "ae919806-fa41-43fb-b687-de8a422f9b33", observer: {…}, query: "subscription operation($ownerId: String!) {\n onCreateClientUser(ownerId: $ownerId) {\n id\n ownerId\n email\n name\n surname\n isAdmin\n isReadOnly\n roles\n isConfirmed\n avatarPath\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n _version\n _lastChangedAt\n _deleted\n }\n}\n", variables: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:77:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.66 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onCreateClientUser on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.66 DataStore - Create subscription failed with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [WARN] 12:06.67 DataStore - subscriptionError Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onCreateClientUser on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 Unrecoverable error Object { error: {…} } index.tsx:60:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.67 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Error while unsubscribing Error: Subscription never connected ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.68 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - subscription message from AWS AppSync RealTime: {"id":"7b7bcf39-be10-4f98-a2b0-a4ec0754ed39","type":"error","payload":{"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onCreateClientUserInvite on type Subscription"}]}} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.68 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider Object { id: "7b7bcf39-be10-4f98-a2b0-a4ec0754ed39", observer: {…}, query: "subscription operation($ownerId: String!) {\n onCreateClientUserInvite(ownerId: $ownerId) {\n id\n ownerId\n email\n isAdmin\n isReadOnly\n roles\n isInviteConfirmed\n inviteLink\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n _version\n _lastChangedAt\n _deleted\n }\n}\n", variables: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:77:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.68 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onCreateClientUserInvite on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.68 DataStore - Create subscription failed with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [WARN] 12:06.69 DataStore - subscriptionError Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onCreateClientUserInvite on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 Unrecoverable error Object { error: {…} } index.tsx:60:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.69 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Error while unsubscribing Error: Subscription never connected ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.69 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - subscription message from AWS AppSync RealTime: {"id":"a3d38179-1cdb-4e6a-845a-03acb69297f7","type":"error","payload":{"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onCreateWorkspace on type Subscription"}]}} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.69 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider Object { id: "a3d38179-1cdb-4e6a-845a-03acb69297f7", observer: {…}, query: "subscription operation($ownerId: String!) {\n onCreateWorkspace(ownerId: $ownerId) {\n id\n ownerId\n name\n childIds\n archivedIds\n trashedIds\n pinnedIds\n updatedAt\n createdAt\n _version\n _lastChangedAt\n _deleted\n }\n}\n", variables: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:77:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.70 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onCreateWorkspace on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.70 DataStore - Create subscription failed with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [WARN] 12:06.70 DataStore - subscriptionError Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onCreateWorkspace on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 Unrecoverable error Object { error: {…} } index.tsx:60:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.70 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Error while unsubscribing Error: Subscription never connected ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.70 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - subscription message from AWS AppSync RealTime: {"id":"617fa299-f850-436d-a44a-4b4b0cc9364c","type":"error","payload":{"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onDeleteClientUserInvite on type Subscription"}]}} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.70 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider Object { id: "617fa299-f850-436d-a44a-4b4b0cc9364c", observer: {…}, query: "subscription operation($ownerId: String!) {\n onDeleteClientUserInvite(ownerId: $ownerId) {\n id\n ownerId\n email\n isAdmin\n isReadOnly\n roles\n isInviteConfirmed\n inviteLink\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n _version\n _lastChangedAt\n _deleted\n }\n}\n", variables: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:77:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.70 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onDeleteClientUserInvite on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.70 DataStore - Delete subscription failed with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [WARN] 12:06.71 DataStore - subscriptionError Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onDeleteClientUserInvite on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 Unrecoverable error Object { error: {…} } index.tsx:60:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.71 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Error while unsubscribing Error: Subscription never connected ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.72 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - subscription message from AWS AppSync RealTime: {"id":"6331c2dc-ad74-4397-8ce8-d1dba485510d","type":"error","payload":{"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onUpdateClientUserInvite on type Subscription"}]}} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.72 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider Object { id: "6331c2dc-ad74-4397-8ce8-d1dba485510d", observer: {…}, query: "subscription operation($ownerId: String!) {\n onUpdateClientUserInvite(ownerId: $ownerId) {\n id\n ownerId\n email\n isAdmin\n isReadOnly\n roles\n isInviteConfirmed\n inviteLink\n createdAt\n updatedAt\n _version\n _lastChangedAt\n _deleted\n }\n}\n", variables: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:77:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.73 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onUpdateClientUserInvite on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.73 DataStore - Update subscription failed with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [WARN] 12:06.73 DataStore - subscriptionError Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onUpdateClientUserInvite on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 Unrecoverable error Object { error: {…} } index.tsx:60:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.73 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Error while unsubscribing Error: Subscription never connected ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.105 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - subscription message from AWS AppSync RealTime: {"id":"e06d9fc1-5645-4567-a59d-6a5c3dba740c","type":"error","payload":{"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onCreateItem on type Subscription"}]}} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.105 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider Object { id: "e06d9fc1-5645-4567-a59d-6a5c3dba740c", observer: {…}, query: "subscription operation($ownerId: String!) {\n onCreateItem(ownerId: $ownerId) {\n id\n ownerId\n workspaceId\n name\n type\n childIds\n parentIds\n readRoles\n writeRoles\n creator\n pinned\n trashed\n archived\n updatedAt\n createdAt\n _version\n _lastChangedAt\n _deleted\n }\n}\n", variables: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:77:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.105 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onCreateItem on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.106 DataStore - Create subscription failed with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [WARN] 12:06.106 DataStore - subscriptionError Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onCreateItem on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 Unrecoverable error Object { error: {…} } index.tsx:60:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.106 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Error while unsubscribing Error: Subscription never connected ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.106 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - subscription message from AWS AppSync RealTime: {"id":"8c1e8464-5372-407e-9642-789f3326c42c","type":"error","payload":{"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onDeleteWorkspace on type Subscription"}]}} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.106 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider Object { id: "8c1e8464-5372-407e-9642-789f3326c42c", observer: {…}, query: "subscription operation($ownerId: String!) {\n onDeleteWorkspace(ownerId: $ownerId) {\n id\n ownerId\n name\n childIds\n archivedIds\n trashedIds\n pinnedIds\n updatedAt\n createdAt\n _version\n _lastChangedAt\n _deleted\n }\n}\n", variables: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:77:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.107 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onDeleteWorkspace on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.107 DataStore - Delete subscription failed with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [WARN] 12:06.107 DataStore - subscriptionError Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onDeleteWorkspace on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 Unrecoverable error Object { error: {…} } index.tsx:60:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.107 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Error while unsubscribing Error: Subscription never connected ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.107 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - subscription message from AWS AppSync RealTime: {"id":"6614fdf6-abd8-430c-a0d6-8fbd626ade9a","type":"error","payload":{"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onUpdateWorkspace on type Subscription"}]}} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.107 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider Object { id: "6614fdf6-abd8-430c-a0d6-8fbd626ade9a", observer: {…}, query: "subscription operation($ownerId: String!) {\n onUpdateWorkspace(ownerId: $ownerId) {\n id\n ownerId\n name\n childIds\n archivedIds\n trashedIds\n pinnedIds\n updatedAt\n createdAt\n _version\n _lastChangedAt\n _deleted\n }\n}\n", variables: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:77:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.108 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onUpdateWorkspace on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.108 DataStore - Update subscription failed with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [WARN] 12:06.108 DataStore - subscriptionError Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onUpdateWorkspace on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 Unrecoverable error Object { error: {…} } index.tsx:60:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.108 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Error while unsubscribing Error: Subscription never connected ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.108 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - subscription message from AWS AppSync RealTime: {"id":"2253db55-9327-4a35-bc59-18839f400d07","type":"error","payload":{"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onDeleteItem on type Subscription"}]}} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.108 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider Object { id: "2253db55-9327-4a35-bc59-18839f400d07", observer: {…}, query: "subscription operation($ownerId: String!) {\n onDeleteItem(ownerId: $ownerId) {\n id\n ownerId\n workspaceId\n name\n type\n childIds\n parentIds\n readRoles\n writeRoles\n creator\n pinned\n trashed\n archived\n updatedAt\n createdAt\n _version\n _lastChangedAt\n _deleted\n }\n}\n", variables: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:77:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.108 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onDeleteItem on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.109 DataStore - Delete subscription failed with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [WARN] 12:06.109 DataStore - subscriptionError Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onDeleteItem on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 Unrecoverable error Object { error: {…} } index.tsx:60:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.109 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Error while unsubscribing Error: Subscription never connected ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.109 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - subscription message from AWS AppSync RealTime: {"id":"cb931285-6289-4f85-bf44-7a6ffb243eb3","type":"error","payload":{"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onUpdateItem on type Subscription"}]}} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.109 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider Object { id: "cb931285-6289-4f85-bf44-7a6ffb243eb3", observer: {…}, query: "subscription operation($ownerId: String!) {\n onUpdateItem(ownerId: $ownerId) {\n id\n ownerId\n workspaceId\n name\n type\n childIds\n parentIds\n readRoles\n writeRoles\n creator\n pinned\n trashed\n archived\n updatedAt\n createdAt\n _version\n _lastChangedAt\n _deleted\n }\n}\n", variables: {…} } ConsoleLogger.ts:77:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.109 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onUpdateItem on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.109 DataStore - Update subscription failed with authMode: userPool ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [WARN] 12:06.109 DataStore - subscriptionError Connection failed: {"errors":[{"errorType":"Unauthorized","message":"Not Authorized to access onUpdateItem on type Subscription"}]} ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16 Unrecoverable error Object { error: {…} } index.tsx:60:16 [DEBUG] 12:06.110 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - Error while unsubscribing Error: Subscription never connected ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:07.1 AWSAppSyncRealTimeProvider - closing WebSocket... ConsoleLogger.ts:73:16 [DEBUG] 12:07.2 Hub - Dispatching to api with Object { event: "ConnectionStateChange", data: {…}, message: "Connection state is Disconnected" } ConsoleLogger.ts:85:16... ```


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ArsSirek commented 12 months ago

We can close this as a duplicate to

Thanks to the response in discord server

Sorry I didn't search duplicates well enough it seems.

cwomack commented 12 months ago

@ArsSirek, thanks for taking the time to comment that back and dig into our Discord server for the answer! I'll close this as duplicate, but feel free to open a new GH issue or ask further questions on Discord if needed.