aws-amplify / amplify-js

A declarative JavaScript library for application development using cloud services.
Apache License 2.0
9.44k stars 2.13k forks source link

Flutter support #1852

Closed arsewizz closed 4 years ago

arsewizz commented 6 years ago

is there any roadmap for flutter with amplify-js ?

mlabieniec commented 6 years ago

Hello, we don't currently have this on our immediate roadmap but I we can definitely mark this as a feature request and track the interest here.

arsewizz commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the reply

jaxondu commented 6 years ago

Very much interested.

GregorySech commented 6 years ago

Same here!

scottdewald commented 6 years ago

Interested! Lack of this SDK is why I didn't consider AWS when looking at cloud providers.

sweepy84 commented 6 years ago

Same - I would have used AWS if flutter integration was available.

peledni commented 6 years ago

Would love to see support for this!

arthurliebhardt commented 6 years ago


wzedi commented 6 years ago


piyushmaurya23 commented 6 years ago

Looking forward to it. It will be a firebase killer for flutter. Currently, only firebase SDK is available for flutter, we definitely need more SDK for flutter also. Flutter seems promising, there shouldn't be a monopoly for cloud SDK. I would love to contribute to its progress for flutter. Please update here when development is started for flutter.

rytedesigns commented 6 years ago


RaduGrama commented 6 years ago


olivoil commented 6 years ago

interested as well!

sriharsha-y commented 6 years ago


ykbryan commented 6 years ago


ankraj077 commented 6 years ago

Definitely Interested! A combo of Flutter and AWS Amplify will rock

XgotecX commented 5 years ago

Same over here, very Interested!

EddieRietz commented 5 years ago

Same here. Highly interested!

marcglasberg commented 5 years ago

We need this. As fast as possible.

yamauchieduardo commented 5 years ago

Same here, this is a important feature!

sdkitono commented 5 years ago


sweepy84 commented 5 years ago


WChoy commented 5 years ago


cinerama commented 5 years ago


topcatse commented 5 years ago

Very much interested.

charlesburks commented 5 years ago

+1 Please

jeveloper commented 5 years ago

I'd love to chime in. I think strategically this would take away business from firebase (google cloud services as a whole) hence delaying this would be in amazon's best interest. I could be wrong.

also +1 , i enjoy both aws and google

jomarks commented 5 years ago


whw583 commented 5 years ago


WChoy commented 5 years ago

I may have to look into using Google's Firebase if I have to wait too long.

I'm intentionally assuming Technical Debt by temporarily using the "amazon_cognito_identity_dart" package.

yacob89 commented 5 years ago

Yeah, looking forward to this

arok commented 5 years ago


shahzadc commented 5 years ago

yes please

vattcarter commented 5 years ago

We want amplify be able to work with flutter. firebase is supported by flutter but the down side is firebase is blocked in China. Please make flutter work with aws amplify

sweepy84 commented 5 years ago

I believe this is now the most requested feature for Amplify!


EddieRietz commented 5 years ago

I need this ASAP!

knvpk commented 5 years ago


Vortexmind commented 5 years ago


sivang commented 5 years ago

What's the status on this?

sherlockholmes commented 5 years ago


sivang commented 5 years ago

This seems very interesting:

undefobj commented 5 years ago

Thank you all for the interest. As Amplify is an OSS project, we are constantly working through customer requests, PRs, and issues. Currently, there is no support in the Amplify Framework for Flutter. While we cannot commit to support Flutter at this time, knowing your use cases helps us with our roadmap planning.

That said, please could community members provide more details on the specific Flutter support you need at this time? For instance, β€œI’m building a Flutter app that will do X, Y, and Z. I require UI components for Auth, category support (high-level programming interfaces) for Storage and Analytics, and then low-level AWS service instances.”

bgetsug commented 5 years ago

I've been watching this conversation for a while and would like to share my experience. I am currently developing a Flutter app which uses Amplify Storage (S3) for file uploads, while leveraging federation so I can continue to use Firebase for authentication. In short, I desire excellent offline-to-online and background behavior for file transfers, and I'm uncertain whether Firebase Storage delivers that across platforms.

Through my research on GCP/Firebase vs AWS storage, I discovered an open issue with Firebase background transfers on iOS. After comparing the Amplify Storage docs for iOS with the corresponding Firebase docs, I decided that I should start with Amplify instead. The Firebase Storage iOS docs don't make it clear how background transfers are handled across process restarts (while the Android docs do). This has been pretty confusing for someone new to mobile development, so perhaps there's an opportunity for AWS and Google/Firebase to really provide clarity and simplicity here.

Without peering under the hood of the Firebase and Amplify iOS SDKs and without actually trying Firebase Storage, I've made a bit of an assumption that Amplify Storage behaves better for background transfers and app restarts. After more research today, it looks like there was also some discussion in the Amplify SDK for iOS on how the iOS NSURLSession discretionary flag affects transfers, but it's somewhat unclear what the resolution was since the issue was auto-closed (πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ).

In any case, I felt that I should learn how to write some "connective tissue" between Flutter and each platform, and that this was a good opportunity to do so. Flutter and Dart were pretty easy to learn, but Swift and Kotlin are definitely not my first languages, so it took me a week or two to handle all the (multi-part) upload, download, and auth federation cases. Generally, communication between Flutter and the Amplify SDKs has been working well for me during development. With regard to the high quality of the Flutter framework and ecosystem, I would like to encourage the Amplify team to consider supporting it sooner than later.

fresnizky commented 5 years ago


instantiationexception commented 5 years ago


ahasnaini commented 5 years ago


ivnsch commented 5 years ago

Please don't use +1 to push the issue. This unnecessarily spams subscribers. Upvoting the original post with πŸ‘is enough.

Esauromano commented 5 years ago

I just want to be able to save pictures or video to s3 via an App

BerndWessels commented 5 years ago

With amazon_cognito_identity_dart we can unofficially use most of AppSync and all the other AWS services already.

I personally don't need all the noise that Amplify adds - but rather make basic GraphQL queries and sort out offline caching myself (even though there are already flutter plugins that help with that too).

The main feature that is actually missing for AppSync on Flutter is Subscriptions - there is no way in hell I can dig that out of the AWS documentation or the Amplify code. I tried :(

If anybody could please provide the very basic code that does an authenticated websocket connection to AppSync to subscribe in any language without all the Amplify noise - then we can easily build dart / flutter support for this missing feature too.

Please anybody?

BerndWessels commented 5 years ago

^ I did some more research and finally figured it out. It's actually pretty straight forward using AppSync's websocket subscription. Basically we can make the usual sigv4 signed post request to AppSync to request the subscription and will then receive everything we need (a websocket url with authentication in the query parameter) to create the websocket connection.

I am taking the best of amazon-cognito-identity-dart and add some of my own goodness to it and hopefully we will have full AWS and AppSync with subscription websocket support for Flutter very soon.

I'll post here once I've release the first cut. Love to get some input and contributors then.

I'll also try to integrate the automatic model creation for built_value which should be enough to remove the need for an Amplify port to Flutter (even though I am looking forward to it).