aws-amplify / amplify-js

A declarative JavaScript library for application development using cloud services.
Apache License 2.0
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using Storage - no plugin found in Storage for the provider #3744

Closed idanlo closed 4 years ago

idanlo commented 5 years ago

Which Category is your question related to? Storage

What AWS Services are you utilizing? Amazon S3

Provide additional details e.g. code snippets I am trying to create a simple static file in my S3 bucket with amplify, i have added storage through the amplify cli already and my config has the bucket.

my amplify configuration:

import Amplify, { Auth } from 'aws-amplify';
import aws_config from './aws-exports';

const config = {
  graphql_headers: async () => {
    try {
      const token = (await Auth.currentSession()).getIdToken().getJwtToken();
      return { Authorization: token };
    } catch (e) {
      return {};


and when I am trying to use the Storage module -

import { Storage } from 'aws-amplify';

Storage.put("text.txt", "Hello World", {
  contenType: "text/plain"

I get 2 errors -

No plugin found in Storage for the provider
TypeError: Cannot read property 'put' of undefined

here's an image of the errors - image

faxad commented 5 years ago

Here's what i'm getting with DEBUG enabled

[DEBUG] 28:28.820 Credentials - setting credentials for guest

[DEBUG] 28:29.85 Credentials - Failed to load credentials CognitoIdentityCredentials {expired: true, expireTime: null, refreshCallbacks: Array(0), accessKeyId: undefined, sessionToken: undefined, …}

[DEBUG] 28:29.87 AWSS3Provider - set credentials for storage {accessKeyId: undefined, sessionToken: undefined, secretAccessKey: undefined, identityId: undefined, authenticated: undefined}

I was able to get rid of the issue (temporarily) by setting the credentials. But again, that's not a solution!

import { AWS } from '@aws-amplify/core';

  credentials: new AWS.Credentials ({
    accessKeyId: "XXXXXX",
    secretAccessKey: "XXXXX"
jordanranz commented 5 years ago

@idanlo, I am curious how you came up with that config composition?

const config = {
  graphql_headers: async () => {
    try {
      const token = (await Auth.currentSession()).getIdToken().getJwtToken();
      return { Authorization: token };
    } catch (e) {
      return {};

A few additional questions:

idanlo commented 5 years ago

@jordanranz thanks for responding. yes, the Amplify.configure is called with this configuration when the app starts, which is before the call to Storage.put.

I have set up the storage with the amplify cli according to the docs and I have pushed those changes.

I don't understand why you need my package.json file, it has nothing special, my aws-amplify version is 1.1.32

in the aws-exports file I have these keys -


edit: I wanted to go this way

  Auth: {},
  API: {}

but it is not typed with typescript so I had no idea what the property names are and it is not documented (at least I didn't find it) so I imported the settings from aws-exports

faxad commented 5 years ago

I managed to get it to work.

[DEBUG] 14:19.538 Credentials - Failed to load credentials CognitoIdentityCredentials {expired: true, expireTime: null, refreshCallbacks: Array(0), accessKeyId: undefined, sessionToken: undefined, …}

[DEBUG] 14:19.539 AuthClass - getting session failed InvalidIdentityPoolConfigurationException: Invalid identity pool configuration. Check assigned IAM roles for this pool.

It turned out that the Trust Relationships were misconfigured for the role.

idanlo commented 5 years ago

@faxad how did you configure the Trust Relationships? also how do you enable debug mode?

faxad commented 5 years ago

@idanlo you can window.LOG_LEVEL='DEBUG'; for the logging. Trust Relationships depends on your use case and what you are trying to achieve.

Mine looks something like this.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Federated": ""
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",
      "Condition": {
        "StringEquals": {
          "": "us-west-2:xxxxx"
idanlo commented 5 years ago

@faxad that code, in what file is it? I enabled debug mode but I don't have errors like you did, my Auth and Credentials modules works fine

faxad commented 5 years ago

@idanlo add it before you configure Amplify.

idanlo commented 5 years ago

@faxad the debug mode works. I just don't get the errors you get, my Auth and Credential modules are fine and working. I have similar code in my Trust Relationships configuration but the problem persists.

faxad commented 5 years ago

@idanlo did you try to configure the credentials as i mentioned in my first post?

idanlo commented 5 years ago

@faxad no because I have no idea where to get those keys and why do I need them at all. It's funny that the types of configuration is not documented at all (at least I didn't find it)


faxad commented 5 years ago

@idanlo You can get that from the IAM user with required permissions to access S3. You are right, you don't need to configure the credentials manually. This is just to test and it helped me to isolate the problem. I say, give it a shot.

idanlo commented 5 years ago

@faxad I tried it, the debug mode didn't log any errors, and Storage.put still didn't work with the same errors which I posted in my first comment. My Trust Relationship is auto-generated and I did not touch it so there is nothing wrong with it I assume, the role name is XXX-XXX-XXXXX-authRole and the Trust Relationship is very similar to yours

faxad commented 5 years ago

@idanlo Please share your debug output.

..and the Trust Relationship is very similar to yours

Do you have any other condition besides the check for Identity Pool's ID?

idanlo commented 5 years ago

@faxad this is how my trust relationship looks like -

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "Federated": ""
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",
      "Condition": {
        "ForAnyValue:StringLike": {
          "": "authenticated"
faxad commented 5 years ago

@idanlo replace you condition with the following

      "Condition": {
        "StringEquals": {
          "": "<identity pool id>"
idanlo commented 5 years ago

@faxad but we want only authenticated users to be able to upload files

faxad commented 5 years ago

@idanlo like i said, you need to share the DEBUG logs.

andfk commented 5 years ago

Im facing the same issue as @idanlo and i can't find a fix to move forward

My logs prints:

[DEBUG] 25:43.841 AuthClass - getting current authenticted user
ConsoleLogger.js:80 [DEBUG] 25:43.843 AuthClass - getting current authenticted user
ConsoleLogger.js:80 [DEBUG] 25:43.848 AuthClass - cannot load federated user from auth storage

The error triggered after using Storage.put was No plugin found in Storage for the provider when using:

import Amplify from '@aws-amplify/core'
import { amplifyConfig } from './config'


But i've tried with other scenario:

import Storage from '@aws-amplify/storage'
import Auth from '@aws-amplify/auth'
import { amplifyConfig } from './config'


And now the error is different:

- [WARN] 31:35.966 AWSS3Provider - ensure credentials error No Auth module registered in Amplify
- index.js:1 No credentials


"@aws-amplify/auth": "^1.2.31",
"@aws-amplify/core": "^1.0.31",
"@aws-amplify/storage": "^1.1.0",

UPDATE: After updating @aws-amplify/core to ^1.1.0 the following method works, anyway will be nice to go back to Amplify.configure only.

import Storage from '@aws-amplify/storage'
import Auth from '@aws-amplify/auth'
import { amplifyConfig } from './config'

ajhool commented 4 years ago

I'm also experiencing this issue. Oddly, the S3Images in one of my components aren't working while the S3Images in another page/component are working -- no clear difference in the amplify initialization path between the two, though. I reimplemented S3Image so that Storage is the only dependency and am still seeing the same issue.

Edit: It appears to correctly identify that a Storage.AWSS3Provider module exists, but it never calls Storage.confgure. It does call Auth.confgure and Analytics.configure

[DEBUG] 15:53.793 Amplify - amplify config 
aws_appsync_authenticationType: "AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS"
aws_appsync_graphqlEndpoint: "redactedl"
aws_appsync_region: "us-east-1"
aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "redacted"
aws_cognito_region: "us-east-1"
aws_mobile_analytics_app_id: "redacted"
aws_mobile_analytics_app_region: "us-east-1"
aws_project_region: "us-east-1"
aws_user_files_s3_bucket: "redacted"
aws_user_files_s3_bucket_region: "us-east-1"
aws_user_pools_id: "redacted"
aws_user_pools_web_client_id: "redacted"
federationTarget: "COGNITO_IDENTITY_POOLS"
oauth: Object {  }
<prototype>: Object { … }
[DEBUG] 15:53.817 I18n - configure I18n breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:53.823 I18n - create I18n instance breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:53.824 AuthClass - configure Auth breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:53.825 Parser - parse config 
Array(3) [ {…}, "to amplifyconfig", {…} ]
(manually formated array output of parse config)
1: "to amplifyconfig"
2: {
Analytics: Object { AWSPinpoint: {…} }
Auth [values are as expected]: Object { userPoolId: "redacted", userPoolWebClientId: "redacted", region: "redacted", … }
​​Storage: {
    ​​​AWSS3: {
    ​​​​    bucket: "redacted -- looks good",
    ​​​​    dangerouslyConnectToHttpEndpointForTesting: undefined,
​​​​        region: "us-east-1"

[DEBUG] 15:53.839 Hub - Dispatching to auth with  
Object { event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Auth category has been configured successfully" }
[DEBUG] 15:53.840 Hub - Dispatching to auth with  
Object { event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Auth category has been configured successfully" }
[DEBUG] 15:53.841 Analytics - on hub capsule auth 
Object { event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Auth category has been configured successfully" }
[DEBUG] 15:53.841 Hub - Dispatching to auth with  
Object { event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Auth category has been configured successfully" }
[DEBUG] 15:53.865 AuthClass - getting current authenticated user breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:53.868 AnalyticsClass - configure Analytics 
Object { aws_project_region: "us-east-1", aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "redacted", aws_cognito_region: "us-east-1", aws_user_pools_id: "redacted", aws_user_pools_web_client_id: "redacted", oauth: {}, federationTarget: "COGNITO_IDENTITY_POOLS", aws_appsync_graphqlEndpoint: "redacted", aws_appsync_region: "us-east-1", aws_appsync_authenticationType: "AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS", … }
[DEBUG] 15:53.869 Parser - parse config 
Array(3) [ {…}, "to amplifyconfig", {…} ]
[DEBUG] 15:53.872 AWSPinpointProvider - configure Analytics 
Object { disabled: undefined, appId: "redacted", region: "us-east-1" }
[DEBUG] 15:53.874 Hub - Dispatching to analytics with  
Object { event: "pinpointProvider_configured", data: null }
[DEBUG] 15:53.879 Analytics - on hub capsule analytics 
Object { event: "pinpointProvider_configured", data: null }
[DEBUG] 15:53.889 Hub - Dispatching to analytics with  
Object { event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Analytics category has been configured successfully" }
[DEBUG] 15:53.890 Analytics - on hub capsule analytics 
Object { event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Analytics category has been configured successfully" }
[DEBUG] 15:53.891 AnalyticsClass - current configuration 
Object { AWSPinpoint: {…}, aws_project_region: "us-east-1", aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "redacted", aws_cognito_region: "us-east-1", aws_user_pools_id: "redacted", aws_user_pools_web_client_id: "6l40b9if6t1m4e96tui0tfrco3", oauth: {}, federationTarget: "COGNITO_IDENTITY_POOLS", aws_appsync_graphqlEndpoint: "redacted", aws_appsync_region: "us-east-1", … }
[DEBUG] 15:53.906 AuthClass - cannot load federated user from auth storage breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:53.908 AuthClass - get current authenticated userpool user breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:53.913 AuthClass - cannot load federated user from auth storage breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:53.913 AuthClass - get current authenticated userpool user breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:53.924 AuthClass - getting current authenticated user breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:53.925 AuthClass - getting current authenticated user breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:53.927 Amplify - amplify config 
aws_appsync_authenticationType: "AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS"
aws_appsync_graphqlEndpoint: "redacted"
aws_appsync_region: "us-east-1"
aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: redacted
aws_cognito_region: "us-east-1"
aws_mobile_analytics_app_region: "us-east-1"
aws_project_region: "us-east-1"
aws_user_files_s3_bucket: redacted
aws_user_files_s3_bucket_region: "us-east-1"
federationTarget: "COGNITO_IDENTITY_POOLS"
oauth: Object {  }
<prototype>: Object { … }
[DEBUG] 15:53.929 I18n - configure I18n breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:53.932 I18n - create I18n instance breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:53.934 AuthClass - configure Auth breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:53.936 Parser - parse config 
Array(3) [ {…}, "to amplifyconfig", {…} ]
[DEBUG] 15:53.947 Hub - Dispatching to auth with  
Object { event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Auth category has been configured successfully" }
[DEBUG] 15:53.948 Hub - Dispatching to auth with  
Object { event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Auth category has been configured successfully" }
[DEBUG] 15:53.950 Analytics - on hub capsule auth 
Object { event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Auth category has been configured successfully" }
[DEBUG] 15:53.954 Hub - Dispatching to auth with  
Object { event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Auth category has been configured successfully" }
[DEBUG] 15:53.958 AuthClass - getting current authenticated user breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:53.959 Hub - Dispatching to auth with  
Object { event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Auth category has been configured successfully" }
[DEBUG] 15:53.961 AuthClass - getting current authenticated user breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:53.962 Hub - Dispatching to auth with  
Object { event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Auth category has been configured successfully" }
[DEBUG] 15:53.972 AuthClass - getting current authenticated user breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:53.974 AnalyticsClass - configure Analytics 
Object { aws_project_region: "us-east-1", aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "redacted", aws_cognito_region: "us-east-1", aws_user_pools_id: "redacted", aws_user_pools_web_client_id: "redacted", oauth: {}, federationTarget: "COGNITO_IDENTITY_POOLS", aws_appsync_graphqlEndpoint: "redactedl", aws_appsync_region: "us-east-1", aws_appsync_authenticationType: "AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS", … }
[DEBUG] 15:53.975 Parser - parse config 
Array(3) [ {…}, "to amplifyconfig", {…} ]
[DEBUG] 15:53.983 AWSPinpointProvider - configure Analytics 
Object { disabled: undefined, appId: "redacted", region: "us-east-1" }
[DEBUG] 15:53.991 Hub - Dispatching to analytics with  
Object { event: "pinpointProvider_configured", data: null }
[DEBUG] 15:53.994 Analytics - on hub capsule analytics 
Object { event: "pinpointProvider_configured", data: null }
[DEBUG] 15:54.0 Hub - Dispatching to analytics with  
Object { event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Analytics category has been configured successfully" }
[DEBUG] 15:54.2 Analytics - on hub capsule analytics 
Object { event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Analytics category has been configured successfully" }
[DEBUG] 15:54.7 AnalyticsClass - current configuration 
Object { AWSPinpoint: {…}, aws_project_region: "us-east-1", aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "redacted", aws_cognito_region: "us-east-1", aws_user_pools_id: "redacted", aws_user_pools_web_client_id: "redacted", oauth: {}, federationTarget: "COGNITO_IDENTITY_POOLS", aws_appsync_graphqlEndpoint: "redacted", aws_appsync_region: "us-east-1", … }
[DEBUG] 15:54.46 AuthClass - cannot load federated user from auth storage breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:54.46 AuthClass - get current authenticated userpool user breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:54.52 AuthClass - cannot load federated user from auth storage breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:54.55 AuthClass - get current authenticated userpool user breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:54.56 AuthClass - cannot load federated user from auth storage breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:54.57 AuthClass - get current authenticated userpool user breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:54.63 AuthClass - cannot load federated user from auth storage breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:54.63 AuthClass - get current authenticated userpool user breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:54.64 AuthClass - cannot load federated user from auth storage breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:54.65 AuthClass - get current authenticated userpool user breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:54.250 AWSPinpointProvider - updateEndpoint success 
Object { MessageBody: {…} }
[DEBUG] 15:54.498 Storage - Create Storage Instance breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:54.502 StorageClass - Storage Options 
<prototype>: Object { … }
[DEBUG] 15:54.505 StorageClass - Storage Options 
Object {  }
[DEBUG] 15:54.506 Amplify - component registered in amplify 
Object { _config: {}, _pluggables: [], get: (), put: (), remove: (), list: (), vault: {…}, configure: configure()
[DEBUG] 15:54.885 StorageClass - No plugin found with providerName AWSS3 breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:54.890 StorageClass - No plugin found with providerName AWSS3 breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:54.893 StorageClass - No plugin found with providerName AWSS3 breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:54.898 StorageClass - No plugin found with providerName AWSS3 breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:54.902 StorageClass - No plugin found with providerName AWSS3 breadcrumbs.js:58
[DEBUG] 15:54.906 StorageClass - No plugin found with providerName AWSS3

(console errors)
TypeError: "prov is undefined"
    get Storage.js:188
    step Storage.js:52
    verb Storage.js:33
    __awaiter Storage.js:27
    __awaiter Storage.js:23
    get Storage.js:179
uncaught exception: No plugin found in Storage for the provider
ajhool commented 4 years ago

Out of curiosity and a desire to move towards a custom Cloudfront solution, is the gist of the Storage module...

  1. Key prefix transforms to insert cognitoId, prefix, and privacy level into the path (along with IAM path-to-cognitoId auth rules)
  2. Create the aws-sdk s3 client using the Credentials retrieved in the Auth module
  3. use the aws-sdk s3 client?
ohasy commented 4 years ago

For me what worked,

import awsconfig from './aws-exports';

in the root file i.e. App.tsx

kldeb commented 4 years ago

It turned out that the Trust Relationships were misconfigured for the role.

In my case the wrong identity pool id in unauth role trust relationship. The value in was wrong.

cinnabarhorse commented 4 years ago

I also encountered this issue and fixed it by importing Storage from "@aws-amplify/storage" and running Storage.configure(awsExports) in the class where I need Storage.

This is because in my original app.js I imported "@aws-amplify/core" instead of the main Amplify object, to save space. If you are doing that, you will also encounter this issue.

Hope this helps someone.

alexofob commented 4 years ago

@cinnabarhorse. Yes your solution will fix a large number of cases like this. But it did not fix my case.

In addition to your suggestion above I had to check for duplicate @aws-amplify/core with the below command: yarn list --pattern "amplify" And then I upgraded @aws-amplify/core and all other amplify modules to make sure no module keep a duplicate module as a dependency.

sammartinez commented 4 years ago

Based on the above information, it seems to be that the issue is resolved. @alexofob Can you please create a new issue and provide a gist/code snippet and the environment information on the new issue? Resolving issue

Raz-SB commented 4 years ago

I was seeing the same error with a Gatsby app when published to an S3 host. Everything worked fine locally. I was able to solve it by updating the auth resource and adding a user pool group for guests. (amplify update auth -- follow prompts)

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

This issue has been automatically locked since there hasn't been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue for related bugs.

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