aws-amplify / amplify-js

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Redirect to url after clicking email verification link #612

Closed guanzo closed 6 years ago

guanzo commented 6 years ago

When the user clicks on the email verification link, they're taken to a confirmation page, located at

I'd like the ability to specify a URL that the confirmation page will redirect to, thereby auto logging in the user. This will make the signup flow more streamlined. Perhaps there could be an extra parameter for the redirect url.

The way it works now is that after clicking the link, the user has to go back to my app and log in again, which is awkward.

dedsinon commented 3 years ago

@yuntuowang Hi, may I ask if the redirection from the confirmation link has already been solved?

dedsinon commented 3 years ago

Can some one help me with these.. I have been stuck in this work around .....

Have you found a solution on this?

SumindaD commented 3 years ago

Why this issue is being closed? it's a much needed feature.

theothertaxman commented 3 years ago

Hi! September '20 and still waiting for an easy way to redirect users back to my site after clicking on the email validation link.

I will use the lambda workaround, but still it would be nice if you could push this feature in your backlog 🥰

colinbowen commented 3 years ago

This should not be closed.

Xychun commented 3 years ago

Still nothing? Need this feature, please open and add! +1

bibek-magar commented 3 years ago

Sorry but I think i solved somehow

On Fri, Oct 9, 2020, 7:23 PM JGS wrote:

Still nothing? Need this feature, please open and add! +1

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sverraest commented 3 years ago

What's the latest on this? It doesn't seem possible out of the box still?

NoControl712 commented 3 years ago

Just adding my 2 cents. This feature would be awesome. Please add.

yaquawa commented 3 years ago

I know how to redirect to a URL after confirmation, but how to login the user automatically??

sverraest commented 3 years ago

I know how to redirect to a URL after confirmation, but how to login the user automatically??

Step 1: Stop using Cognito and Amplify unfortunately.

IvanCaceres commented 3 years ago

Why does clicking the email verification link just lead the user to a constant loading spinner/indicator?

Why won't it redirect back to my amplify site?

Edit: After peeking at the dev console, there's an error on the Amplify verification link page:

Uncaught Error: Failed to execute 'replace' on 'Location': '//?username=76e1912b-9fa7-4c1f-9848-ab0edda2ec64' is not a valid URL.

It seems that amplify is unable to replace the URL location with the query parameter for username because the username has dashes / is an invalid URL.

I'm attempting cognito sign up for my users using their email address for the username field, AWS Cognito sign up creates the user successfully but replaces the username with a random UUID instead of the supplied email address in the request.

All of this is opaque behavior I haven't seen referenced in the Amplify docs.

bibek-magar commented 3 years ago

Are you still stuck at this?

On Mon, Dec 7, 2020 at 10:22 PM IvanCaceres wrote:

Why does clicking the email verification link just lead the user to a constant loading spinner/indicator?

Why won't it redirect back to my amplify site?

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karray3000 commented 3 years ago

Any update on this? I can do with the Lambda workaround, but I also want to log the user in directly after verifying their email and there doesn't seem to be a simple way (if any) of doing so with Amplify...

JosephUrciuoli commented 3 years ago

+1 - I'm not sure why this closed.

413n commented 3 years ago


sammartinez commented 3 years ago

@narciso-dev / @JosephUrciuoli,

Just want to get some clarity here. We support this feature in our latest UI Components, please review the documentation here. Are you looking for this at the API level?

Please let us know

413n commented 3 years ago

@sammartinez I see, but in some cases we are not using the hosted UI nor the UI components library. As mentioned above, some of us wants to know if the feature of adding a redirect URL at the URL the user gets in the verification email is still considered.

It would be helpful in my case because I wants the user to click on a link and being redirected to my website after he verifies the account. Maybe can be also considered to have a setting for our endpoint with the params added automatically (in the email the user will see and then have a method in the Auth API to let us customly verify it how we wants. This will avoid to pass through the default URL and avoid in some cases lambda triggers.


sammartinez commented 3 years ago

Thanks for this feedback. Here is what we currently have and support for this use case within Amplify:

In our latest UI Components, we handle the auto signing in once a user confirms their sign up on your application. This is strictly with the UI Components on the client side.

As for the redirect URL, we recommend using our Cognito Lambda Triggers in order to accomplish this. We have a section on Email Verification Link with Redirect under this documentation you can follow for setup.

As for feature requests for the Hosted UI, Amplify JS acts as a proxy to the Amazon Cognito service, and we do not control the Hosted UI feature. That being stated, we can raise a feature request internally to Cognito but it may be best to ask them for a feature request via the Amazon Cognito forums.

mpcooke3 commented 3 years ago

I implemented a cognito trigger myself as I was a bit worried by the amplify CLI not remembering existing config options when updating auth settings. I do have a questions about the Email verification link docs, as I still need to change this flow as described to get rid of the verification code entry. Are the email verification link docs up-to-date and still correct?

Unless I'm mistaken the code sample refers to the older version of the Authenticator UI (aws-amplify-react not @aws-amplify/ui-react). If they are valid is there an example of how to override components as suggested with the current UI components? I looked through all the docs for the new components and couldn't actually see any examples of overriding the components only overriding config, all the examples I could find online seemed to refer to the old UI components. Should it be relatively straight forward to do the same thing with the new components?

Many thanks.

Seanmclem commented 3 years ago

@sammartinez Is Amplify/Cognito being de-prioritized for something else? If so, I don't want to get on board now when I could instead opt for a competitor. Most of which seem to eat simple issues/requests like these for breakfast, 3 years ago

clehnert commented 3 years ago


This is such a simple request. All we want is a simple redirect url when using the verification link. It's one label and one text box in the AWS Console (and obviously a little more). It could redirect automatically. It could show a button that says "Continue" or maybe "Go Home" or maybe "We Care About and Listen to our Customers."

I'm already ignoring the fact that I can't log somebody in before verification (standard UX - "feel free to look around but you gotta verify before you can post"). Now this. Why does AWS Cognito continue to push me back to using Firebase for authentication?


anil1712 commented 3 years ago

I am also wondering that it's such a simple standard process in any IDP, don't know AWS is not implementing this request.

voigtito commented 3 years ago

Still waitting


andreasanta commented 3 years ago

I think it's unacceptable that such a simple feature has been around for four years in the backlog and users still have to implement at least two lambdas to perform custom redirect. Feels like the 90s when I was programming in Java Servlets. This definitely does not ampify anything, if you compare it to Firebase.

sverraest commented 3 years ago

Paging @mlabieniec to consider re-opening this, it's really a shame this ticket is closed, the fact it still receives so many comments is a sign.

jonnyn commented 3 years ago

Still waiting!!! Can we have a time frame for when this will be released?

CarlJoven commented 2 years ago


giomarino commented 2 years ago

Still here...

purbanow commented 2 years ago


kangleon-karl commented 2 years ago


sverraest commented 2 years ago

@sammartinez Any feedback from the Amplify team, it's becoming a bit embarrassing.

czetsuya commented 2 years ago

+1 for this ticket. I'm now concern about using Cognito, considering that this is a basic requirement for signup.

generalpaulinski commented 2 years ago


RomainRothier commented 2 years ago


TheRedshift commented 2 years ago

+1, I'm literally meeting with AWS at their offices tomorrow to discuss a new platform we're working on with them and I'm going to bring this (and many other Amplify/Cognito issues I've seen) as a concern, since they've suggested we use both for our new service.

anil1712 commented 2 years ago

@TheRedshift how was your meeting with AWS team regarding this issue?

sverraest commented 2 years ago

@sammartinez Can we at least re-open this, it's clearly an issue / missing basic functionality that is causing a lot of concern for a lot of developers. Why leave it closed (and completely ignore it)?

Seanmclem commented 2 years ago

@sammartinez Can we at least re-open this, it's clearly an issue / missing basic functionality that is causing a lot of concern for a lot of developers. Why leave it closed (and completely ignore it)?

I literally just spoke with the new product manager for AWS Amplify on the phone for a half an hour yesterday, almost entirely about this exact issue. I referenced it directly and she was able to look it up. We'll see if they do anything about it.

sammartinez commented 2 years ago

Thanks for this feedback. Here is what we currently have and support for this use case within Amplify:

In our latest UI Components, we handle the auto signing in once a user confirms their sign up on your application. This is strictly with the UI Components on the client side.

As for the redirect URL, we recommend using our Cognito Lambda Triggers in order to accomplish this. We have a section on Email Verification Link with Redirect under this documentation you can follow for setup.

As for feature requests for the Hosted UI, Amplify JS acts as a proxy to the Amazon Cognito service, and we do not control the Hosted UI feature. That being stated, we can raise a feature request internally to Cognito but it may be best to ask them for a feature request via the Amazon Cognito forums.

Hello folks, please see the above comment that I posted on March of this year. This is what we currently support and our recommendations. Since we do not have control over the Hosted UI experience as this is owned by the Amazon Cognito team, we still recommend to open a feature request via the Amazon Cognito forums.

BernhardSmuts commented 2 years ago

I really want to buy into amplify, been trying to use it for 1.5 years now, but it feels like it's been forgotten about and it would almost be easier to just custom code everything. Mocking not working most of the time. Auth is a nightmare and not easy to use unless you jump through the exact hoops they want you to (ie: THIS 2 YEAR OLD ISSUE). Docs cover 0.1% of the details needed to implement anything.

It seemed like such a promising framework to get my teeth stuck into but just keeps disappointing me.

Talhafayyaz11 commented 2 years ago

still waiting!!

Sultandi commented 2 years ago

waiting too...........

CristopherVidalMachado commented 1 year ago

Still no updates;

sverraest commented 1 year ago

At this point I'm convinced Half Life 3 will be released before this feature is implemented.

Israelhrs commented 1 year ago

Still waiting..

abdallahshaban557 commented 1 year ago

Hello everyone, we have internal conversations started on supporting this feature. We will provide an update when this feature is available!

rchristiemtt commented 1 year ago

@abdallahshaban557 if you are starting conversations about supporting this feature, can this issue remain open until then

sverraest commented 1 year ago

@abdallahshaban557 that's a great first step on such a widely requested and anticipated feature. Echo'ing @rchristiemtt comments to re-open this issue as a lot of people are tracking this.

abdallahshaban557 commented 1 year ago

Hi @rchristiemtt and @sverraest - the reason this is closed because we have another issue we are using to track this ask