Open ErikCH opened 2 years ago
I would also like to see this feature for React!
Any update on this?
Any updates?
@bestickley @d-belic @jmacmullin, I'm trying to gather more requirements on this issue. Are you most interested in SAML or OIDC or both?
@reesscot, I'm interested only in OIDC.
Same, I'm only interested in OIDC at the moment.
I'm interested in SAML
I'm interested in SAML. Any updates on this?
How were you thinking about the workflow and UX in general? Maybe a flexible approach, for example, routing based on the email domain could be a good option.
Edit: I found some resources:
In some example I see that a user has the option between a corporate email and a regular login. I think this would lead to many UX issues and support calls. A single field and then dynamic routing on the email would be better I'd assume.
Hi ! I also need this for a React project 🤗 @L-U-C-K-Y 's suggestion sounds perfect to me !
I would like to see SAML support, please and thank you!
@bestickley @d-belic @jmacmullin, I'm trying to gather more requirements on this issue. Are you most interested in SAML or OIDC or both?
SAML, please!
Show a button with a link like in the hosted UI would be enough
My vote is SAML first, then OIDC.
I wish I hadn't wasted a half a day or so of my time trying to get SAML working using Authenticator. AWS Amplify docs state, "...However you can configure other Identity Providers that support SAML or OpenID Connect (OIDC)." (
...and later on that page says, "If you are using the Authenticator component with Amplify, this feature works without any additional code. The guide below is for writing your own implementation." This is misleading, since Authenticator can't handle anything other than social provider IdPs.
It would be clearer if the SAML/OIDC sections were explicit about the limitations of the Authenticator component. That said, it does explain why the random code fragments for signInWithRedirect() are there in those sections.
I have succeeded in making SAML work, but the hosted UI must be active.
I have made it in two steps:
1) Needs to set the property oauth
in config (Auth.Cognito.loginWith.oauth), something like:
const openIdConfig = await getOpenIdConfiguration(`https://cognito-idp.${companyCognitoDetails?.UserPoolId.split('_')[0]}${companyCognitoDetails?.UserPoolId}/.well-known/openid-configuration`);
const oauthParameters = {
providers: [{
custom: company.ssoProviderName as string,
domain: (new URL(openIdConfig.authorization_endpoint)).host,
scopes: [
redirectSignIn: [location.origin],
redirectSignOut: [],
responseType: 'code'
2) In the components
property in Authenticator
, I have created a custom button in SignIn.Footer
import {authenticatorTextUtil} from "@aws-amplify/ui";
import {signInWithRedirect} from "aws-amplify/auth";
const {getForgotPasswordText, getOrText} = authenticatorTextUtil;
const DefaultFooter = () => {
const {toForgotPassword} = useAuthenticator((context) => [
return (
<View data-amplify-footer="">
<Button onClick={toForgotPassword} size="small" variation="link">
const components: DefaultComponents = {
SignIn: {
Footer() {
return (
<Flex direction="column"
{initialState?.samlActive ? (
<Divider label={getOrText()} size="small"/>
onClick={async () => {
await signInWithRedirect({
provider: {
custom: 'GoogleWorkspace'
viewBox="0 0 32 32"
className="amplify-icon federated-sign-in-icon"
d="M31 31.36H1v-.72h30v.72zm0-7H1A.36.36 0 01.64 24V1A.36.36 0 011 .64h30a.36.36 0 01.36.36v23a.36.36 0 01-.36.36zm-29.64-.72h29.28V1.36H1.36v22.28zm7.304-7.476c-.672 0-1.234-.128-1.687-.385s-.842-.6-1.169-1.029l.798-.644c.28.355.593.628.938.819.345.191.747.287 0 .847-.103 1.113-.308.266-.206.399-.495.399-.868 0-.28-.091-.52-.273-.721-.182-.201-.511-.338-.987-.414l-.574-.084a4.741 4.741 0 01-.924-.217c-.28-.098-.525-.229-.735-.392s-.374-.366-.49-.609a1.983 1.983 0 01-.175-.868c0-.354.065-.665.196-.931.13-.266.31-.488.539-.665s.501-.311.819-.399a3.769 3.769 0 011.022-.133c.588 0 1.08.103 1.477.308.396.206.744.49 1.043.854l-.742.672c-.159-.224-.392-.427-.7-.609-.308-.182-.695-.272-1.162-.272s-.819.1-1.057.3c-.238.201-.357.474-.357.819 0 .354.119.611.357. 1.029.35l.56.084c.803.122 1.372.353 1.708.693.336.341.504.786.504 1.337 0 .7-.238 1.251-.714 1.652-.476.402-1.13.603-1.96.603zm6.733 0c-.672 0-1.234-.128-1.687-.385s-.842-.6-1.169-1.029l.798-.644c.28.355.593.628.938.819.345.191.747.287 0 .847-.103 1.113-.308.266-.206.399-.495.399-.868 0-.28-.091-.52-.273-.721-.182-.201-.511-.338-.987-.413l-.574-.084c-.336-.046-.644-.119-.924-.217s-.525-.229-.735-.392-.374-.366-.49-.609a1.983 1.983 0 01-.175-.868c0-.354.065-.665.196-.931.13-.266.31-.488.539-.665.229-.177.501-.311.819-.399a3.769 3.769 0 011.022-.133c.588 0 1.08.103 1.477.308.396.206.744.49 1.043.854l-.742.672c-.158-.224-.392-.427-.7-.609s-.695-.273-1.162-.273-.819.101-1.057.301c-.238.201-.357.474-.357.819 0 .354.119.611.357.77s.581.275 1.029.35l.56.084c.803.122 1.372.353 1.708.693.337.341.505.786.505 1.337 0 .7-.238 1.251-.715 1.652-.475.401-1.129.602-1.96.602zm7.378 0c-.485 0-.929-.089-1.33-.266s-.744-.432-1.028-.763a3.584 3.584 0 01-.665-1.19 4.778 4.778 0 01-.238-1.561c0-.569.079-1.087.238-1.554a3.56 3.56 0 01.665-1.197c.284-.332.627-.586 1.028-.763s.845-.266 1.33-.266.927.089 1.323.266.739.432 1.029.763c.289.331.513.73.672 1.554 0 .579-.08 1.099-.238 1.561a3.546 3.546 0 01-.672 1.19c-.29.331-.633.585-1.029.763a3.19 3.19 0 01-1.323.266zm0-.995c.606 0 1.102-.187 1.484-.56.383-.373.574-.942.574-1.708v-1.036c0-.765-.191-1.334-.574-1.708s-.878-.56-1.484-.56-1.102.187-1.483.56c-.383.374-.574.943-.574 1.708v1.036c0 .766.191 1.335.574 1.708.382.374.877.56 1.483.56z"></path>
<path fill="none" d="M0 0H32V32H0z"></path>
<Text as="span" style={{color: "white !important"}}>Single Sign-On</Text>
) : undefined}
The final result is:
On which framework/platform would you like to see this feature implemented?
React, Angular, Vue
Which UI component is this feature-request for?
Please describe your feature-request in detail.
Our current documentation only shows Google, Facebook, Apple and Amazon as social providers. It would be nice to add in other external identity providers, bit SAML or OIDC, like with Microsoft Azure.
Please describe a solution you'd like.
Add a way for customers to add their own social providers and have them displayed for a user to login.
We love contributors! Is this something you'd be interested in working on?