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Issue with Getting AWS Credentials using Cognito Identity in iOS App using OpenID Token #5376

Closed kinglau66 closed 3 months ago

kinglau66 commented 3 months ago

State your question:

I am having trouble with the following code for getting AWS credentials using Cognito Identity. The completion handler is not being called successfully, and I am unsure if the AWS configuration is being set up correctly. The identityId and openToken are obtained from getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity from the backend, and is used as the login provider. Could someone help me identify the issue?

Which AWS Services are you utilizing?

Provide code snippets (if applicable):

let identityId = userManager.sharedUserInstance().getUserInfoFromLocal().identityId
let openToken = userManager.sharedUserInstance().getUserInfoFromLocal().openToken
if(identityId.isEmpty || openToken.isEmpty){
    completion(false, nil)

let identityProvider = AWSCognitoIdentity.default()
let request = AWSCognitoIdentityGetCredentialsForIdentityInput()
request?.identityId = identityId
request?.logins = ["": openToken]
identityProvider.getCredentialsForIdentity(request!).continueWith { task in
    if let error = task.error {
        print("Error getting credentials: \(error.localizedDescription)")
        completion(false, error)
    guard let result = task.result, let credentials = result.credentials else {
        print("No credentials received")
        completion(false, nil)

    let accessKeyStr = credentials.accessKeyId ?? ""
    let secretKeyStr = credentials.secretKey ?? ""
    let sessionTokenStr = credentials.sessionToken ?? ""

    if accessKeyStr.isEmpty || secretKeyStr.isEmpty || sessionTokenStr.isEmpty {
        print("Credentials are incomplete")
        completion(false, nil)

    self.credentialsExpiryTime = credentials.expiration
    let credentialsProvider = AWSBasicSessionCredentialsProvider(accessKey: accessKeyStr, secretKey: secretKeyStr, sessionToken: sessionTokenStr)
    let configuration = AWSServiceConfiguration(
        region: .APSoutheast1,
        credentialsProvider: credentialsProvider

    AWSSNS.register(with: configuration!, forKey: "AwsNotiLocalKey")
    AWSServiceManager.default().defaultServiceConfiguration = configuration

    print("AWS configuration initialized successfully")
    completion(true, nil)

    return nil

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harsh62 commented 3 months ago

@kinglau66 Is it a possibility that you can try using Amplfiy and AWS SDK for Swift using SPM?

kinglau66 commented 3 months ago

This is possible as we are mostly using java-sdk for android related task. If fully using amplify, how to Integrate AWSSNS with OpenIdToken from the backend's GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity.. i mean by using aws-amplify/aws-sdk-ios

kinglau66 commented 3 months ago

Updated using a more amplify/aws-sdk-ios approach. Could you advise on the following issue?

I am encountering the error: Error: Error Domain=com.amazonaws.service.cognitoidentity.AWSCognitoCredentialsProviderHelper Code=0 "identityId shouldn't be nil" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=identityId shouldn't be nil}

  import AWSCognitoAuth
  import AWSCognitoIdentityProvider
  import AWSCore
  import AWSSNS
  import SwiftUI

  var cachedLogin: NSDictionary?
  class DeveloperAuthenticatedIdentityProvider: AWSCognitoCredentialsProviderHelper {

    // Handles getting the login
    override func logins() -> AWSTask<NSDictionary> {
      guard let cachedLoginObj = cachedLogin else {
        return getCredentials().continueWith(block: { (credentialTask) -> AWSTask<NSDictionary> in
          guard let credential = credentialTask.result else {
            return AWSTask(result: nil)

          self.setCognitoTokenKey(credential: credential)

          return AWSTask(result: cachedLogin)
        }) as! AWSTask<NSDictionary>
      return AWSTask(result: cachedLoginObj)

    // Handles getting a token from the server
    override func token() -> AWSTask<NSString> {
      return getCredentials().continueWith(block: { (credentialTask) -> AWSTask<NSString> in
        guard let credential = credentialTask.result else {
          return AWSTask(result: nil)

        self.setCognitoTokenKey(credential: credential)
        self.identityId = credential.identityId
        return AWSTask(result: credential.token as NSString)
      }) as! AWSTask<NSString>

    // Handles getting the identity id
    override func getIdentityId() -> AWSTask<NSString> {

      return getCredentials().continueWith(block: { (credentialTask) -> AWSTask<NSString> in
        guard let credential = credentialTask.result else {
          return AWSTask(result: nil)

        self.setCognitoTokenKey(credential: credential)

        return AWSTask(result: credential.identityId as NSString)
      }) as! AWSTask<NSString>

    //This method is used to AWS Token set
    func setCognitoTokenKey(credential: AmazonCognitoCredential) {
      let login: NSDictionary = ["": credential.token]
      cachedLogin = login
      self.identityId = credential.identityId

    // Gets credentials from server
    func getCredentials() -> AWSTask<AmazonCognitoCredential> {
      // Creating a credential object with hardcoded values
      let hardcodedCredential = AmazonCognitoCredential(
        token: "token_from_backend_getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity",
        identityId: "id_from_backend_getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity ")
      let tokenRequest = AWSTaskCompletionSource<AmazonCognitoCredential>()
      tokenRequest.set(result: hardcodedCredential)
      return tokenRequest.task
    typealias CompletionBlock = (
      _ success: Bool, _ errorMassage: Error?, _ responce: AmazonCognitoCredential?
    ) -> Void
    func getAwsToken(complitionBlock: @escaping CompletionBlock) {
      //Your server token code
    /// AmazonCognito credential custom class

    final class AmazonCognitoCredential {
      let token: String
      let identityId: String

      init(token: String, identityId: String) {
        self.token = token
        self.identityId = identityId

  struct ContentView: View {
    init() {
      let region = AWSRegionType.APSoutheast1
      let identityPoolId = "identityPoolId"
      let devAuth = DeveloperAuthenticatedIdentityProvider(
        regionType: region, identityPoolId: identityPoolId, useEnhancedFlow: true,
        identityProviderManager: nil)
      let credentialsProvider = AWSCognitoCredentialsProvider(
        regionType: region, identityProvider: devAuth)
      let configuration = AWSServiceConfiguration(
        region: region, credentialsProvider: credentialsProvider)
      AWSServiceManager.default()?.defaultServiceConfiguration = configuration

      let sns = AWSSNS.default()
      let arn = AWSSNSListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationInput()
      arn?.platformApplicationArn = "arn"
      sns.listEndpoints(byPlatformApplication: arn!) { (response, error) in
        if let error = error {
          print("Error: \(error)")

        guard let endpoints = response?.endpoints else {
          print("No endpoints found")

        for endpoint in endpoints {
          print("Endpoint ARN: \(endpoint.endpointArn ?? "nil")")
          // Additional processing if needed

    var body: some View {
      VStack {
        Image(systemName: "globe")
        Text("Hello, wor1ld!")
thisisabhash commented 3 months ago

Can you try enabling verbose logs like this and share them in the issue after removing sensitive information?

AWSDDLog.sharedInstance.logLevel = .verbose
kinglau66 commented 3 months ago

My bad, this works after updating the token. Apparently, the token had expired because I tested it quite some time after getting it. Thanks!