Open sameera opened 5 months ago
Also posted on re:Post but have not gotten any responses.
I am also having issues with the unclear monorepo documentation. It offers a high level example of how to set up without any explanation and leaves a lot of open-ended and unexplained steps throughout. For example, "For the frontend apps, connect the frontend projects in the Amplify console separately, and update the build commands to include:" How do I connect the frontend projects? Update the build commands of both? One?
Likewise, I am having a similar situation trying to get pnpm to be configured for Next.js SSR apps. The lack of clear documentation is causing us to spin wheels.
Any updates on this ? I am facing similar issue. I am trying to deploy react apps using a mono repo for a shared backend . However, when I am trying to create the backend app in the console, the framework is not detected. It would be great if there was a sample quick start project to refer to.
I also am having the same issue. Support please help!
Has anyone gotten this resolved?
I wasn't able to get it working for my backend (amplify) just the front end nextjs app. The repo here: simply does not provide enough guidance.
Describe the content issue:
I'm using NX for my monorepo and am following the instructions
I found that if I follow the following steps to setup the monorepo, the Amplify Console will incorrectly detect the framework of the backend project and actually not identify the backend project is an Amplify project.
Create the monorepo (npx nx create-nx-workspace --preset=next) cd to the monorepo folder and npm create amplify@latest in /packages/backend Go to Amplify console and select packages/backend as the monorepo folder for the backend app. In this case, you'll see that the console will not understand this to be amplify Gen 2 but, will detect next.js as the framework The console correctly identifies the framework as Amplify Gen 2 if I follow the following steps:
Create the nx workspace in a subfolder of the repo (say, "myworkspace") Create the Amplify inside the subfolder. Set myworkspace/packages/backend as monorepo root for backend app. In this case, everything works fine.
What is causing this to happen? How can we get the framework to be identified correctly?
URL page where content issue is: