results in the error
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name bucket
-objects --template-body file://s3bucketa.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND
An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the CreateStack operation: Template f
ormat error: Unrecognized resource types: [AWS::S3::Object]
I have made the changes in my cloned repo, but I haven't figured that unrecognized resource type yet. If I can figure it out, I will contribute the changes back. Would appreciate any assistance.
There are several issues to get here.
Running this template
results in the error aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name bucket -objects --template-body file://s3bucketa.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the CreateStack operation: Template f ormat error: Unrecognized resource types: [AWS::S3::Object]
I have made the changes in my cloned repo, but I haven't figured that unrecognized resource type yet. If I can figure it out, I will contribute the changes back. Would appreciate any assistance.