Typescript resource models are not being generated by cfn generate. A similar workflow using java generates the S3 and BucketPolicy models, but nothing with typescript.
Environment Details:
Windows 10 Pro
cfn 0.2.28
Python 3.10.10
Node v18.13.0
Same results with:
Mac OS 12.6.3
cfn 0.2.28
Python 3.9.16
Node v18.12.1
// This is a generated file. Modifications will be overwritten.
import { BaseModel, Dict, integer, Integer, Optional, transformValue } from '@amazon-web-services-cloudformation/cloudformation-cli-typescript-lib';
import { Exclude, Expose, Type, Transform } from 'class-transformer';
export class TypeConfigurationModel extends BaseModel {
['constructor']: typeof TypeConfigurationModel;
[2023-04-01T21:16:00Z] DEBUG - Logging set up successfully
[2023-04-01T21:16:00Z] DEBUG - Running generate: Namespace(version=False, subparser_name='generate', command=<function generate at 0x00000179DB618670>, verbose=0, endpoint_url=None, region=None, local_only=False, target_schemas=[])
[2023-04-01T21:16:00Z] DEBUG - Root directory: C:\Users\Matt\Documents\cfn_hooks
[2023-04-01T21:16:00Z] DEBUG - Loading project file 'C:\Users\Matt\Documents\cfn_hooks\.rpdk-config'
[2023-04-01T21:16:00Z] INFO - Validating your hook specification...
[2023-04-01T21:16:00Z] DEBUG - Rewriting refs in '<BASE>' (file:///C:/Users/Matt/Documents/cfn_hooks/mycompany-test-hook.json)
[2023-04-01T21:16:00Z] DEBUG - Writing Execution Role CloudFormation template: C:\Users\Matt\Documents\cfn_hooks\hook-role.yaml
[2023-04-01T21:16:00Z] DEBUG - Overwriting 'C:\Users\Matt\Documents\cfn_hooks\hook-role.yaml'
[2023-04-01T21:16:00Z] DEBUG - Hook schema target names: {'AWS::S3::BucketPolicy', 'AWS::S3::Bucket'}
[2023-04-01T21:16:00Z] DEBUG - Resolving the following type names: {'AWS::S3::BucketPolicy', 'AWS::S3::Bucket'}
[2023-04-01T21:16:00Z] DEBUG - Retrieving info for following target names: {'AWS::S3::BucketPolicy', 'AWS::S3::Bucket'}
[2023-04-01T21:16:00Z] DEBUG - Retrieving info for type: AWS::S3::BucketPolicy
[2023-04-01T21:16:01Z] DEBUG - Retrieving info for type: AWS::S3::Bucket
[2023-04-01T21:16:01Z] DEBUG - Generate started
[2023-04-01T21:16:01Z] DEBUG - Writing file: C:\Users\Matt\Documents\cfn_hooks\src\models.ts
[2023-04-01T21:16:01Z] DEBUG - Overwriting 'C:\Users\Matt\Documents\cfn_hooks\src\models.ts'
[2023-04-01T21:16:01Z] DEBUG - Generate complete
[2023-04-01T21:16:01Z] DEBUG - Removing generated docs: C:\Users\Matt\Documents\cfn_hooks\docs
[2023-04-01T21:16:01Z] DEBUG - Writing generated docs
[2023-04-01T21:16:01Z] DEBUG - Finished documenting nested properties
[2023-04-01T21:16:01Z] DEBUG - Writing docs README: C:\Users\Matt\Documents\cfn_hooks\docs\README.md
[2023-04-01T21:16:01Z] WARNING - Generated files for MyCompany::Test::Hook
[2023-04-01T21:16:01Z] DEBUG - Finished generate
Typescript resource models are not being generated by cfn generate. A similar workflow using java generates the S3 and BucketPolicy models, but nothing with typescript.
Environment Details: Windows 10 Pro cfn 0.2.28 Python 3.10.10 Node v18.13.0
Same results with: Mac OS 12.6.3 cfn 0.2.28 Python 3.9.16 Node v18.12.1
Hook spec:
cfn generate output:
Resulting models.ts file: