Closed Limess closed 7 months ago
@luiseduardocolon It has been sitting in status "We're working on it" since Jan 11th. Any update for this? My finance dept. is killing me for not being able to filter on tags for our alarms.
Also hoping this gets implemented soon. We want to set incident priority and urgency based on CloudWatch alarm tags, and not have to configure these separately in another system.
@luiseduardocolon any updates on this ?
Also hoping this gets implemented soon. We want to set incident priority and urgency based on CloudWatch alarm tags, and not have to configure these separately in another system.
THIS. It would be so much easier to tag alarms and then create a CloudWatch event rule which forwards alarm state changes to a Lambda which checks the tags and forwards messages.. Thats my plan once tagging is available
Argh. Just ran into this one.
Adding my plus-one here. We have so many teams and applications we don't know who to contact about cleaning up their alarms that point to resources that may no longer exist.
+1 as well - this would be huge for us to be able to fully utilize tags for automating dashboard creation.
+1 We need cloudwatch alarm tags so we can allow people to tag their alarms with information that's needed for our shared lambda functions.
Hoping to implement the following in one go: would be nice to deploy tagged cloudwatch alarms via CFN alongside the policy that applies to them.
using description for tags. so desperate we are. no patience we have.
Just ran into this one as well :( any ETAs?
If anyone needs a solution to this before it's supported natively, this is the custom resource Lambda that I'm using:
const response = require('cfn-response');
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const cloudwatch = new AWS.CloudWatch();
exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
try {
const tags = event.ResourceProperties.Tags;
const arn = event.ResourceProperties.AlarmArn;
if (!tags || !tags.length || !arn) {
console.error('AlarmArn and Tags properties must be defined');
await response.send(event, context, response.FAILED, {});
if (event.RequestType === 'Create') {
// Create all tags on the custom resource
await cloudwatch.tagResource({
ResourceARN: arn,
Tags: tags,
} else if (event.RequestType === 'Update') {
// Remove tags that were present in the old resource properties, but are
// no longer present
const previousTags = event.OldResourceProperties.Tags;
const currentTagKeys = => t.Key);
const staleTags = previousTags.filter(p => !currentTagKeys.includes(p.Key));
if (staleTags.length) {
await cloudwatch.untagResource({
ResourceARN: arn,
TagKeys: => t.Key),
// Create/update all values present in the current resource properties
await cloudwatch.tagResource({
ResourceARN: arn,
Tags: tags,
} else if (event.RequestType === 'Delete') {
// Remove all tags on the custom resource
await cloudwatch.untagResource({
ResourceARN: arn,
TagKeys: => t.Key),
await response.send(event, context, response.SUCCESS, {});
} catch (error) {
await response.send(event, context, response.FAILED, {});
Which would work with a custom resource like this:
Type: Custom::CloudWatchAlarmTags
ServiceToken: !Ref CloudWatchAlarmTaggerServiceToken
AlarmArn: !GetAtt MyAlarm.Arn
- { Key: Severity, Value: Critical }
- { Key: LogGroup, Value: arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:1234567890:log-group:my-service-logs }
Is there any news about this? please.
+1 from 2021!
I'm impressed that this feature doesn't have any avances 2 years after. We need tagging for create a team-based billing strategy and CW is one of our better consumers...
Covered this in CDK:
class AlarmTags extends cdk.Construct {
const sdkCall: customResource.AwsSdkCall = {
service: "CloudWatch",
action: "tagResource",
physicalResourceId: customResource.PhysicalResourceId.of(`${alarmName}Tags`),
parameters: {
ResourceARN: alarmArn,
Tags: tags
new customResource.AwsCustomResource(this, id, {
resourceType: "Custom::AlarmTags",
onCreate: sdkCall,
onUpdate: sdkCall,
logRetention: logs.RetentionDays.THREE_DAYS,
policy: customResource.AwsCustomResourcePolicy.fromStatements([new iam.PolicyStatement({
actions: ["cloudwatch:TagResource"],
resources: ["*"]
timeout: cdk.Duration.minutes(1)
Synth results in:
🚀 Lambdas aren't populated when instantiating several AlarmTags in a stack.
For anyone trying to implement this on their own like we did, be warned that the rate limit on CloudWatch tagging is 1 per second, so it's extremely easy to hit when tagging a lot of resources at once via CloudFormation, such as when spinning up a new stack.
We set a high max retries and default backoff on the CloudWatch client, and give the function a bunch of time to run, basically just to let it fail a bunch and sort itself out.
+1 from 2022
+1 from April 2022
+1 from 2022
+1 from August 2022. Come on guys, this is basic stuff. This issue has been open for 3+ years.
Can someone please take one for the team and apply for a job at AWS to add this feature?
@Risae , Oh, I have, trust me, under my Global Account persona. Still doesn't seem to make a difference.
I will poke our account team on this one again and see if we can get any traction.
@Risae , Oh, I have, trust me, under my Global Account persona. Still doesn't seem to make a difference.
I will poke our account team on this one again and see if we can get any traction.
I did the same.... But i just noticed that even Terraform supports tagging of CloudWatch Alarms:
Anybody know why Terraform is better than CloudFormation?!
+1 This is getting pretty ridiculous. Why no CloudFormation support after 3+ years?
+1. Lack of tag support for alarms makes it hard for CDK users to apply tags consistently using CDK aspects
+1 from 2023. Thank you in advance.
+1 on this, is there any plan to solve this somehow?
+1 running into this limitation with our CDK usage
This is already supported in Terraform, why not in CFn. Other services do support this via CFn, why not CFn?
1. Title
CloudWatch supports tagging and untagging alarms, and it should be supported in CloudFormation.
2. Scope of request
Allow for tags on create, updating tags, etc.
3. Expected behavior
See 2 above.
4. Test case recommendation
5. Links to existing API doc
API Docs:
6. Category tag
7. Any additional context
The documentation on this feature is sparse.
Existing resource: AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm.
This is supported by Boto: CloudWatch.Client.tag_resource.