aws-cloudformation / cloudformation-resource-schema

The CloudFormation Resource Schema defines the shape and semantic for resources provisioned by CloudFormation. It is used by provider developers using the CloudFormation RPDK.
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misleading property name: AWS::Logs::LogGroup.KmsKeyId #119

Closed tcheksa62 closed 3 years ago

tcheksa62 commented 3 years ago


I got problem when I use this template to deploy KMSKey, KMSAlias and CW LogGroup :

    Type: 'AWS::KMS::Key'
      Description: KMS for CloudWatch Log group
      Enabled: true
        Version: '2012-10-17'
        Id: key-default-1
        - Sid: Enable IAM User Permissions
          Effect: Allow
            AWS: !Sub arn:aws:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:root
          Action: kms:*
          Resource: '*'
        - Sid: Enable CWL Permissions
          Effect: Allow
            Service: !Sub logs.${AWS::Region}
          - kms:Describe*
          - kms:Encrypt*
          - kms:Decrypt*
          - kms:ReEncrypt*
          - kms:ReEncrypt*
          Resource: '*'

    Type: 'AWS::KMS::Alias'
      AliasName: alias/CloudWatchLogKMS
      TargetKeyId: !Ref KMSKey     
    Type: 'AWS::Logs::LogGroup'
      LogGroupName: /var/log/messages
      RetentionInDays: 365
      KmsKeyId: !Ref KMSKey

Error message : Model validation failed (#/KmsKeyId: failed validation constraint for keyword [pattern])

In the doc of "AWS::KMS::Key" resource, return value is key ID. But "AWS::Logs::LogGroup" wait an ARN not a KeyID. The param himself if ambiguous "KmsKeyId" but in reality is KmsKeyArn

My workaround is to use "Fn::GetAtt" instead of Ref : KmsKeyId: !GetAtt KMSKey.Arn

Regards, Tcheksa

PatMyron commented 3 years ago

The param himself if ambiguous "KmsKeyId" but in reality is KmsKeyArn

Agreed, this problem stems from CreateLogGroup API naming itself. Unfortunately, we have to continue supporting that naming at this point, but the reference documentation for AWS::Logs::LogGroup.KmsKeyId has a note on this as well

benbridts commented 3 years ago

The API has the same problem, so the person who wrote the implementation copied that instead of thinking about how to make it better for CloudFormation users (and they will try to do better next time).

I know that "it's frustrating for everyone" doesn't really solve the issue.