aws-cloudformation / rain

A development workflow tool for working with AWS CloudFormation.
Apache License 2.0
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BUG: Updating from 1.7.5 to 1.8.1 causes `Properties validation failed for resource Schedule with message: [#/FlexibleTimeWindow/Mode: false is not a valid enum value]` #319

Closed r-heimann closed 3 months ago

r-heimann commented 4 months ago


updated rain from v1.7.5 to v1.8.1, it now causes

Properties validation failed for resource Schedule with message:
[#/FlexibleTimeWindow/Mode: false is not a valid enum value]

Affected CloudFormation Resource: AWS::Scheduler::Schedule Example:

    Type: AWS::Scheduler::Schedule
      GroupName: !Ref ScheduleGroupName
      ScheduleExpression: "rate(5 minutes)"
      ScheduleExpressionTimezone: "Europe/Berlin"
        Mode: "OFF"
      State: "ENABLED"
        Arn: !GetAtt LambdaFunction.Arn
        RoleArn: !GetAtt ScheduleRole.Arn

rain 1.8.1 artifact:

    Type: AWS::Scheduler::Schedule
        Mode: OFF # <- This seems to be affected
      GroupName: !Ref ScheduleGroupName
      ScheduleExpression: rate(5 minutes)
      ScheduleExpressionTimezone: Europe/Berlin
      State: ENABLED
        Arn: !GetAtt LambdaFunction.Arn
        RoleArn: !GetAtt ScheduleRole.Arn

rain 1.7.5 artifact:

    Type: AWS::Scheduler::Schedule
      GroupName: !Ref ScheduleGroupName
      ScheduleExpression: rate(5 minutes)
      ScheduleExpressionTimezone: Europe/Berlin
        Mode: "OFF"
      State: ENABLED
        Arn: !GetAtt LambdaFunction.Arn
        RoleArn: !GetAtt ScheduleRole.Arn

The Documentation is also unclear what exacly they want for values:

Determines whether the schedule is invoked within a flexible time window. You must use quotation marks when you specify this value in your JSON or YAML template.

Allowed Values: "OFF" | "FLEXIBLE"

Required: Yes

Type: String

Allowed values: OFF | FLEXIBLE

Update requires: No interruption
ericzbeard commented 4 months ago

What rain command is causing this?

r-heimann commented 4 months ago

We are using

rain deploy <Template> <Stackname> --config <Parameters> --termination-protection --yes
ericzbeard commented 4 months ago

This is a weird one. There is no difference, as far as YAML is concerned, between those two.

ericzbeard commented 4 months ago

This commit might be what broke it. I had to change that to fix a different bug in the formatter, to keep the styling consistent.

ericzbeard commented 4 months ago

The problem is that the schema uses what is essentially a reserved word in YAML, OFF means the node is a boolean, not a string.

    "FlexibleTimeWindowMode": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "Determines whether the schedule is executed within a flexible time window.",
      "enum": [

It should have been modeled as "DISABLED" or something like that to avoid clashing with the boolean aliases.

I will likely need to hack the formatter so that in this one case, we output "OFF" instead of OFF.

ericzbeard commented 4 months ago