aws-containers / amazon-ecs-exec-checker

🚀 Pre-flight checks for ECS Exec
MIT No Attribution
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jq: error (at <stdin>:173): Cannot iterate over null (null) #67

Open domvo opened 9 months ago

domvo commented 9 months ago

When running the checker, I get the following jq error:

Prerequisites for v0.7
  jq      | OK (/opt/homebrew/bin/jq)
  AWS CLI | OK (/opt/homebrew/bin/aws)

Prerequisites for the AWS CLI to use ECS Exec
  AWS CLI Version        | OK (aws-cli/2.15.17 Python/3.11.7 Darwin/23.0.0 source/arm64 prompt/off)
  Session Manager Plugin | OK (1.2.553.0)

Checks on ECS task and other resources
Region : eu-central-1
  Cluster Configuration  | Audit Logging Not Configured
  Can I ExecuteCommand?  | arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxxx:user/
     ecs:ExecuteCommand: allowed
     ssm:StartSession denied?: allowed
  Task Status            | RUNNING
  Launch Type            | Fargate
  Platform Version       | 1.4.0
  Exec Enabled for Task  | OK
  Container-Level Checks |
      Managed Agent Status
jq: error (at <stdin>:173): Cannot iterate over null (null)

I found out that not all containers have a managedAgent property. I was able to fix it by changing line 422 to

agentsStatus=$(echo "${describedTaskJson}" | jq -r ".tasks[0].containers[] | (.managedAgents // [])[].lastStatus // \"FallbackValue\"")

This is of course only a quick fix. The underlying issue is that we have AWS GuardDuty enabled. GuardDuty injects a container into each task but those GuardDuty containers do not have a managedAgent.

This is how the container comes back after describing it:

  "containerArn": "arn:aws:ecs:eu-central-1:xxxxxxxxx:container/xxx-cluster-xxx/xxxxx/9efcbebb-1204-4212-84fa-1471bcadbf8c",
  "taskArn": "arn:aws:ecs:eu-central-1:xxxxxxxxx:task/xxxx-cluster-xxx/xxx",
  "name": "aws-guardduty-agent-GAhgQ",
  "imageDigest": "sha256:9f8cd438fb66f62d09bfc641286439f7ed5177988a314a6021ef4ff880642e68",
  "runtimeId": "c9103216b805432497d68c0190237d44-4043820195",
  "lastStatus": "RUNNING",
  "networkBindings": [

  "networkInterfaces": [
      "attachmentId": "c88ab07b-c263-419c-ba64-adea5c51eb07",
      "privateIpv4Address": ""
  "healthStatus": "UNKNOWN"
domvo commented 9 months ago

I found that not all containers have a managedAgent property. I was able to fix it by changing line 422 to

  agentsStatus=$(echo "${describedTaskJson}" | jq -r ".tasks[0].containers[] | select(.managedAgents != null) | .managedAgents[].lastStatus")
gfcameron commented 3 months ago

I was seeing the same issue, thanks!