aws-containers / retail-store-sample-app

Sample application for demonstrating container platforms and related technology
MIT No Attribution
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ECS immersion day workshop doesn't work #597

Closed lichen79 closed 1 month ago

lichen79 commented 1 month ago

Hello, doesn't work on the retail-store-sample-app latest 0.8.1 release on step "Automation" as the change made on src/ui/script, build.source deleted in this release.

codebuild log: Failed Start time: 3 minutes agoChange 3 minutes ago to UTC+2:00 time formatChange 3 minutes ago to UTC+2:00 time format Current phase: COMPLETED Showing the last 90 lines of the build log. View entire log [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:48.938218 Running on CodeBuild On-demand [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:48.938241 Waiting for agent ping [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:49.039139 Waiting for DOWNLOAD_SOURCE [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:50.716375 Phase is DOWNLOAD_SOURCE [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:50.721026 CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR=/codebuild/output/src2366024653/src [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:50.721467 YAML location is /codebuild/output/src2366024653/src/buildspec.yml [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:50.723023 Setting HTTP client timeout to higher timeout for S3 source [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:50.723102 Processing environment variables [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:50.930309 No runtime version selected in buildspec. [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:50.958173 Moving to directory /codebuild/output/src2366024653/src [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:50.961244 Unable to initialize cache download: no paths specified to be cached [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:50.983489 Configuring ssm agent with target id: codebuild:7ebd4c8b-98ff-4430-928b-87ffd78552aa [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:51.044600 Successfully updated ssm agent configuration [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:51.044903 Registering with agent [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:51.073371 Phases found in YAML: 4 [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:51.073396 BUILD: 8 commands [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:51.073399 POST_BUILD: 8 commands [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:51.073402 INSTALL: 1 commands [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:51.073405 PRE_BUILD: 8 commands [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:51.073676 Phase complete: DOWNLOAD_SOURCE State: SUCCEEDED [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:51.073689 Phase context status code: Message: [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:51.128895 Entering phase INSTALL [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:51.129236 Running command echo Build started on date Build started on Sat Jul 20 19:09:51 UTC 2024 [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:51.173601 Phase complete: INSTALL State: SUCCEEDED [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:51.173617 Phase context status code: Message: [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:51.205847 Entering phase PRE_BUILD [Container] 2024/07/20 19:09:51.206263 Running command ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query "Account" --output text) [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:04.720590 Running command echo Logging in to Amazon ECR in $AWS_REGION Logging in to Amazon ECR in us-west-2 [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:04.727328 Running command COMMIT_HASH=$(echo $CODEBUILD_RESOLVED_SOURCE_VERSION | cut -c 1-8) [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:04.735473 Running command IMAGE_TAG_I=i$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)-${COMMIT_HASH:=latest} [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:04.742631 Running command echo ECR_URI=$ECR_URI [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:04.748830 Running command echo IMAGE_TAG=$IMAGE_TAG IMAGE_TAG=latest-amd64 [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:04.754908 Running command echo IMAGE_TAG_I=$IMAGE_TAG_I IMAGE_TAG_I=i20240720191004-c8bf4e36 [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:04.761075 Running command aws ecr get-login-password --region $AWS_REGION | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $ECR_URI WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /root/.docker/config.json. Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See Login Succeeded [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.433477 Phase complete: PRE_BUILD State: SUCCEEDED [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.433496 Phase context status code: Message: [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.469612 Entering phase BUILD [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.470049 Running command echo Building a container image ... Building a container image ... [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.476635 Running command component=ui [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.483175 Running command component_dir="./src/$component" [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.489132 Running command source "$component_dir/scripts/build.source" /codebuild/output/tmp/ line 4: ./src/ui/scripts/build.source: No such file or directory [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.494795 Command did not exit successfully source "$component_dir/scripts/build.source" exit status 1 [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.499639 Phase complete: BUILD State: FAILED [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.499654 Phase context status code: COMMAND_EXECUTION_ERROR Message: Error while executing command: source "$component_dir/scripts/build.source". Reason: exit status 1 [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.537714 Entering phase POST_BUILD [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.538105 Running command docker push $ECR_URI:$IMAGE_TAG_I The push refers to repository [] An image does not exist locally with the tag: [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.556526 Command did not exit successfully docker push $ECR_URI:$IMAGE_TAG_I exit status 1 [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.561689 Phase complete: POST_BUILD State: FAILED [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.561705 Phase context status code: COMMAND_EXECUTION_ERROR Message: Error while executing command: docker push $ECR_URI:$IMAGE_TAG_I. Reason: exit status 1 [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.659925 Expanding base directory path: . [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.663375 Assembling file list [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.663391 Expanding . [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.666592 Expanding file paths for base directory . [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.666605 Assembling file list [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.666608 Expanding imagedefinitions.json [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.669782 Skipping invalid file path imagedefinitions.json [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.669795 Expanding imageDetail.json [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.672909 Skipping invalid file path imageDetail.json [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.672918 Expanding taskdef.json [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.675954 Found 1 file(s) [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.678077 Phase complete: UPLOAD_ARTIFACTS State: SUCCEEDED [Container] 2024/07/20 19:10:05.678094 Phase context status code: Message:

niallthomson commented 1 month ago

Thanks for raising, we'll resolve this through other channels