aws-deepracer-community / deepracer-for-cloud

Creates an AWS DeepRacing training environment which can be deployed in the cloud, or locally on Ubuntu Linux, Windows or Mac.
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"Sagemaker is not running." #71

Closed themoddedcube closed 3 years ago

themoddedcube commented 3 years ago

I followed the video tutorial on this, and I keep getting the error that sagemaker is not running. I have pulled the correct image and have checked the system.env file to make sure I got the right image. Can anyone please help me with this?

chiahsuantw commented 3 years ago

Try docker ps to see if the sagemaker is running in the background. Sometimes, it starts very slow on some machines. Just wait a bit and If you see sagemaker on the running docker list, then enter dr-logs-sagemaker to see logs. If not, maybe something wrong in your reward function, hyperparameters, action space, or even env settings.

porygon-git commented 3 years ago

When I re-installed and ./init again, the same error occurred.(in my case, ./init error)

Screenshot from 2021-10-19 00-05-28

In my case, I initialized docker swarm and ran . /init. After initializing the docker swarm and running ./init, sagemaker started.

Screenshot from 2021-10-19 00-28-16

Screenshot from 2021-10-19 00-30-39

so my suggestioin is

docker swarm leave -f docker swarm init ./init

chiahsuantw commented 3 years ago

@porygon-git I always ignore these errors. ./ tries to initialize and join the swarm. Since you've initialized before, it cannot be joined again.

larsll commented 3 years ago

Closing as question resolved.