aws-deepracer-community / deepracer-for-cloud

Creates an AWS DeepRacing training environment which can be deployed in the cloud, or locally on Ubuntu Linux, Windows or Mac.
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Default hyperparameters #97

Closed rohand2412 closed 1 year ago

rohand2412 commented 1 year ago

This isn't a bug or issue actually, but rather a question.

This is the DRfC default hyperparameters.json

    "batch_size": 64,
    "beta_entropy": 0.01,
    "discount_factor": 0.995,
    "e_greedy_value": 0.05,
    "epsilon_steps": 10000,
    "exploration_type": "categorical",
    "loss_type": "huber",
    "lr": 0.0003,
    "num_episodes_between_training": 20,
    "num_epochs": 10,
    "stack_size": 1,
    "term_cond_avg_score": 350.0,
    "term_cond_max_episodes": 1000,
    "sac_alpha": 0.2

I was wondering how you came up with values for the e_greedy_value, epsilon_steps, exploration_type, stack_size, term_cond_avg_score, term_cond_max_episodes, and sac_alpha? Or where I can find the AWS Deepracer official defaults for these values? I found defaults on the AWS DeepRacer documentation for the other values.


larsll commented 1 year ago

The defaults normally come out of the values provided by AWS. If you download the logs from the console you will see.

rohand2412 commented 1 year ago

Okay I'll do that thanks!