Description of changes: This change adds GitHub Actions CI/CD support. The build action will run on every pull request. The publish action will run on every release.
AWS has its own unique Maven Central endpoint and its own unique authentication process, so most of the public documentation will not work. We are using a plugin to help us adapt the workflow for this specific endpoint.
The publish action relies on repository-level secrets that can be configured by admins on the Settings tab.
By submitting this pull request, I confirm that you can use, modify, copy, and redistribute this contribution, under the terms of your choice.
Description of changes: This change adds GitHub Actions CI/CD support. The build action will run on every pull request. The publish action will run on every release.
AWS has its own unique Maven Central endpoint and its own unique authentication process, so most of the public documentation will not work. We are using a plugin to help us adapt the workflow for this specific endpoint.
The publish action relies on repository-level secrets that can be configured by admins on the Settings tab.
By submitting this pull request, I confirm that you can use, modify, copy, and redistribute this contribution, under the terms of your choice.