aws-ia / cfn-ps-chainlinklabs-chainlink-node

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The chainlink image of version 1.13.0 or higher does not work. #11

Open YutaOkoshi opened 9 months ago

YutaOkoshi commented 9 months ago

Various information was passed to chainlink in .password, but this method is not supported in the latest Chainlink images.

All scripts for starting EC2 instances need to be replaced. Or it would be less man-hours to make the Chainlink image work on Fargate.

YutaOkoshi commented 9 months ago

And, Environment variables have also changed considerably.

config validation failed: invalid environment: 11 errors:        - environment variable DATABASE_URL must not be set: unsupported with config v2
        - environment variable ROOT must not be set: unsupported with config v2
        - environment variable DATABASE_LOCKING_MODE must not be set: unsupported with config v2
        - environment variable JSON_CONSOLE must not be set: unsupported with config v2
        - environment variable LOG_LEVEL must not be set: unsupported with config v2
        - environment variable ALLOW_ORIGINS must not be set: unsupported with config v2
        - environment variable SECURE_COOKIES must not be set: unsupported with config v2
        - environment variable CHAINLINK_TLS_PORT must not be set: unsupported with config v2
        - environment variable ETH_URL must not be set: unsupported with config v2
        - environment variable ETH_CHAIN_ID must not be set: unsupported with config v2
        - environment variable LINK_CONTRACT_ADDRESS must not be set: unsupported with config v2
YutaOkoshi commented 9 months ago

I did this work with Chainlink Node and AWS Console,So I did ran smartcontract/chainlink:2.7.0. But if you AutoScaling it, it will breaks. I don't know the correct methodization.

  1. AWS Console

    • Create SSL certificate in ACM (done before Cfn deployment)
    • Remove DB password setting of Aurora instance from SecretsManager management and set master password manually (done after Cfn deployment)
  2. On ChainlinkNode:

    $ sudo su ec2-user
    $ docker rm -f chainlink

The basics follow:

$ echo "RootDir = '/chainlink'

[Log] Level = 'debug'

[WebServer] AllowOrigins = '*' SecureCookies = false

[WebServer.TLS] HTTPSPort = 0

[[EVM]] ChainID = '1'

[[EVM.Nodes]] Name = 'something' WSURL = 'wss://something' HTTPURL = 'https://something'

[P2P.V1] Enabled = false

[P2P.V2] Enabled = false

[Database.Lock] Enabled = true LeaseDuration = '10s' LeaseRefreshInterval = '1s' " > /home/ec2-user/.chainlink/config.toml

The basics follow:

$ echo "[Password] Keystore = 'psqlpassword'

[Database] URL = 'postgresql://usename:psqlpassword@postgresqlHostName:5432/postgres' " > /home/ec2-user/.chainlink/secrets.toml

If CloudFormation parameters ChainlinkNodeGUIPassword and ChainlinkNodeGUIEmail are written, OK.

If this is not working, you will get a log message "API credentials must be supplied".

$ echo "CHANGE_THIS_EXAMPLE_EMAIL CHANGE_THIS_EXAMPLE_PASSWORD " > /home/ec2-user/.chainlink/.api

$ sudo chmod 777 -R /home/ec2-user/.chainlink $ sudo chown 1000:1000 -R /home/ec2-user/.chainlink

$ latestimage=$(curl -s -S "" | jq -r '."results"[]["name"]' | head -n 1)

$ cd /home/ec2-user/.chainlink && docker run -d \ -u 1000:1000 \ --log-driver=awslogs --log-opt awslogs-group=ChainlinkLogs \ --restart unless-stopped \ --name chainlink \ -p6688:6688 \ -v /home/ec2-user/.chainlink:/chainlink \ smartcontract/chainlink:$latestimage \ node --config /chainlink/config.toml --secrets /chainlink/secrets.toml start -a /chainlink/.api

Connection to PostgreSQL is made one node at a time, so only one node is healthy.

$ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 2fc97f22d5be smartcontract/chainlink:2.7.0 "chainlink node --co…" 2 hours ago Up 2 hours (healthy)>6688/tcp, :::6688->6688/tcp chainlink


$ curl -XGET localhost:6688/health | jq '.' % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 922 100 922 0 0 438k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 450k { "data": [ { "type": "checks", "id": "JobSpawner", "attributes": { "name": "JobSpawner", "status": "passing", "output": "" } }, { "type": "checks", "id": "MailboxMonitor", "attributes": { "name": "MailboxMonitor", "status": "passing", "output": "" } }, { "type": "checks", "id": "TelemetryManager", "attributes": { "name": "TelemetryManager", "status": "passing", "output": "" } }, { "type": "checks", "id": "EVM.80001.Relayer.Mercury.WSRPCPool", "attributes": { "name": "EVM.80001.Relayer.Mercury.WSRPCPool", "status": "passing", "output": "" } }, { "type": "checks", "id": "EventBroadcaster", "attributes": { "name": "EventBroadcaster", "status": "passing", "output": "" } }, { "type": "checks", "id": "PipelineRunner", "attributes": { "name": "PipelineRunner", "status": "passing", "output": "" } }, { "type": "checks", "id": "PromReporter", "attributes": { "name": "PromReporter", "status": "passing", "output": "" } }, { "type": "checks", "id": "PipelineORM", "attributes": { "name": "PipelineORM", "status": "passing", "output": "" } } ] }

YutaOkoshi commented 9 months ago

I didn't have time to incorporate it into the Chainlink Node startup template, so someone please do so.