aws-neuron / aws-neuron-samples

Example code for AWS Neuron SDK developers building inference and training applications
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Saving an attribute #53

Open fabiozappo opened 8 months ago

fabiozappo commented 8 months ago

Hi, I am exporting a model using torch neuron but I can't find any reference to save a custom attribute in the model.

For instance I would like to save the dimension of input image as an integer so to be able to get again this value doing something like:

model = torch.jit.load('"/path/to/my/")
image_size = model.image_size
jyang-aws commented 7 months ago

@fabiozappo as mentioned in torch.jit.load, the pb needs to have saved modules (for a model). a separate tensor is not part of a module. You can get the image_size by either query from the model, say model.layer.weight[0] if it can be inferred from the model. or use something similar to, which can store dictionary dtype: