aws-powertools / actions

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Setup continuous integration for JS #5

Open heitorlessa opened 1 month ago

heitorlessa commented 1 month ago

As of now, we're not running linting and tests as part of CI for this repo. They do run locally and have E2E tests too.

heitorlessa commented 1 month ago

Caveat. E2E test might be a problem as token might be scoped to current repository only.

To prevent a complex seed data for issues and pull requests, E2E is sourcing data from a known repository and using this repository to create/update reports.

dreamorosi commented 1 month ago

I'll probably tackle this in 2 separate PRs: one for linting & code quality and another for E2E.

If we need to create a GH PAT, we could consider using @aws-powertools-bot and give it access to that other known repo.