aws-powertools / powertools-lambda-typescript

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Feature request: manipulating the idempotent response #2887

Open am29d opened 1 month ago

am29d commented 1 month ago

Use case

I wan to have an option to call a function when idempotency is triggered. In some cases I want to either change payload to signal to the caller that this request was idempotent (x-idempotency: true) or to have side effects, i.e. add custom metric.

While we have this option in python with idempotency_hook there is no option available int TypeScript.

Solution/User Experience

import type { IdempotencyRecord } from '@aws-lambda-powertools/idempotency/persistence';
import {
} from '@aws-lambda-powertools/idempotency';
import type { Context } from 'aws-lambda';
import { DynamoDBPersistenceLayer } from '@aws-lambda-powertools/idempotency/dynamodb';

interface HandlerReponse {
  message: string;
  statusCode: number;
  headers?: Record<string, string>;

const myCustomHook = async (
  response: HandlerReponse,
  record: IdempotencyRecord
) => {
  response.headers['x-idempotency-key'] = record.idempotencyKey;
  return response;

const config = new IdempotencyConfig({
  reponseHook: myCustomHook,

const hanlder = async (event: unknown, context: Context) => {
  // ... process your event
  return {
    message: 'success',
    statusCode: 200,

const persistenceStore = new DynamoDBPersistenceLayer({
  tableName: 'idempotencyTableName',
const idempotentHandler = makeIdempotent(hanlder, {
  config: config,
  persistenceStore: persistenceStore,

Following the Python implementation, we would add resposneHook option to the config, that takes a function as a parameters. The response hook function has signature with response and idempotencyRecord and returns a modified version of the response. The response type should match the return type of the handler function.

Alternative solutions

No response


Future readers

Please react with 👍 and your use case to help us understand customer demand.

dreamorosi commented 1 month ago

Good point - we are missing this feature and it'd be good to have it for feature parity.

I'm going to mark it as contributions welcome.

[!note] For those interested in contributing, please leave a comment below so that we can assign the issue to you and make sure we don't duplicate efforts. Also, if you have any further questions please don't hesitate to ask here or on our Discord channel.

arnabrahman commented 1 week ago

I would like to contribute to this but I need some pointers.

I believe if the custom hook function is provided, it should be called from here. Something like this?

const resultFromIdempotency = IdempotencyHandler.determineResultFromIdempotencyRecord(
returnValue.result = hasHook? customHook(resultFromIdempotency, idempotencyRecord) : resultFromIdempotency;

Once again, I need your expert opinion on this, @dreamorosi. Thanks.

dreamorosi commented 3 days ago

Hi @arnabrahman, thanks for giving some traction to this feature.

I've looked at the implementation in Powertools for AWS Lambda (Python) and it roughly matches the suggestion you shared above. In their implementation they call the hook in the equivalent of our IdempotencyHandler.determineResultFromIdempotencyRecord method just before returning, which is pretty much the same as you are suggesting[^1].

Normally I would advocate for consistency across projects for this type of feature, mainly to reduce the cognitive load for recurrent maintainers by having similar implementation.

In this case we might not be able to the same unless we change the determineResultFromIdempotencyRecord() method from static to normal, so that it can access the config object. Assuming we make the method non-static, I would be inclined to add the logic within the determineResultFromIdempotencyRecord() method instead.

Regarding the actual implementation, I think the logic you're suggesting makes sense, so from my side we're good to move forward if you're still interested.

[^1]: In their implementation they also do the equivalent of an undefined check - which is a bug that I have reported (aws-powertools/powertools-lambda-python#5150).

arnabrahman commented 3 days ago

Yes, I am interested. Please assign me on this, @dreamorosi