aws-powertools / powertools-lambda-typescript

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Feature request: change visibility from `private` to `protected` to allow overrides #3376

Closed zirkelc closed 5 days ago

zirkelc commented 1 week ago

Use case

As discussed before, I would like to suggest to change the visibility of certain methods of Logger from private to protected to allow overrides by subclassing Logger. A use case for such an override would be the buffering of log messages (see #3178).

If approved, I'm happy to submit a PR.

Solution/User Experience

The following methods could be made protected:

Alternative solutions


Future readers

Please react with 👍 and your use case to help us understand customer demand.

dreamorosi commented 1 week ago

Hi @zirkelc, the proposal makes sense.

We discussed this in #3178, so feel free to open a PR to make these changes and I'll help you get it merged before the next release!

github-actions[bot] commented 5 days ago


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