aws-quickstart / cdk-eks-blueprints

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Undocumented breaking change in release v1.8.1 regarding EKS MastersRole #712

Open Feder1co5oave opened 1 year ago

Feder1co5oave commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

In the latest release v1.8.1, cdk-lib was upgraded to v2.81.0 which included PR fixing the security issue

This breaking change was reconciled in EKS blueprints by creating another MastersRole with an equally permissive trust policy in

The effect of this is twofold:

  1. when upgrading an existing CDK EKS application to blueprints 1.8.1 from a previous version, the masters role was created as MastersRole* by CDK EKS. This is used in both the aws eks update-kubeconfig command and aws eks get-token command outputs. Since the master role used to authenticate to the cluster is now changed to something like AccessRole*, the commands changed, and the user must update their kubeconfig with the new commands in order to be able to authenticate to the cluster again (if they had updated their kubeconfig with the output command earlier, using the MastersRole).
  2. the security concern addressed in is completely ignored, since we still create a masters role with cluster-admin privileges in the cluster, with an unsafe * trust policy.

Expected Behavior

This breaking change (the change in EKS master role) should be documented in the release notes.

Current Behavior

A user would lose their kubectl access to the cluster if they created their kubeconfig via the default commands.

Reproduction Steps

Deploy a cluster with blueprints < 1.8.1. Update kubeconfig via the aws eks update-kubeconfig command output by cdk deploy. Make sure you have access to the cluster via kubectl cluster-info. Upgrade the blueprints and linked dependencies to 1.8.1. Run npm i. Deploy the stack with the new version. kubectl commands will not work anymore. An error is returned because the previously configured role does not exist anymore.

Re-run the aws eks update-kubeconfig command output from the second cdk deploy. You should now be able to issue kubectl commands again.

Possible Solution

The change in master role between versions should be documented in the release notes.

Furthermore, we should addressed the security concerns of creating by default a cluster master role with an insecure wildcard trust policy.

Additional Information/Context

No response

CDK CLI Version

2.81.0 (build bd920f2)

EKS Blueprints Version


Node.js Version


Environment details (OS name and version, etc.)


Other information

No response

Feder1co5oave commented 1 year ago

For more information:

Please note that, since I use SSO on my laptop to login to AWS services, I created an IAM identity mapping in aws-auth, mapping the SSO-based role I assume in that AWS account to the cluster-admin user in the EKS cluster.

I then configured an aws cli profile to assume that role. When configuring the kubeconfig, I should have something like this:

- name: arn:aws:eks:eu-central-1:########:cluster/eks-cluster
      - --region
      - eu-central-1
      - eks
      - get-token
      - --cluster-name
      - eks-cluster
      - --role
      - arn:aws:iam::########:role/AWSReservedSSO_EKSClusterAdminAccess_6a316cc66d154241
      command: aws
      - name: AWS_PROFILE
        value: eks-profile

or, in the case the profile role and the one that is in the aws-auth mapping are the same, I should omit entirely the --role argument.

In this scenario, the change in master role should not cause any issues, since I am not using it to authenticate. The security concern still stands, since the master role still exist, and can be assumed by anyone in the AWS account.