aws-quickstart / quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data

AWS Quick Start Team
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Deployment Issues #10

Closed glabelle69 closed 5 years ago

glabelle69 commented 5 years ago

When running the scripts, I get the following errors. Any idea as to what would cause this:

Screen Shot 2019-05-31 at 9 40 15 PM
glabelle69 commented 5 years ago

[19/06/01 01:37:19.741582 UTC] 7f612fcad700 E main(1762) runAnsiblePlaybook : ERROR: Error calling ansible-playbook. Return code: 4 Error calling ansible-playbook. Return code: 4 Exception stack (most recent call first): [runAnsiblePlaybook] - raise Exception("Error calling ansible-playbook. Return code: %s" % retcode) Frame stack (most recent call first): [runAnsiblePlaybook] - TR.error(methodName,"ERROR: %s" % e, e) [main] - self.runAnsiblePlaybook(playbookPath=setMaxMapCountPlaybookPath,targetNodes="all",logFilePath=logFilePath) [] - mainInstance.main(sys.argv) [19/06/01 01:37:19.742419 UTC] 7f612fcad700 E main(2493) main : ERROR: Error calling ansible-playbook. Return code: 4 Error calling ansible-playbook. Return code: 4 Exception stack (most recent call first): [runAnsiblePlaybook] - raise Exception("Error calling ansible-playbook. Return code: %s" % retcode) [main] - self.runAnsiblePlaybook(playbookPath=setMaxMapCountPlaybookPath,targetNodes="all",logFilePath=logFilePath) Frame stack (most recent call first): [main] - TR.error(methodName,"ERROR: %s" % e, e) [] - mainInstance.main(sys.argv) [19/06/01 01:37:20.150046 UTC] 7f612fcad700 3 main(1227) _deleteSSMParameters : Post install cleanup. Deleted SSM parameters: ['/IBM-Cloud-Private-for-Data/', '/IBM-Cloud-Private-for-Data/

glabelle69 commented 5 years ago


shaithal commented 5 years ago

@petervansickel looks like ICP bootstrap is failing to run playbooks. Can you please check and help us understand the issue.

vsnyc commented 5 years ago

Based on the error, RRSet is not permitted, I think it is related to the parameters chosen to deploy the stack. @glabelle69, could you provide the list of parameter used? You can grab it from the output of the following command, substituting the Region and the stack name. aws cloudformation --region $REGION describe-stacks --stack $STACK_NAME

glabelle69 commented 5 years ago

{ "Stacks": [ { "StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-2:694286674523:stack/IBM-Cloud-Private/754a3770-84a1-11e9-9fc6-024d9c0f9898", "StackName": "IBM-Cloud-Private", "Description": "Root template for an IBM Cloud Private deployment. This is the root template for a collection of nested stacks that make up the full ICP deployment. WARNING This template creates EC2 instances and related resources. You will be billed for the AWS resources used if you create a stack from this template. (qs-1p8m99osu)", "Parameters": [ { "ParameterKey": "InceptionTimeout", "ParameterValue": "7200" }, { "ParameterKey": "ResourceOwner", "ParameterValue": "ICP-Quickstart" }, { "ParameterKey": "QSS3KeyPrefix", "ParameterValue": "quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/" }, { "ParameterKey": "ICPDeploymentLogsBucketName", "ParameterValue": "icp4d-logs" }, { "ParameterKey": "StorageIOPS", "ParameterValue": "8000" }, { "ParameterKey": "VPCCIDR", "ParameterValue": "" }, { "ParameterKey": "AvailabilityZoneCount", "ParameterValue": "1" }, { "ParameterKey": "ClusterCIDR", "ParameterValue": "" }, { "ParameterKey": "VPCDomain", "ParameterValue": "app" }, { "ParameterKey": "WhichClusterLBAddress", "ParameterValue": "UseClusterName" }, { "ParameterKey": "AdminPassword", "ParameterValue": "****" }, { "ParameterKey": "ClusterPKIRootPath", "ParameterValue": "" }, { "ParameterKey": "ExcludedMgmtServices", "ParameterValue": "istio,vulnerability-advisor,custom-metrics-adapter" }, { "ParameterKey": "PrivateSubnetCIDR", "ParameterValue": "" }, { "ParameterKey": "QSS3BucketName", "ParameterValue": "aws-quickstart" }, { "ParameterKey": "ExternalApplicationLocation", "ParameterValue": "" }, { "ParameterKey": "InstallationTimeout", "ParameterValue": "7200" }, { "ParameterKey": "AppSubdomainPrefix", "ParameterValue": "apps" }, { "ParameterKey": "ManagementNodeCount", "ParameterValue": "1" }, { "ParameterKey": "MasterNodeCount", "ParameterValue": "1" }, { "ParameterKey": "WorkerNodeInstanceType", "ParameterValue": "m5.xlarge" }, { "ParameterKey": "MasterNodeInstanceType", "ParameterValue": "m5.2xlarge" }, { "ParameterKey": "ExternalSSHLocation", "ParameterValue": "" }, { "ParameterKey": "ProxyNodeCount", "ParameterValue": "1" }, { "ParameterKey": "WorkerNodeCount", "ParameterValue": "2" }, { "ParameterKey": "VPCName", "ParameterValue": "IBMCloudPrivateVPC" }, { "ParameterKey": "ClusterDomain", "ParameterValue": "cluster.local" }, { "ParameterKey": "BootNodeInstanceType", "ParameterValue": "m5.xlarge" }, { "ParameterKey": "VulnerabilityAdvisorNodeCount", "ParameterValue": "0" }, { "ParameterKey": "ApplicationStorageMountPoint", "ParameterValue": "/mnt/storage" }, { "ParameterKey": "PublicSubnetCIDR", "ParameterValue": "" }, { "ParameterKey": "PrivateSubnets", "ParameterValue": "" }, { "ParameterKey": "ProxyNodeInstanceType", "ParameterValue": "m5.xlarge" }, { "ParameterKey": "PublicSubnets", "ParameterValue": "" }, { "ParameterKey": "ClusterName", "ParameterValue": "mycluster" }, { "ParameterKey": "ManagementNodeInstanceType", "ParameterValue": "m5.2xlarge" }, { "ParameterKey": "AdminUser", "ParameterValue": "admin" }, { "ParameterKey": "ExternalICPAdminLocation", "ParameterValue": "" }, { "ParameterKey": "VulnerabilityAdvisorNodeInstanceType", "ParameterValue": "m5.2xlarge" }, { "ParameterKey": "VPCSubdomainPrefix", "ParameterValue": "" }, { "ParameterKey": "EBSVolumeType", "ParameterValue": "gp2" }, { "ParameterKey": "ICPVersion", "ParameterValue": "3.1.2" }, { "ParameterKey": "AvailabilityZones", "ParameterValue": "us-east-2a" }, { "ParameterKey": "HostedZoneId", "ParameterValue": "ZUOXQRU0X6TT3" }, { "ParameterKey": "WhichProxyLBAddress", "ParameterValue": "UseProxyELBName" }, { "ParameterKey": "KeyName", "ParameterValue": "icp4d-quickstart" }, { "ParameterKey": "KeyFilePath", "ParameterValue": "" }, { "ParameterKey": "ClusterPKIBucketName", "ParameterValue": "" }, { "ParameterKey": "ServiceCIDR", "ParameterValue": "" }, { "ParameterKey": "CustomArtifactsPath", "ParameterValue": "" } ], "CreationTime": "2019-06-01T19:14:20.600Z", "RollbackConfiguration": { "RollbackTriggers": [] }, "StackStatus": "CREATE_FAILED", "StackStatusReason": "The following resource(s) failed to create: [InstallationCompleted, ClusterDNSEntries]. ", "DisableRollback": true, "NotificationARNs": [], "Capabilities": [ "CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM", "CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND" ], "Tags": [], "EnableTerminationProtection": false, "DriftInformation": { "StackDriftStatus": "NOT_CHECKED" } } ] }

vsnyc commented 5 years ago

When you specify a HostedZoneId, your VPCDomain should match your hosted zone. Looking at the error, your configuration should be: VPCDomain: HostedZoneId: as provided above. VPCSubdomainPrefix: empty string is acceptable, you could also give something more meaningful to keep the root domain well partitioned, e.g. icpd

The other parameters look okay on a quick glance, please compare with the non-ha configuration just to be sure.

Once the stack is deployed you should be able to access the ICPD console at: https://${ClusterName}.${VPCSubdomainPrefix}.${VPCDomain}:31843/; i.e.,

vsnyc commented 5 years ago

Resolving this as a duplicate of #9, have followed up on that again.