aws-quickstart / quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data

AWS Quick Start Team
Apache License 2.0
14 stars 19 forks source link

Recommended settings #9

Closed glabelle69 closed 4 years ago

glabelle69 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I have been trying to install this and it keeps failing. DO you guys have recommended settings for the options to at least get that installed?

Thanks in advance Guillaume Labelle

vsnyc commented 5 years ago

Hi Guillaume,

Depending on the configuration you are going for you can take a look at the parameter file we use for testing as specified in the taskcat.yaml test specification.

Three scenarios:

You can take a look at the parameter files and fill only the non-empty values for the scenario you are going for.

glabelle69 commented 5 years ago

@vsnyc Can the taskcat files be used for testing also. I tried to use them and running into issues or are they just for you guys. I tried the one for one AZ non-HA configuration and got these errors:

[taskcat] :Reading Config form: quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-master/ci/taskcat.yml [taskcat] |Queing test => icpd-non-ha [ERROR ] :Lint detected issues for test icpd-non-ha on template /mnt/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-master/templates/ibm-icp-for-data-boot.yaml: [INFO ] : line 15 [W2506] [Check if ImageId Parameters have the correct type] (Parameter AMIImageId should be of type [AWS::EC2::Image::Id, AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value]) [INFO ] : line 20 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter AdminPassword not used.) [INFO ] : line 25 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter AdminUser not used.) [INFO ] : line 30 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ApplicationStorageMountPoint not used.) [INFO ] : line 49 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ClusterCIDR not used.) [INFO ] : line 60 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ClusterDNSName not used.) [INFO ] : line 65 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ClusterDomain not used.) [INFO ] : line 70 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ClusterName not used.) [INFO ] : line 75 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ClusterPKIBucketName not used.) [INFO ] : line 80 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ClusterPKIRootPath not used.) [INFO ] : line 95 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter EFSDNSName not used.) [INFO ] : line 100 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter EFSFileSystemId not used.) [INFO ] : line 105 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ExcludedMgmtServices not used.) [INFO ] : line 115 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter IBMCloudPrivateVPC not used.) [INFO ] : line 120 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ICPArchiveBucketName not used.) [INFO ] : line 130 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ICPDArchiveBucketName not used.) [INFO ] : line 140 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ICPDeploymentLogsBucketName not used.) [INFO ] : line 155 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ICPDVersion not used.) [INFO ] : line 160 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ICPVersion not used.) [INFO ] : line 165 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter InceptionTimeout not used.) [INFO ] : line 170 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter InstallationCompletedURL not used.) [INFO ] : line 175 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ICPDInstallationCompletedURL not used.) [INFO ] : line 192 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter MasterNodeCount not used.) [INFO ] : line 200 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter NATGatewayPublicIPs not used.) [INFO ] : line 205 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ProxyELBHostedZoneID not used.) [INFO ] : line 210 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ProxyNodeLoadBalancerName not used.) [INFO ] : line 230 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter SecurityStackId not used.) [INFO ] : line 235 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ServiceCIDR not used.) [INFO ] : line 246 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter StackIds not used.) [INFO ] : line 255 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter VPCDomain not used.) [INFO ] : line 260 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter WhichClusterLBAddress not used.) [INFO ] : line 269 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter WhichProxyLBAddress not used.) [ERROR ] : line 408 [E1029] [Sub is required if a variable is used in a string] (Found an embedded parameter outside of an "Fn::Sub" at Resources/ICPBootNode/Properties/Tags/3/Value/${RootStackName}) [INFO ] :Lint passed for test icpd-non-ha on template /mnt/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-master/templates/icp-for-data-iam-security.yaml: [ERROR ] :Lint detected issues for test icpd-non-ha on template /mnt/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-master/templates/icp-for-data-master.yaml: [INFO ] : line 16 [W2505] [Check if VpcID Parameters have the correct type] (Parameter IBMCloudPrivateVPC should be of type AWS::EC2::VPC::Id, AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value) [ERROR ] :Lint detected issues for test icpd-non-ha on template /mnt/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-master/templates/ibm-icp-for-data-root.yaml:

vsnyc commented 5 years ago

@glabelle69, yes indeed the taskcat file is meant to be used for testing. You can also pass in a -n flag in the taskcat command to keep the stack running after the testing is complete so you can work with the stack.

Here is a session log from my test. You can ignore the lint errors. I performed the following actions:

  1. verify taskcat version
  2. checkout git repo
  3. added a local taskcat override file and made a local copy of the tasckat.yml file. I am testing the non-ha configuration in us-west-1 region.
  4. Launch taskcat using the local taskcat file with only region: taskcat -c ci/taskcat-local.yml -n
  5. interrupted early with Ctrl-C. The CloudFormation stack will keep going though if you check out the AWS Console.
$ taskcat --version
$ pwd
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
Cloning into 'quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 41, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (41/41), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (31/31), done.
remote: Total 240 (delta 14), reused 34 (delta 10), pack-reused 199
Receiving objects: 100% (240/240), 117.18 KiB | 2.39 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (133/133), done.
Submodule 'submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private' ( registered for path 'submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private'
Cloning into '/private/tmp/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 100, done.        
remote: Counting objects: 100% (100/100), done.        
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (58/58), done.        
remote: Total 823 (delta 46), reused 78 (delta 37), pack-reused 723        
Receiving objects: 100% (823/823), 2.02 MiB | 3.48 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (489/489), done.
Submodule path 'submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private': checked out 'd7f797cf132a734bbf3efb3fd949049f69a14a85'
$ cd quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/
$ vi ci/taskcat_project_override.json
$ cp ci/taskcat.yml ci/taskcat-local.yml
$ vi ci/taskcat-local.yml 
$ cat ci/taskcat-local.yml 
  marketplace-ami: false
  qsname: quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data
    - us-west-1
  reporting: true
    parameter_input: icpd120-non-ha.json
    template_file: ibm-icp-for-data-root.yaml
      - us-west-1
$ cat ci/taskcat_project_override.json 
        "ParameterKey": "ICPDeploymentLogsBucketName",
        "ParameterValue": "vsnyc-icp-log-bucket"

$ taskcat -c ci/taskcat-local.yml -n
 _            _             _   
| |_ __ _ ___| | _____ __ _| |_ 
| __/ _` / __| |/ / __/ _` | __|
| || (_| \__ \   < (_| (_| | |_ 

version 0.8.31

[INFO   ] : A newer version of taskcat is available (0.8.33)
[INFO   ] : To upgrade pip version    [ pip install --upgrade taskcat]
[INFO   ] : To upgrade docker version [ docker pull taskcat/taskcat ]

[taskcat] :AWS AccountNumber:    [REMOVED]
[taskcat] :Authenticated via:    [environment]

[taskcat] :Reading Config form: ci/taskcat-local.yml
[taskcat] |Queing test => icpd-non-ha 
[ERROR  ] :Lint detected issues for test icpd-non-ha on template /private/tmp/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/templates/ibm-icp-for-data-root.yaml:
[INFO   ] :    line 959 [W3005] [Check obsolete DependsOn configuration for Resources] (Obsolete DependsOn on resource (IAMResources),
                        dependency already enforced by a "Fn:GetAtt" at
                        Resources/IAMResourcesUpdate/Properties/Parameters/BootNodeRole/Fn::GetAtt/['IAMResources', 'Outputs',
[INFO   ] :    line 959 [W3005] [Check obsolete DependsOn configuration for Resources] (Obsolete DependsOn on resource (IAMResources),
                        dependency already enforced by a "Fn:GetAtt" at
                        'Outputs', 'ICPMasterSecurityGroup'])
[INFO   ] :    line 1095 [W3005] [Check obsolete DependsOn configuration for Resources] (Obsolete DependsOn on resource
                         (ClusterMembersStack), dependency already enforced by a "Fn:GetAtt" at
                         'Outputs', 'MasterNodeOne'])
[INFO   ] :    line 1095 [W3005] [Check obsolete DependsOn configuration for Resources] (Obsolete DependsOn on resource
                         (ClusterMembersStack), dependency already enforced by a "Fn:GetAtt" at Resources/MasterStackUpdate/Prope
                         rties/Parameters/MasterNodeTwo/Fn::If/1/Fn::GetAtt/['ClusterMembersStack', 'Outputs', 'MasterNodeTwo'])
[INFO   ] :    line 1095 [W3005] [Check obsolete DependsOn configuration for Resources] (Obsolete DependsOn on resource
                         (ClusterMembersStack), dependency already enforced by a "Fn:GetAtt" at Resources/MasterStackUpdate/Prope
                         rties/Parameters/MasterNodeThree/Fn::If/1/Fn::GetAtt/['ClusterMembersStack', 'Outputs',
[INFO   ] :    line 1095 [W3005] [Check obsolete DependsOn configuration for Resources] (Obsolete DependsOn on resource
                         (ClusterMembersStack), dependency already enforced by a "Fn:GetAtt" at Resources/MasterStackUpdate/Prope
                         rties/Parameters/MasterNodeLoadBalancer/Fn::GetAtt/['ClusterMembersStack', 'Outputs',
[INFO   ] :Lint passed for test icpd-non-ha on template /private/tmp/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/templates/icp-for-data-iam-security.yaml:
[INFO   ] :Lint passed for test icpd-non-ha on template /private/tmp/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/templates/icp-for-data-master.yaml:
[ERROR  ] :Lint detected issues for test icpd-non-ha on template /private/tmp/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/templates/ibm-icp-for-data-boot.yaml:
[INFO   ] :    line 15 [W2506] [Check if ImageId Parameters have the correct type] (Parameter AMIImageId should be of type
                       [AWS::EC2::Image::Id, AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<AWS::EC2::Image::Id>])
[INFO   ] :    line 20 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter AdminPassword not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 25 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter AdminUser not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 30 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ApplicationStorageMountPoint not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 49 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ClusterCIDR not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 60 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ClusterDNSName not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 65 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ClusterDomain not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 70 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ClusterName not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 75 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ClusterPKIBucketName not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 80 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ClusterPKIRootPath not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 95 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter EFSDNSName not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 100 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter EFSFileSystemId not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 105 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ExcludedMgmtServices not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 115 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter IBMCloudPrivateVPC not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 120 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ICPArchiveBucketName not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 130 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ICPDArchiveBucketName not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 140 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ICPDeploymentLogsBucketName not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 155 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ICPDVersion not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 160 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ICPVersion not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 165 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter InceptionTimeout not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 170 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter InstallationCompletedURL not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 175 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ICPDInstallationCompletedURL not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 192 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter MasterNodeCount not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 200 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter NATGatewayPublicIPs not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 205 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ProxyELBHostedZoneID not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 210 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ProxyNodeLoadBalancerName not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 230 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter SecurityStackId not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 235 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter ServiceCIDR not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 246 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter StackIds not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 255 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter VPCDomain not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 260 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter WhichClusterLBAddress not used.)
[INFO   ] :    line 269 [W2001] [Check if Parameters are Used] (Parameter WhichProxyLBAddress not used.)
[ERROR  ] :    line 408 [E1029] [Sub is required if a variable is used in a string] (Found an embedded parameter outside of an "Fn::Sub"
                        at Resources/ICPBootNode/Properties/Tags/3/Value)
[INFO   ] :Creating bucket taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456 in us-east-1
[INFO   ] :Staging Bucket => [taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456]
[INFO   ] :Enforcing sigv4 requests for bucket taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/NOTICE.txt
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/ci/taskcat-local.yml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/ci/icpd120-non-ha.json
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/ci/icpd120-non-ha-ap-southeast-2.json
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/ci/icpd120-ha-dns.json
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/scripts/aws-icpd-bootstrap/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/scripts/aws-icpd-bootstrap/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/scripts/aws-icpd-bootstrap/maps/icpd-install-artifact-map.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/LICENSE.txt
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/ci/icp310-non-ha.json
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/ci/taskcat.yml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-nodeinit/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-nodeinit/Build-AWS-QuickStart-ICP-NodeInit.xml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/docker/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/docker/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/ci/icpd120-ha-parameters.json
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/k8s/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/LICENSE.txt
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/ci/taskcat.yml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/docker/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/ci/taskcat_project_override.json
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/scripts/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/ci/icp310-non-ha-ap-southeast-2.json
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/ci/icp310-ha-parameters.json
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/NOTICE.txt
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-nodeinit/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/docker/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/scripts/aws-icpd-bootstrap/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/k8s/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/ci/icp310-ha-dns.json
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/k8s/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/icp/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/icp/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/icp/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/icp/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/icp/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/exceptions/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/exceptions/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/utilities/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/utilities/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/utilities/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/scripts/aws-icpd-bootstrap/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/icp/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/k8s/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/icp/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/aws/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/aws/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/exceptions/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/utilities/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/helm/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/utilities/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/aws/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/utilities/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/aws/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/config/icp310-config-template.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/helm/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/config/icp312-config-template.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/config/security/icp-master-security-group.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/aws/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/config/efs/service-account.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/commandsets/asb/asb-helm.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/commandsets/asb/variables.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/commandsets/ta/01-ta-db-secret.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/maps/icp-install-artifact-map.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/commandsets/ta/variables.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/custom-install/3.1.1/pre-install/inception-image-patch/02-docker-load-patched-inception-image.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/custom-install/3.1.0/post-install/hyperkube-patch/02-modify-master-json.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/config/efs/rbac-template.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/Build-AWS-QuickStart-ICP-Bootstrap.xml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/config/efs/manifest-template.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/config/icp2103-config-template.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/commandsets/ebs/create-aws-ebs-sc.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/YAPythonLibrary/yapl/exceptions/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/playbooks/configure-efs-mount.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/commandsets/ta/02-ta-helm.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/commandsets/asb/metadata.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/custom-install/3.1.0/post-install/hyperkube-patch/01-get-hyperkube-patch.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/playbooks/copy-etc-hosts.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/config/icp311-config-template.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/custom-install/3.1.0/post-install/hyperkube-patch/03-install-patch.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/playbooks/restart-kubelet-and-docker.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/custom-install/3.1.1/pre-install/inception-image-patch/01-get-311-inception-image-patched-for-aws.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/playbooks/efs-var-template.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/playbooks/install-nfs-utils.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/playbooks/set-vm-max-mapcount.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/scripts/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/scripts/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/scripts/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/scripts/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/playbooks/config-docker.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/playbooks/load-icp-images.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/playbooks/install-docker.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/templates/ibm-cloud-private-master.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/templates/ibm-cloud-private-boot.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/templates/icp-private-subnets.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/templates/ibm-cloud-private-proxy.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/templates/icp-cluster-members.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/templates/ibm-cloud-private-mgmt.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/scripts/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/templates/ibm-icp-for-data-boot.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/scripts/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/scripts/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/templates/icp-for-data-iam-security.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/scripts/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/aws-icp-bootstrap/playbooks/etc-hosts-add-entry.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/templates/icp-public-subnets.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/templates/ibm-cloud-private-worker.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/templates/ibm-cloud-private-va.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/templates/icp-for-data-master.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/templates/ibm-cloud-private-iam-security.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/scripts/
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/templates/ibm-cloud-private-root.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/templates/ibm-icp-for-data-root.yaml
[S3: -> ] s3://taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/submodules/quickstart-ibm-cloud-private/templates/ibm-cloud-private-shared-storage.yaml
[taskcat] :Validate Template in test[icpd-non-ha]
[DEBUG  ] :cleanup set by cli flag False
[INFO   ] :|Acquiring tests assets for .......[icpd-non-ha]
[DEBUG  ] :|S3 Bucket     => [taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456]
[DEBUG  ] :|Project       => [quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data]
[DEBUG  ] :|Template      => []
[DEBUG  ] :|Parameter     => []
[DEBUG  ] :|TemplateType  => [yaml]
[DEBUG  ] :|Defined Regions:
             - [us-west-1]
[PASS   ] :(Completed) acquisition of [icpd-non-ha]

[DEBUG  ] :Default region [us-east-1]
[PASS   ] :Validated [ibm-icp-for-data-root.yaml]
[INFO   ] :Description  [Root template for an IBM Cloud Private for Data deployment. This is
the root template for a collection of nested stacks that make up the
full ICPD deployment. **WARNING** This template creates EC2 instances
and related resources. You will be billed for the AWS resources used
if you create a stack from this template. (qs-1pek09fje)]
[DEBUG  ] :Parameters:
                      "ParameterKey": "InceptionTimeout",
                      "DefaultValue": "15000",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The number of seconds to wait for the IBM Cloud Private for Data inception container to complete the installation. An IBM Cloud Private for Data non-high availability (HA) deployment takes around 3 hours, and an HA deployment takes around 4 hours to complete. The InceptionTimeout should be equal to or smaller than the InstallationTimeout."
                      "ParameterKey": "LicenseAgreement",
                      "DefaultValue": "-",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "I have read and agree to the license terms for IBM Cloud Private for Data ("
                      "ParameterKey": "ResourceOwner",
                      "DefaultValue": "ICP-Quickstart",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The value for the owner tag for the deployed resources associated with the stacks."
                      "ParameterKey": "QSS3KeyPrefix",
                      "DefaultValue": "quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "S3 key prefix for the Quick Start assets. Quick Start key prefix can include numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, hyphens (-), and forward slash (/)."
                      "ParameterKey": "ICPDeploymentLogsBucketName",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The name of the S3 bucket where IBM Cloud Private for Data stack deployment logs are to be exported. The deployment logs provide a record of the boot strap scripting actions and are useful for problem determination if the deployment fails in some way."
                      "ParameterKey": "StorageIOPS",
                      "DefaultValue": "8000",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The maximum number of read and write operations per second for the EBS storage devices provisioned to the IBM Cloud Private for Data cluster member EC2 instances. The io1 storage volume type supports an explicit setting of the IOPS of the device. See the EBSVolumeType parameter to specify the storage volume type. This parameter is ignored if the EBSVolumeType is set to gp2."
                      "ParameterKey": "VPCCIDR",
                      "DefaultValue": "",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The VPC CIDR block. Must be in the form x.x.x.x/16-28."
                      "ParameterKey": "AvailabilityZoneCount",
                      "DefaultValue": "1",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The number of Availability Zones to be used for the deployment. Keep in mind that some regions may be limited to 2 Availability Zones.  For a single ICP cluster to be highly available, 3 Availability Zones are needed to avoid a single point of failure when using 3, 5 or 7 master nodes or etcd nodes.  With less than 3 Availability Zones, one of the AZs will have more master nodes (or etcd nodes) than can be lost without losing a majority of the etcd instances."
                      "ParameterKey": "ClusterCIDR",
                      "DefaultValue": "",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The CIDR for the ICPD cluster overlay network.  This gets assigned to the network_cidr attribute in the IBM Cloud Private for Data installation config.yaml. The value provided must be a network that does not overlap with the AWS VPC network (VPCCIDR).  It also must not overlap with the IBM Cloud Private for Data cluster service overlay network defined by the ServiceCIDR."
                      "ParameterKey": "VPCDomain",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The network domain of the VPC. The VPCDomain is used when defining the hosted zone. If an existing hosted zone is to be used, you must provide the hosted zone ID in the HostedZoneId parameter. Otherwise, a new hosted zone will be created. If a subdomain is to be created, then you must provide a VPCSubdomainPrefix. When a VPCSubdomainPrefix parameter is provided, it is combined with the VPCDomain to form the full network domain name. The ClusterName parameter is combined with the VPC subdomain, if provided, and the VPC domain name to form the ClusterDNSName; which is used in the IBM Cloud Private configuration for the cluster_CA_domain parameter in the config.yaml file. Note: If PKI certificates are provided for the deployment, the CN used for creating the certificates must match the value of the ClusterName is combined with the VPCSubdomainPrefix (if provided), and the VPCDomain.) A dot character separates each component of the CN."
                      "ParameterKey": "WhichClusterLBAddress",
                      "DefaultValue": "UseClusterName",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The value to use for the cluster load balancer address.  This value is used to drive the logic in the bootstrap script."
                      "ParameterKey": "AdminPassword",
                      "NoEcho": true,
                      "Description": "The IBM Cloud Private administrator (admin) password for IBM Cloud Private and IBM Cloud Private for Data management consoles. The password must be a minimum of 32 characters long and contain only lower and uppercase characters, numbers and dashes."
                      "ParameterKey": "ClusterPKIRootPath",
                      "DefaultValue": "",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "(Optional) The path in the cluster PKI S3 bucket where the user defined PKI key and certificate files are found.  This is the key and certificate to be used for the master node identity.  The CN of the key and certificate must be the same value that is provided in combination of the ClusterName, VPCSubdomainPrefix (if provided) and the VPCDomain. The extensions on the root path are assumed to be .key and .crt to get the key and certificate files respectively. DO NOT provide a leading / on the path value. If not provided, self-signed PKI artifacts will be created and used."
                      "ParameterKey": "ExcludedMgmtServices",
                      "DefaultValue": "istio,vulnerability-advisor,custom-metrics-adapter",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "Comma separated list of management services to be excluded from the IBM Cloud Private for Data deployment.  Services that may be excluded are: service-catalog, metering, monitoring, istio, vulnerability-advisor, custom-metrics-adapter.  Do not include vulnerability-advisor in this list if you choose to deploy Vulnerability Advisor."
                      "ParameterKey": "PrivateSubnetCIDR",
                      "DefaultValue": "",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The CIDR block to be used for the private subnets. The PrivateSubnetCIDR must be within the network defined by the VPCCIDR and not overlap with the PublicSubnetCIDR."
                      "ParameterKey": "QSS3BucketName",
                      "DefaultValue": "aws-quickstart",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "S3 bucket name for the Quick Start assets. This bucket name can include numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and hyphens (-), but should not start or end with a hyphen. You can specify your own bucket if you copy all of the assets and submodules into it, if you want to override the Quick Start behavior for your specific implementation."
                      "ParameterKey": "ICPDVersion",
                      "DefaultValue": "",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The version of IBM Cloud Private for Data to be deployed.  The full version must be provided, e.g., 1.2.1."
                      "ParameterKey": "ExternalApplicationLocation",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The IP address CIDR for IP addresses permitted to access the IBM Cloud Private for Data proxy nodes on ports 80 and 443. All deployed workloads are accessed through proxy nodes. The value `` permits all IP addresses to access the proxy nodes. Additional values can be added post-deployment from the AWS CloudFormation console."
                      "ParameterKey": "InstallationTimeout",
                      "DefaultValue": "15000",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The timeout (in seconds) associated with the installation and configuration of the IBM Cloud Private for Data cluster, from start to finish. The InstallationTimeout must be equal to or greater than the InceptionTimeout. The InstallationTimeout needs to be sufficient to allow the bootstrap installation script to complete. See InceptionTimeout for guidance on expected installation time."
                      "ParameterKey": "AppSubdomainPrefix",
                      "DefaultValue": "apps",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The subdomain for application DNS names.  If a VPCSubdomainPrefix is defined, a wildcard entry is put in Route53 that looks like: *.AppSubdomainPrefix.VPCSubdomainPrefix.VPCDomain. If the VPCSubdomainPrefix is empty, then the wildcard entry in Route53 looks like: *.AppSubdomainPrefix.VPCDomain."
                      "ParameterKey": "ManagementNodeCount",
                      "DefaultValue": "1",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "Number of management nodes to be deployed in the ICPD cluster. For a dev deployment 1 is sufficient. For production deployments, at least 2 and typically 3 are deployed.  The management nodes run the resource and log monitoring components, e.g., Prometheus, Grafana and the ELK stack."
                      "ParameterKey": "MasterNodeCount",
                      "DefaultValue": "1",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "Number of master nodes to be deployed in the ICPD cluster. Must be an odd number. For a development deployment 1 is sufficient; for production deployments 3. Currently, the master node count can only be 1 or 3."
                      "ParameterKey": "WorkerNodeInstanceType",
                      "DefaultValue": "m5.4xlarge",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The EC2 instance type of the IBM Cloud Private for Data worker node."
                      "ParameterKey": "MasterNodeInstanceType",
                      "DefaultValue": "m5.2xlarge",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The EC2 instance type of the IBM Cloud Private for Data master node."
                      "ParameterKey": "ExternalSSHLocation",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The network CIDR for IP addresses that can be used to SSH to the boot node. In single user test situations, this can be a /32 CIDR. The CIDR provided is intended to allow access for IBM Cloud Private for Data administrators. Additional values can be added post-deployment from the AWS CloudFormation console."
                      "ParameterKey": "ProxyNodeCount",
                      "DefaultValue": "1",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "Number of Proxy nodes to be deployed in the ICPD cluster. For a dev deployment 1 is sufficient. For production deployments, at least 2 and typically 3 are deployed."
                      "ParameterKey": "WorkerNodeCount",
                      "DefaultValue": "3",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "Number of worker nodes (desired capacity) to be deployed in the ICPD cluster.Minimum of 3 nodes required."
                      "ParameterKey": "VPCName",
                      "DefaultValue": "IBMCloudPrivateVPC",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The name of the deployed Virtual Private Cloud."
                      "ParameterKey": "ClusterDomain",
                      "DefaultValue": "cluster.local",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The network domain of the IBM Cloud Private for Data cluster overlay network. WARNING: Due to a known issue in IBM Cloud Private version 3.1.0, the ClusterDomain value must be cluster.local."
                      "ParameterKey": "BootNodeInstanceType",
                      "DefaultValue": "m5.xlarge",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The EC2 instance type of the IBM Cloud Private boot node."
                      "ParameterKey": "VulnerabilityAdvisorNodeCount",
                      "DefaultValue": "0",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "Number of Vulnerability Advisor nodes to be deployed in the ICPD cluster. Not typically deployed for a development environment. For production deployments, typically 3 are deployed. VA uses zookeeper which requires an odd number of instances for consistency voting purposes. The VA nodes run the resource image and container security scanning components."
                      "ParameterKey": "ApplicationStorageMountPoint",
                      "DefaultValue": "/mnt/storage",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "Mount point for the EFS volume to be used for application shared storage. The Kubernetes EFS provisioner uses this mount point."
                      "ParameterKey": "PublicSubnetCIDR",
                      "DefaultValue": "",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "CIDR block used for the public subnets.  The PublicSubnetCIDR is used for defining public subnet security groups.  The PublicSubnetCIDR must be within the network defined by the VPCCIDR and not overlap with the PrivateSubnetCIDR."
                      "ParameterKey": "PrivateSubnets",
                      "DefaultValue": "",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "A list of CIDR blocks to be used for the private subnets defined in 1 or 3 Availability Zones.  If there is only 1 Availability Zone, then the subnet can be the same as the PrivateSubnetCIDR.  The private subnets cannot overlap and must be within the PrivateSubnetCIDR. The parameter type is declared String; however, it is intended to be a comma-delimited list. For example, for three Availability Zones:,,"
                      "ParameterKey": "ProxyNodeInstanceType",
                      "DefaultValue": "m5.xlarge",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The EC2 instance type of the IBM Cloud Private for Data proxy node."
                      "ParameterKey": "PublicSubnets",
                      "DefaultValue": "",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "List of CIDRs to be used for 1 or 3 public subnets of the VPC. The number of CIDRs provided must equal the number of Availability Zones (AvailabilityZoneCount). The public subnets cannot overlap and must be within the network defined by the PublicSubnetCIDR.  The parameter type is declared String; however, it is intended to be a comma-delimited list. For example, for three Availability Zones:,,"
                      "ParameterKey": "ClusterName",
                      "DefaultValue": "mycluster",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The name of the cluster. The cluster name is combined with the VPC subdomain prefix (VPCSubdomainPrefix), if present, and the VPC domain (VPCDomain) to form the cluster DNS name (ClusterDNSName). An alias record is created in Route53 that maps the ClusterDNSName to the master node load balancer DNS name."
                      "ParameterKey": "ManagementNodeInstanceType",
                      "DefaultValue": "m5.2xlarge",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The EC2 instance type of the IBM Cloud Private for Data management node."
                      "ParameterKey": "AdminUser",
                      "DefaultValue": "admin",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The IBM Cloud Private administrator (super user) name. Only admin is supported as username for IBM ICP for Data."
                      "ParameterKey": "ExternalICPAdminLocation",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The IP address CIDR for IP addresses permitted to access the IBM Cloud Private for Data master nodes on the access ports (8001, 8080, 8443, 8500, 8600, 9443, 31843). The CIDR provided is intended to allow access for IBM Cloud Private for Data administrators. Additional values can be added post-deployment from the AWS CloudFormation console."
                      "ParameterKey": "VulnerabilityAdvisorNodeInstanceType",
                      "DefaultValue": "m5.2xlarge",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The EC2 instance type of the IBM Cloud Private for Data Vulnerability Advisor node."
                      "ParameterKey": "VPCSubdomainPrefix",
                      "DefaultValue": "",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "(Optional) If a subdomain is to be created as part of the deployment, then provide the subdomain prefix with this parameter.  Otherwise, the full domain is assumed to be provided as the value of the VPCDomain parameter. If a non-empty value is provided in the VPCSubdomainPrefix, a subdomain is created and the full domain used for the deployment is the VPCSubdomainPrefix combined with the VPCDomain."
                      "ParameterKey": "EBSVolumeType",
                      "DefaultValue": "gp2",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The type of EBS volume to use for the cluster member EC2 instances. The gp2 volume type is less expensive and performs reasonably well. The io1 volume type supports the specification of the disk IOPS.  For high performance requirements, use io1 with 8000 or more IOPS. See the StorageIOPS parameter to specify the IOPS of an io1 storage device."
                      "ParameterKey": "AvailabilityZones",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "List of Availability Zones to use for the subnets in the VPC. One or three Availability Zones are used for this deployment, and the logical order of your selections is preserved."
                      "ParameterKey": "HostedZoneId",
                      "DefaultValue": "",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "(Optional) If an existing DNS hosted zone is to be used, then the hosted zone ID needs to be specified with this parameter.  Leave it empty if a DNS hosted zone is to be created as part of the deployment."
                      "ParameterKey": "WhichProxyLBAddress",
                      "DefaultValue": "UseProxyELBName",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "Selector for the value to use for the proxy load balancer address.  This value is used to drive scripting logic in the bootstrap script."
                      "ParameterKey": "KeyName",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "Name of an existing EC2 key pair to enable SSH access to the boot node. The private half of this key pair is used by the deployer to deploy the IBM Cloud Private for Data cluster. This key is configured for SSH access to the boot node. Anyone who is a deployer needs to create an EC2 key pair in the region in which the IBM Cloud Private for Data cluster is to be deployed. The key name must be the name of an existing EC2 key pair that is defined in the region where the deployment is to occur."
                      "ParameterKey": "KeyFilePath",
                      "DefaultValue": "",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "(Optional) The path to a file in the IBM Cloud Private for Data script bucket (`QSS3BucketName`) with public keys for administrators who need SSH access to the boot node. The public keys in the file in Amazon S3 at the KeyFilePath are copied to the `authorized_keys` file of the `ubuntu` user on the boot node."
                      "ParameterKey": "ClusterPKIBucketName",
                      "DefaultValue": "",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "(Optional) The S3 bucket where the cluster PKI artifacts are located. If not provided, self-signed PKI artifacts will be created and used."
                      "ParameterKey": "ServiceCIDR",
                      "DefaultValue": "",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "The CIDR for the ICPD service overlay network.  This gets assigned to the service_cluster_ip_range attribute in IBM Cloud Private for Data config.yaml.  The value provided must be a network that does not overlap with the AWS VPC network (VPCCIDR).  It also must not overlap with the ICPD cluster overlay network (network_cidr) defined in the ClusterCIDR."
                      "ParameterKey": "CustomArtifactsPath",
                      "DefaultValue": "",
                      "NoEcho": false,
                      "Description": "(Optional) The path to the .zip archive in the IBM Cloud Private for Data script bucket (QSS3BucketName) for an archive of additional artifacts, typically scripts, for IBM Cloud Private cluster administration extracted on the boot node in the root home directory."

[DEBUG  ] :cleanup set by cli flag False
[INFO   ] :|Acquiring tests assets for .......[icpd-non-ha]
[DEBUG  ] :|S3 Bucket     => [taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456]
[DEBUG  ] :|Project       => [quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data]
[DEBUG  ] :|Template      => []
[DEBUG  ] :|Parameter     => []
[DEBUG  ] :|TemplateType  => [yaml]
[DEBUG  ] :|Defined Regions:
             - [us-west-1]
[PASS   ] :(Completed) acquisition of [icpd-non-ha]

[taskcat] |Validate JSON input in test[icpd-non-ha]
[DEBUG  ] :parameter_path =
                      "ParameterKey": "AdminPassword",
                      "ParameterValue": "$[taskcat_genpass_34A]"
                      "ParameterKey": "AvailabilityZoneCount",
                      "ParameterValue": "1"
                      "ParameterKey": "AvailabilityZones",
                      "ParameterValue": "$[taskcat_genaz_1]"
                      "ParameterKey": "AppSubdomainPrefix",
                      "ParameterValue": "apps"
                      "ParameterKey": "BootNodeInstanceType",
                      "ParameterValue": "m5.xlarge"
                      "ParameterKey": "ClusterPKIBucketName",
                      "ParameterValue": ""
                      "ParameterKey": "ClusterPKIRootPath",
                      "ParameterValue": ""
                      "ParameterKey": "CustomArtifactsPath",
                      "ParameterValue": ""
                      "ParameterKey": "ExternalApplicationLocation",
                      "ParameterValue": ""
                      "ParameterKey": "ExternalICPAdminLocation",
                      "ParameterValue": ""
                      "ParameterKey": "ExternalSSHLocation",
                      "ParameterValue": ""
                      "ParameterKey": "ICPDeploymentLogsBucketName",
                      "ParameterValue": "aws-icpd-quickstart-logs-us-west-1"
                      "ParameterKey": "KeyFilePath",
                      "ParameterValue": ""
                      "ParameterKey": "KeyName",
                      "ParameterValue": "cikey"
                      "ParameterKey": "LicenseAgreement",
                      "ParameterValue": "I agree"
                      "ParameterKey": "ManagementNodeCount",
                      "ParameterValue": "1"
                      "ParameterKey": "ManagementNodeInstanceType",
                      "ParameterValue": "m5.2xlarge"
                      "ParameterKey": "MasterNodeCount",
                      "ParameterValue": "1"
                      "ParameterKey": "MasterNodeInstanceType",
                      "ParameterValue": "m5.2xlarge"
                      "ParameterKey": "PrivateSubnets",
                      "ParameterValue": ""
                      "ParameterKey": "ProxyNodeCount",
                      "ParameterValue": "1"
                      "ParameterKey": "ProxyNodeInstanceType",
                      "ParameterValue": "m5.xlarge"
                      "ParameterKey": "PublicSubnets",
                      "ParameterValue": ""
                      "ParameterKey": "QSS3BucketName",
                      "ParameterValue": "$[taskcat_autobucket]"
                      "ParameterKey": "ResourceOwner",
                      "ParameterValue": "ICP-Quickstart"
                      "ParameterKey": "VPCDomain",
                      "ParameterValue": "$[taskcat_random-string]"
                      "ParameterKey": "VPCName",
                      "ParameterValue": "ICP310-VPC"
                      "ParameterKey": "VPCSubdomainPrefix",
                      "ParameterValue": ""
                      "ParameterKey": "VulnerabilityAdvisorNodeCount",
                      "ParameterValue": "1"
                      "ParameterKey": "WorkerNodeCount",
                      "ParameterValue": "3"
                      "ParameterKey": "WorkerNodeInstanceType",
                      "ParameterValue": "m5.4xlarge"
[DEBUG  ] :jsonstatus = True
[PASS   ] :Validated [icpd120-non-ha.json]
[INFO   ] :|PREPARING TO LAUNCH => icpd-non-ha
[DEBUG  ] :cleanup set by cli flag False
[INFO   ] :|Acquiring tests assets for .......[icpd-non-ha]
[DEBUG  ] :|S3 Bucket     => [taskcat-tag-quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data-x0123456]
[DEBUG  ] :|Project       => [quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data]
[DEBUG  ] :|Template      => []
[DEBUG  ] :|Parameter     => []
[DEBUG  ] :|TemplateType  => [yaml]
[DEBUG  ] :|Defined Regions:
             - [us-west-1]
[PASS   ] :(Completed) acquisition of [icpd-non-ha]

[INFO   ] :Preparing to launch in region [us-west-1] 
[INFO   ] :|Processing Overrides
[DEBUG  ] :Values loaded from /private/tmp/quickstart-ibm-icp-for-data/ci/taskcat_project_override.json
[DEBUG  ] :[{'ParameterKey': 'ICPDeploymentLogsBucketName', 'ParameterValue': 'vsnyc-icp-log-bucket'}]
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :AutoGen values for $[taskcat_genpass_34A]
[DEBUG  ] :Auto generating password
[DEBUG  ] :Pass size => 34
[DEBUG  ] :Pass type => alpha-numeric
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Selecting availability zones
[DEBUG  ] :Requested 1 az's
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string of numbers
[DEBUG  ] :Generating a 20-character random string
[DEBUG  ] :Creating Boto Connection region=us-west-1
[DEBUG  ] :StackName=tCaT-tag-icpd-non-ha-x0123456
[DEBUG  ] :DisableRollback=True
[DEBUG  ] :TemplateURL=
[DEBUG  ] :Parameters:
[DEBUG  ] :Tags:[]
[INFO   ] :|CFN Execution mode [create_stack]

[INFO   ] : icpd-non-ha ['arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-1:REMOVED', '/tCaT-tag-icpd-non-ha-x0123456/2ec9b170-85ac-11e9-b40d-063b77598e82'] 

[INFO   ] :us-west-1       CREATE_IN_PROGRESS        [tCaT-tag-icpd-non-ha-x0123456]

[INFO   ] :us-west-1       CREATE_IN_PROGRESS        [tCaT-tag-icpd-non-ha-x0123456]

[INFO   ] :us-west-1       CREATE_IN_PROGRESS        [tCaT-tag-icpd-non-ha-x0123456]
^CTraceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/shukvino/apps/taskcat/bin/taskcat", line 101, in <module>
  File "/Users/shukvino/apps/taskcat/bin/taskcat", line 89, in main
    tcat_instance.get_stackstatus(testdata, 5)
  File "/Users/shukvino/apps/taskcat/taskcat/", line 1010, in get_stackstatus
glabelle69 commented 5 years ago

@vsnyc Thanks for the response, the installer went farther but still errors:

Screen Shot 2019-06-03 at 6 32 18 PM

Looking at the bootstrap.log, saw the following errors:

[19/06/03 22:28:37.346983 UTC] 7ffa474c8700 E main(2020) runInception : ERROR invoking: 'docker run --net=host -t -e LICENSE=accept -v /opt/icp/3.1.2:/installer/cluster ibmcom/icp-inception-amd64:3.1.2-ee install -v' Exception: Inception container exited with a non-zero status code: 2 [19/06/03 22:28:37.347056 UTC] 7ffa474c8700 E main(2493) main : ERROR: Inception container exited with a non-zero status code: 2 Inception container exited with a non-zero status code: 2 Exception stack (most recent call first): [runInceptionInstall] - raise ICPInstallationException("Inception container exited with a non-zero status code: %s" % statusCode) [installICP] - self.runInceptionInstall(imageName,commandString,logFilePath=None) [main] - self.installICP(self.installMap) Frame stack (most recent call first): [main] - TR.error(methodName,"ERROR: %s" % e, e) [] - mainInstance.main(sys.argv)




vsnyc commented 5 years ago

@petervansickel, could you take a look at this? The IBM ICP installation is failing with the following error.

[19/06/03 21:29:41.867587 UTC] 7ffa474c8700 I __main__(2174) installICP : IBM Cloud Private installation started.
[19/06/03 21:29:41.867617 UTC] 7ffa474c8700 I __main__(1987) runInception : STARTED IBM Cloud Private Inception operation: install -v
[19/06/03 21:29:41.867640 UTC] 7ffa474c8700 2 __main__(1991) runInception : Invoking: docker run --net=host -t -e LICENSE=accept -v /opt/icp/3.1.2:/installer/cluster ibmcom/icp-inception-amd64:3.1.2-ee install -v
[19/06/03 21:29:42.092833 UTC] 7ffa474c8700 I __main__(2010) runInception : WAITING for inception operation: install -v
[19/06/03 22:28:37.346983 UTC] 7ffa474c8700 E __main__(2020) runInception : ERROR invoking: 'docker run --net=host -t -e LICENSE=accept -v /opt/icp/3.1.2:/installer/cluster ibmcom/icp-inception-amd64:3.1.2-ee install -v'
    Exception: Inception container exited with a non-zero status code: 2
[19/06/03 22:28:37.347056 UTC] 7ffa474c8700 E __main__(2493) main : ERROR: Inception container exited with a non-zero status code: 2
    Inception container exited with a non-zero status code: 2
    Exception stack (most recent call first): [runInceptionInstall] - raise ICPInstallationException("Inception container exited with a non-zero status code: %s" % statusCode) [installICP] - self.runInceptionInstall(imageName,commandString,logFilePath=None) [main] - self.installICP(self.installMap)
    Frame stack (most recent call first): [main] - TR.error(methodName,"ERROR: %s" % e, e) [<module>] - mainInstance.main(sys.argv)
petervansickel commented 5 years ago

The ICP install log will have additional information as to the point in the install where the failure occurred. That log one of the ones collected into the S3 logs bucket. On the boot node it is in /opt/icp/3.1.2/cluster/logs/install<timestamp>.log (<timestamp> is a timestamp to uniquely name the log)

In other testing I've been doing I've seen where 3.1.2 can fail when installing the logger component of the ELK stack. The logger pod can't start because the management node doesn't have enough memory. I ended up having to bump the ManagementNodeInstanceType to m5.4xlarge. The current default is m5.2xlarge, which is not enough memory.

vsnyc commented 4 years ago

The quick start has now rebuilt on top of OpenShift instead of IBM Cloud Private. I'm closing this issue as it is no longer relevant. Please try again the latest quick start and open a new issue if you run into anything.