aws-quickstart / quickstart-uipath-orchestrator

AWS Quick Start Team
Apache License 2.0
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fails with cloud-init ...: GnuTLS: Error in the pull function #49

Open niteenkole opened 1 year ago

niteenkole commented 1 year ago

What we doing:

Deploying using Quickstart AWS template.


Deploy UiPath Automation Suite into an existing VPC on AWS

inside instance " UIPATH-ServiceFabric-Servers" it fails after like


Am I missing something ?

Below parameters have passed. Stack parameters: Key Value Resolved value AcceptLicenseAgreement true - AcmCertificateArn arn:aws:acm:ca-central-1:xxxxxxx:certificate/1d551308-xxxxxxxxx - ActionCenter false - AddGpu false - AiCenter false - AmiId - - AutomationHub false - AutomationOps false - BusinessApps false - DataService false - DatabaseKmsKeyId - - DeployBastion false - DocumentUnderstanding false - EnableBackup false - ExtraConfigKeys - - GpuAmiId - - HostedZoneID Z000xxx2Gxxxxx - IamRoleArn - - IamRoleName - - Insights false - InstallerDownloadUrl - - KeyPairName nonprod.automation-hub - MultiNode Single Node - NumberOfAZs 2 - PerformInstallation false - PrivateSubnetIDs subnet-0f1xxxx0359,subnet-074xxx7,subnet-0575xxxf - PublicSubnetIDs - - QSS3BucketName uipath-s3-quickstart - QSS3BucketRegion us-east-1 - QSS3KeyPrefix aws-quickstart-sf-v2022-4-3/ - RDSEngine sqlserver-se - RDSVersion 15.00 - SelfSignedCertificateValidity 1825 - TaskMining false - TestManager false - UiPathFQDN nonprod.automation-xxxxxx - UiPathVersion 2022.4.1 - UseInternalLoadBalancer false - UseLevel7LoadBalancer ALB - VPCCIDR 10.1xxxxxxx - VPCID vpc-07f2a9xxxxx