aws-quickstart / quickstart-uipath-orchestrator

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Deployment in existing vpc but roll back with failed to create: [ServerAutoScalingGroup] #51

Open niteenkole opened 2 years ago

niteenkole commented 2 years ago

Deployment in existing vpc but roll back with failed to create: [ServerAutoScalingGroup]

error in cloudformation 2022-09-13 16:00:31 UTC-0400 UIPATH-NONPROD-ServerStack-1Dxxxxx CREATE_FAILED The following resource(s) failed to create: [ServerAutoScalingGroup]. 2022-09-13 16:00:30 UTC-0400 ServerAutoScalingGroup CREATE_FAILED Received 0 SUCCESS signal(s) out of 1. Unable to satisfy 100% MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent requirement 2022-09-13 16:00:30 UTC-0400 ServerAutoScalingGroup UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS Failed to receive 1 resource signal(s) for the current batch. Each resource signal timeout is counted as a FAILURE.

we see cluster coming up,all pods fine,able to do curl on ALB ..


Passing below parameters.

AcceptLicenseAgreement | true | - -- | -- | -- AcmCertificateArn | arn:aws:acm:xx-xxxxl-1:253xxxx:certificate/1d55xxx-9f98-4eff-9f38-fxxxx | - ActionCenter | false | - AddGpu | false | - AiCenter | false | - AmiId | - | - AutomationHub | true | - AutomationOps | false | - BusinessApps | false | - DataService | false | - DatabaseKmsKeyId | - | - DeployBastion | false | - DocumentUnderstanding | false | - EnableBackup | false | - ExtraConfigKeys | - | - GpuAmiId | - | - HostedZoneID | Z00xxxxx | - IamRoleArn | - | - IamRoleName | - | - Insights | false | - InstallerDownloadUrl | - | - KeyPairName | nonxxxxxxhub | - MultiNode | Single Node | - NumberOfAZs | 2 | - PerformInstallation | true | - PrivateSubnetIDs | subnet-0f1xxxxx,subnet-07xxxx,subnet-0575axxxx | - PublicSubnetIDs | - | - QSS3BucketName | uipath-s3-quickstart | - QSS3BucketRegion | us-east-1 | - QSS3KeyPrefix | aws-quickstart-sf-v2022-4-3/ | - RDSEngine | sqlserver-se | - RDSVersion | 15.00 | - SelfSignedCertificateValidity | 1825 | - TaskMining | false | - TestManager | false | - UiPathFQDN | | - UiPathVersion | 2022.4.1 | - UseInternalLoadBalancer | true | - UseLevel7LoadBalancer | ALB | - VPCCIDR | 10.1xx.xx.0/25 | - VPCID | vpc-07xxxxx