aws-samples / amazon-ai-building-better-bots

Code samples related to Building Better Bots published on the AI Blog
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README is out of date for Lex V2 console #13

Open BenStormer opened 1 year ago

BenStormer commented 1 year ago


While this is a very helpful resource, the documentation is only accurate for users using the Lex V1 console. For new users hoping to follow with Lex V2, some instructions are slightly inaccurate or incorrect altogether (Error Handling specifically). I would like to propose a rewriting of the README to better support users hoping to implement the CoffeeBot with Lex V2.

Some areas I noticed that would need a change are:

Hopefully restructuring this CoffeeBot tutorial to utilize Lex V2 will be taken into consideration, this would be nice to have for new Lex users like myself.


RDalie commented 11 months ago

Thanks for this post, the v2 really has many differences

RDalie commented 11 months ago

You must have noticed that the lambda function is not working either. I changed it and re wrote an entire tutorial on my website. Check it out here :

Banedos commented 4 months ago

I agree with OP, it's confusing.