aws-samples / amazon-bedrock-client-for-mac

The Amazon Bedrock Client for Mac is a Bedrock macOS client built with SwiftUI.
MIT No Attribution
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truncated responses #17

Open odilon-goulart opened 2 months ago

odilon-goulart commented 2 months ago

truncated responses, only partial responses, sometimes half of the sentence. Also, when asking for code examples, it just print the first sentence and the code is missing

Desktop (please complete the following information):

odilon-goulart commented 2 months ago
Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 15 40 25
odilon-goulart commented 2 months ago

what harry potter school magic is doing on the left?

odilon-goulart commented 2 months ago

as you can see, no responses at all. Also it's look like the previous question is not being taken in consideration.

didhd commented 2 months ago

Thank you for informing me about the issue! Only Llama and Titan models are aware of the previous conversation history, and it seems that the command model can also be easily modified to support this.