aws-samples / amazon-bedrock-client-for-mac

The Amazon Bedrock Client for Mac is a Bedrock macOS client built with SwiftUI.
MIT No Attribution
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Significant frontend app lag #22

Open aaron-gray opened 1 month ago

aaron-gray commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug After a long conversation, the UI is extremely laggy, even for non-Bedrock activities. Just resizing the window or trying to enter text in the input field is very slow and delayed.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Engage in a long conversation with a LLM in Bedrock, and observe as basic UI slows to a crawl.

Expected behavior The length of a chat should not impact the responsiveness of the local client app.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

ArlindNocaj commented 1 month ago

The UI is lagging a lot and is not really usable.

didhd commented 1 month ago

@ArlindNocaj Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I apologize for the inconvenience caused by the UI lag. Providing a smooth user experience is a top priority for me, and I am actively working to improve the performance.

loneizhao commented 1 month ago

Same for me . especially when uploading a 2.9M pic and ask questions. Notice also that bedrock client process is occupying a lot of system resource and could be the reason of lag