aws-samples / amazon-cloudwatch-auto-alarms

Automatically create and configure Amazon CloudWatch alarms for EC2 instances, RDS, and AWS Lambda using tags for standard and custom CloudWatch Metrics.
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after the Merge pull request #32 from aws-samples/add_evaluation_periods - the activate function is broken #33

Open tff610 opened 1 year ago

tff610 commented 1 year ago

after the Merge pull request #32 from aws-samples/add_evaluation_periods - the activate function is broken see error: Response { "errorMessage": "scan_and_process_alarm_tags() missing 1 required positional argument: 'evaluation_periods'", "errorType": "TypeError", "stackTrace": [ " File \"/var/task/\", line 181, in lambda_handler\n scan_and_process_alarm_tags(create_alarm_tag, default_alarms, metric_dimensions_map, sns_topic_arn,\n" ] }

Function Logs START RequestId: 6bb18acb-abee-440d-9738-6cee3f656c87 Version: $LATEST [INFO] 2023-03-26T10:06:15.966Z 6bb18acb-abee-440d-9738-6cee3f656c87 event received: {'action': 'scan'} [ERROR] 2023-03-26T10:06:15.966Z 6bb18acb-abee-440d-9738-6cee3f656c87 Failure creating alarm: scan_and_process_alarm_tags() missing 1 required positional argument: 'evaluation_periods' [ERROR] TypeError: scan_and_process_alarm_tags() missing 1 required positional argument: 'evaluation_periods' Traceback (most recent call last):   File "/var/task/", line 181, in lambda_handler     scan_and_process_alarm_tags(create_alarm_tag, default_alarms, metric_dimensions_map, sns_topic_arn,END RequestId: 6bb18acb-abee-440d-9738-6cee3f656c87 REPORT RequestId: 6bb18acb-abee-440d-9738-6cee3f656c87 Duration: 16.05 ms Billed Duration: 17 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 52 MB Init Duration: 271.69 ms

Request ID 6bb18acb-abee-440d-9738-6cee3f656c87

tff610 commented 1 year ago

Please note: the activate funtion is from: - See Activate: You can also manually invoke the CloudWatchAutoAlarms lambda function with the following event payload to create / update EC2 alarms without having to stop and start your EC2 instances:

{ "action": "scan" }