aws-samples / amazon-cognito-passwordless-auth

Passwordless authentication with Amazon Cognito: FIDO2 (WebAuthn, support for Passkeys), Magic Link, SMS OTP Step Up
Apache License 2.0
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Dependency issue while implementing this tutorial #167

Closed ThisisBada closed 4 hours ago

ThisisBada commented 1 month ago

Hello Team,

I've been trying to implement this tutorial I followed all the steps but I had an issue in the Create Your Front end > Add passwordless authentication while executing this command : npm install amazon-cognito-passwordless-auth

Error :

npm error code ERESOLVE npm error ERESOLVE could not resolve npm error npm error While resolving: webapp@0.0.0 npm error Found: react@18.3.1 npm error node_modules/react npm error peer react@"^18.3.1" from react-dom@18.3.1 npm error node_modules/react-dom npm error react-dom@"^18.2.0" from the root project npm error react@"^18.2.0" from the root project npm error npm error Could not resolve dependency: npm error amazon-cognito-passwordless-auth@"" from the root project npm error npm error Conflicting peer dependency: react@18.2.0 npm error node_modules/react npm error peer react@"18.2.0" from react-native@0.74.1 npm error node_modules/react-native npm error peer react-native@"" from react-native-passkey@2.1.1 npm error node_modules/react-native-passkey npm error peer react-native-passkey@">=1.1.1" from amazon-cognito-passwordless-auth@0.13.2 npm error node_modules/amazon-cognito-passwordless-auth npm error amazon-cognito-passwordless-auth@"*" from the root project npm error npm error Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry npm error this command with --force or --legacy-peer-deps npm error to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution. npm error npm error npm error For a full report see: npm error /home/ec2-user/.npm/_logs/2024-05-10T13_41_04_015Z-eresolve-report.txt

npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: /home/ec2-user/.npm/_logs/2024-05-10T13_41_04_015Z-debug-0.log

This seems like a dependency issue between react and the amazon-cognito-passwordless-auth package.

Please review and fix this as it public tutorial of AWS.

Tutorial Link :

ottokruse commented 1 month ago

Thanks for reporting. Will have to look into it.

To work around for now, use the --force flag for the npm install.

ThisisBada commented 1 month ago


Thanks for your answer.

the --force flag will not generate errors but also will NOT remove the error for amazon-cognito-passwordless-auth package in the react code.

alejandrog79 commented 1 month ago

Hi! I resolved this particular issue installing this dependencies at once:

npm install react@18.2.0 react-dom@18.2.0 amazon-cognito-passwordless-auth

ottokruse commented 4 hours ago

Should be fixed in version 0.14.0