Closed ruzickap closed 6 months ago
Thanks for the suggestion! I have previously explored implementing the option for user to specify additional ports in security group inbound rules. CloudFormation however does not seem to offer a built-in capability to dynamically add ports to security group.
Instead of allowing users to specify, I may consider adding option in CloudFormation to open HTTP/HTTPS ports as web hosting is a common use case.
For now, you can go to CloudFormation console, Resources
section, click securityGroup
ID, and modify inbound rules directly.
Thank you. Opening the HTTP/HTTPS in CloudFormation would be really handy.
Currently I'm using these two commands to identify the proper security group and add port 443 to it:
aws ec2 describe-security-groups --output text \
--filters "Name=tag:Solution,Values=${SOLUTION}" \
--query 'SecurityGroups[?IpPermissions[?ToPort==`8443` && contains(IpRanges[].CidrIp, ``)]].GroupId'
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id "${AWS_EC2_SECURITY_GROUP_ID}" \
--protocol tcp --port 443 --cidr
Obviously this is not very nice, because this needs to be done after the CloudFormation and it brings the configuration drift.
Having HTTP/HTTPS port opened using CloudFormation template make much more sense...
Thank you for sharing your work flow.
I have added parameter allowWebServerPorts
as option to open HTTP and/or HTTPS ports. And added security group using AWS-managed prefix list for Amazon CloudFront as source for use cases where CloudFront is used.
Also add CloudFormation Exports for SG, IAM role and Instance ID. Example
% aws cloudformation list-exports
"Exports": [
"ExportingStackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:ap-southeast-1:12345678:stack/StackName/1234567890",
"Name": "StackName-SecurityGroup",
"Value": "sg-03d1794701b4a55da"
That allows us to easily retrieve the ID values for further customization
Awesome - works great :-) Thank you...
Would it be possible to add parameter to CloudFormation Templates to open "selected" ports for incoming traffic?
For example - if I would like to install HTTP server on the VM and host there some files...
Thank you for considering it.