"This operation is not designed to be continually called to track matchmaking ticket status. This practice can cause you to exceed your API limit, which results in errors. Instead, as a best practice, set up an Amazon Simple Notification Service to receive notifications, and provide the topic ARN in the matchmaking configuration. Continuously poling ticket status with DescribeMatchmaking should only be used for games in development with low matchmaking usage."
Clearly not :) I wrote this sample when large match was still in development and as a developer sample to introduce the concept. You should definitely follow the advice in the API documentation for a game at scale.
According to AWS documentation, describeMatchmaking() is not meant to be continuously polled: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/gamelift/latest/apireference/API_DescribeMatchmaking.html
"This operation is not designed to be continually called to track matchmaking ticket status. This practice can cause you to exceed your API limit, which results in errors. Instead, as a best practice, set up an Amazon Simple Notification Service to receive notifications, and provide the topic ARN in the matchmaking configuration. Continuously poling ticket status with DescribeMatchmaking should only be used for games in development with low matchmaking usage."