Hello, I was recently facing nodegroup update rollout issues,
and when looking to have more control, or have the flow of instance replacement more verbose,
I stumbled upon this repo, but the README.md fails to specify in what way specifically the lambda function hook differs from the EKS API build-in nodegroup managements and draining machinery - which is documented here and here
where nodes are naturally terminated at the end of an update like AMI change..
from what I've seen in a live cluster, the 'default' flow also condons and waits for pods to drain..
Hello, I was recently facing nodegroup update rollout issues, and when looking to have more control, or have the flow of instance replacement more verbose, I stumbled upon this repo, but the README.md fails to specify in what way specifically the lambda function hook differs from the EKS API build-in nodegroup managements and draining machinery - which is documented here and here
where nodes are naturally terminated at the end of an update like AMI change..
from what I've seen in a live cluster, the 'default' flow also condons and waits for pods to drain..