aws-samples / amazon-mwaa-examples

Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA) Examples repository contains example DAGs, requirements.txt, plugins, and CloudFormation templates focused on Amazon MWAA.
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start-stop-mwaa-environment - AWS_REGION env var needed to deploy outside of us-east-1 #73

Open mvitale-kensu opened 1 month ago

mvitale-kensu commented 1 month ago

Hello guys, I was testing the start-stop-mwaa-environment project for our MWAA in eu-west-3. I just wanted to let you know, that at least in my case, to successfully run the npm run deploy step I had to set this env var:

export AWS_REGION=eu-west-3

Without this variable npm run deploy would output this warning (see the -us-east-1):

current credentials could not be used to assume 'arn:aws:iam::*****:role/cdk-hnb659fds-deploy-role-*****-us-east-1', but are for the right account. Proceeding anyway.

And then errors out with:

mwaa-pause-resume-airflow-internal: SSM parameter /cdk-bootstrap/hnb659fds/version not found. Has the environment been bootstrapped? Please run 'cdk bootstrap' (see

After setting:

export AWS_REGION=eu-west-3

It worked perfectly. Maybe is something that will be useful to have in the readme.

We are on airflow 2.7.2 and I am using the latest code of this project available in main.

crupakheti commented 1 month ago

Hey @mvitale-kensu, the solution expects that you set CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT and CDK_DEFAULT_REGION env variables. See here for details: Were these env variables not set when you deployed?

mvitale-kensu commented 1 month ago

Hey @crupakheti, Yes CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT and CDK_DEFAULT_REGION were set in the .env file but it was not enough. I've also tried to export them in the shell (with export CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT=...) but still, it was not working.

Only after running export AWS_REGION=eu-west-3 the deployment worked fine.

crupakheti commented 1 month ago

Thank you, @mvitale-kensu! Did this error occur when you ran cdk bootstrap or when you ran npm run deploy?

mvitale-kensu commented 1 month ago

The error occurs when running npm run deploy No issues with cdk bootstrap