aws-samples / amazon-polly-metahumans

This Unreal Engine sample project demonstrates how to bring Epic Games' MetaHuman digital characters to life using the Amazon Polly text-to-speech service from AWS. Use this project as a starting point for creating your own Unreal Engine applications that leverage Amazon Polly to give voice to your MetaHumans.
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[Feature-Request] Unreal Engine 5.0 Support #14

Open yogeshchandrasekharuni opened 2 years ago

yogeshchandrasekharuni commented 2 years ago

Has anyone tried to migrate this project to UE 5.0? According to the docs, and this comment, only 4.26 and 4.27 are supported.

Legumtechnica commented 2 years ago

It is not recommended. I tried to, but it had so many issues. Save your time and stick to the recommendation.

cwalkere commented 2 years ago

If anyone would like to take a crack at it and gets it to work, definitely post your success here and/or open up a pull request! This project has seen a lot of interest, which is awesome, but the plan was never to maintain this. Quick bug fixes and such are easy, but a migration to UE5 is more timely.

Sj0shi7 commented 2 years ago

Hello guys! Was able to run this on UE5.

I just followed the same steps as mentioned in this project's developer guide and edited the custom metahuman's blueprint to replicate Ada. Although I had to compromise Ada's blueprint structure in favour of avoiding ambiguity, it hardly matters to me. If you're using the default metahuman, well and good!

The custom metahuman I used is from UE5, not speechcomponent by default. I added the UIWidget variable as well as speech logic to the metahuman's blueprint and made the uiwidet point to my metahuman instead of ada. For the I had to cut the speech function part and paste it in my metahuman's blueprint to avoid ambiguity.

liaohuahua commented 1 year ago


我只是按照该项目开发人员指南中提到的相同步骤,编辑了自定义超人类的蓝图来复制 Ada。虽然为了避免歧义,我不得不妥协Ada的蓝图结构,但这对我来说并不重要。如果您使用的是默认的超人类,那就太好了!

我使用的自定义超人来自UE5,而不是默认的语音组件。我将UIWidget变量以及语音逻辑添加到超人类的蓝图中,并使uiwidet指向我的超人类而不是ada。对于 我必须剪切语音功能部分并将其粘贴到我的超人类蓝图中以避免歧义。

Hello, can you make a tutorial on building in UE5 in detail

BlockchainPunks commented 10 months ago

Hello guys! Was able to run this on UE5.

I just followed the same steps as mentioned in this project's developer guide and edited the custom metahuman's blueprint to replicate Ada. Although I had to compromise Ada's blueprint structure in favour of avoiding ambiguity, it hardly matters to me. If you're using the default metahuman, well and good!

The custom metahuman I used is from UE5, not speechcomponent by default. I added the UIWidget variable as well as speech logic to the metahuman's blueprint and made the uiwidet point to my metahuman instead of ada. For the I had to cut the speech function part and paste it in my metahuman's blueprint to avoid ambiguity.

Sj0shi7 commented 10 months ago

Okay hold up, can you post some screenshots of the blueprint and the steps? I'll help you out

BlockchainPunks commented 10 months ago

Okay hold up, can you post some screenshots of the blueprint and the steps? I'll help you out

can you confirm what build of unreal engine you used: 5.0.0 or 5.1.1 or other (which one) Can you confirm - what AWS SDK did you update the BuildAwsSdkWin64.bat file to - its currently set to SET AWS_SDK_VERSION=1.9.0 To upgrade the unreal project itself - did you just open the unreal 4 project in unreal 5 (i.e. unreal did the full upgrade part). How come you couldn't use the existing metahuman as-is? When I open the project for first time - unreal 5 engine throws this error: AmazonPollyGameModuleCouldnot be loaded Metahuman upgrade issue

It would really help if you just shared a link to your working UE5 project. Or the exact steps you followed.

BlockchainPunks commented 10 months ago

Hello guys! Was able to run this on UE5. I just followed the same steps as mentioned in this project's developer guide and edited the custom metahuman's blueprint to replicate Ada. Although I had to compromise Ada's blueprint structure in favour of avoiding ambiguity, it hardly matters to me. If you're using the default metahuman, well and good! The custom metahuman I used is from UE5, not speechcomponent by default. I added the UIWidget variable as well as speech logic to the metahuman's blueprint and made the uiwidet point to my metahuman instead of ada. For the I had to cut the speech function part and paste it in my metahuman's blueprint to avoid ambiguity.

  • steps don't work mate - can you share a working repo so the rest of us can benefit - i've spent hours trying to get it to work witn UE5 using your suggestion and it doesn't work.

How did you get the aws sdk to compile with unreal engine 5.

please share steps or link to working project.

I upgraded the exact project using unreal engine 5 open project . It throws error screen below when trying to open the project ?

BlockchainPunks commented 10 months ago

Hello guys! Was able to run this on UE5.

I just followed the same steps as mentioned in this project's developer guide and edited the custom metahuman's blueprint to replicate Ada. Although I had to compromise Ada's blueprint structure in favour of avoiding ambiguity, it hardly matters to me. If you're using the default metahuman, well and good!

The custom metahuman I used is from UE5, not speechcomponent by default. I added the UIWidget variable as well as speech logic to the metahuman's blueprint and made the uiwidet point to my metahuman instead of ada. For the I had to cut the speech function part and paste it in my metahuman's blueprint to avoid ambiguity.

please can you confirm it was definately unreal engine 5?, 5.1 or 5.2 or 5.3

You would help so many people if you just shared link to working project or steps with screenshots on how you successfully got it up and running with UE5 -

Its the AWS sdk not running with UE5 that is the core issue - not the blueprint setup

You claim you managed to get it working with no real explanation of how.

Sj0shi7 commented 10 months ago

Well it was a year ago, and I've cleared up my unreal engine since I don't use it anymore, but surely I'll try to get some aws sdk compilation steps that I followed. Majorly whatever I did from the original article, although I might've tweaked some of it in favour of UE5. I'll keep y'all posted here, thanks for the patience!

Sj0shi7 commented 10 months ago

If you're facing a problem with compiling aws sdks, what error are you exactly getting? Also, I hope you have setup cmake and git as it was expected