aws-samples / amazon-rekognition-video-analyzer

A working prototype for capturing frames off of a live MJPEG video stream, identifying objects in near real-time using deep learning, and triggering actions based on an objects watch list.
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pynt createstack - Waiter encountered a terminal failure state #19

Open faromero opened 6 years ago

faromero commented 6 years ago

When calling pynt createstack, I am encountering the following error: botocore.exceptions.WaiterError: Waiter StackCreateComplete failed: Waiter encountered a terminal failure state.

If I insert boto3 logging, the following DEBUG information gets outputted before the build crashes:

botocore.hooks [DEBUG] Event needs-retry.cloudformation.DescribeStacks: calling handler <botocore.retryhandler.RetryHandler object at 0x7fcd5c83ad10> botocore.retryhandler [DEBUG] No retry needed.

If I run pynt stackstatus after the error, it gives me the status ROLLBACK_COMPLETE.

It seems to be retrying this a couple of times before finally giving up and aborting. Is there any insight on why this might be happening?

Thanks in advance.

evi8899 commented 6 years ago

When calling pynt createstack, I am encountering the same error. Did anyone have solution for this problem?

Thanks in advance.

moanany commented 6 years ago


This error indicates that the CloudFormation stack creation is not succeeding (and all resources created are rolled back). Check the CloudFormation console events for the stack for clues as to why the stack creation is failing.

Thanks, Moataz

wavizai commented 6 years ago

I have also getting same issue but posted separate. Please have a look and if any one can help pls help me.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Same issue here. Checked the cloudformation console and they say the below -

03:20:51 UTC+0000 ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS AWS::CloudFormation::Stack video-stack-analyzer The following resource(s) failed to create: [FrameS3Bucket, FrameStream, EnrichedFrameTable]. . Rollback requested by user.
  03:20:50 UTC+0000 CREATE_FAILED AWS::Kinesis::Stream FrameStream Resource creation cancelled
  03:20:50 UTC+0000 CREATE_FAILED AWS::DynamoDB::Table EnrichedFrameTable Resource creation cancelled

Later when I try "pynt createstack" getting - "AlreadyExistsexception on command prompt" then if I try "pynt deletestack" it is happening without any errors

ghost commented 6 years ago

Got access denied first, then I added an inline policy to cloudformation, then getting these errors.

ghost commented 6 years ago


getting these role exceptions now

IdrisAbdul-Hussein commented 5 years ago

Hi everyone,

I also received this error, but, I fixed it doing the following:

Firstly, as @moanany said, have a look at your CloudFormation console to check why it is failing. Click on the stack and you will get a log of what/when a resource began its creation and when/why it failed. Most likely, it will be due to not having the correct permissions.

You should create a policy and import the Amazon managed policies. It is recommended to only grant access at the most granular level as possible. However, if you don't care much about security, then just assign full permissions for a resource using a wildcard * or choosing the right managed policy.

Then go to your user (which you are using to run the demo app) and attach that policy you created. This will most likely be an iterative process where you run the 'pynt createstack' command and check what permissions you are missing.

Note: Everytime you run the command, a stack with that name will be created, but, if you receive errors, won't build correctly. Just simply delete the stack (either using 'pynt deletestack' command or by going to the AWS console and deleting it from there) and re-run the command. This way you will not receive any 'AlreadyExistsexception'.

I hope this helps and we can close this issue.

Rajasri21 commented 5 years ago

Hi, I had created my own S3 bucket,then pynt deploy lambda had deployed. I had only AmazoncloudFormation Readonly so i had added my own policy for complete acess. Below are the policies added in Json Format. { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "cloudformation:DetectStackResourceDrift", "cloudformation:EstimateTemplateCost", "cloudformation:SetStackPolicy", "cloudformation:DetectStackDrift", "cloudformation:CreateStack", "cloudformation:UpdateStack", "cloudformation:CreateChangeSet", "cloudformation:ExecuteChangeSet", "cloudformation:ValidateTemplate", "cloudformation:DeleteStack", "cloudformation:ListStacks", "cloudformation:DescribeStackEvents", "cloudformation:DescribeStackResource", "cloudformation:CreateChangeSet", "cloudformation:DescribeChangeSet", "cloudformation:ExecuteChangeSet", "cloudformation:ValidateTemplate" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }

After doing Pynt createstack i am getting below error . image

please help on this where i am missing