aws-samples / amazon-sagemaker-bert-pytorch

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Error in JSONSerializers due to new SageMaker SDK #8

Closed CloudaYolla closed 4 years ago

CloudaYolla commented 4 years ago

New SageMaker SDK creates an error.

from sagemaker.predictor import json_deserializer, json_serializer

predictor.serializer = sagemaker.serializers.JSONSerializer()
predictor.deserializer = sagemaker.deserializers.JSONDeserializer()


import sagemaker.serializers

predictor.serializer = sagemaker.serializers.JSONSerializer()
predictor.deserializer = sagemaker.deserializers.JSONDeserializer()
billdoors commented 4 years ago

import sagemaker.serializers is line can be removed, right? since we use sagemaker.serializers.JSONSerializer()

billdoors commented 4 years ago

updated code to reflect v2 change