aws-samples / amazon-sagemaker-codeserver

Hosting code-server on Amazon SageMaker
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Codeserver Icon doesn't appear #12

Closed nskrjabins closed 1 year ago

nskrjabins commented 1 year ago

So I've followed this guide to set up coderserver on SageMaker Studio.

The codeserver icon doesn't appear but I can still access the codeserver by slightly changing the URL - [domain-id].studio.[aws-region] Screenshot below.


I suspect that icon fails to attach because of the new SageMaker Studio UI. Screenshot below.

new UI

I noticed the new UI on 5th December 22 which is when I tried to set up the codeserver on SageMaker Studio.

giuseppeporcelli commented 1 year ago

Hi @nskrjabins, thanks for reaching out and for opening this issue.

We are aware of this behavior, and we will provide an update soon. In the meantime, the workaround you have identified is what we would suggest doing to continue accessing code-server.

I'll keep this issue open for updates.

nskrjabins commented 1 year ago

@giuseppeporcelli Any ETA on when this will be fixed?

massi-ang commented 1 year ago

Any ETA?

Almenon commented 1 year ago

It appears for me now with the latest version of the studio install script.

wiliscavalcante commented 1 year ago

This didn't work for me, the code server icon still doesn't appear in the UI

orangewise commented 1 year ago

I also don't see the icon, changing the url works (JL3).

orangewise commented 1 year ago

After updating the domain and setting the default SageMakerImageArn to "arn:aws:sagemaker:eu-central-1:936697816551:image/jupyter-server-3" the icon shows up...

giuseppeporcelli commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm happy to share that this issue is solved by upgrading to the latest version (5.1000.0) of Amazon SageMaker Studio (JupyterServer). Then, you just need to re-install code-server as explained in this repo.

The code-server icon will appear in the launcher as expected, as shown below:

Screenshot 2023-02-02 at 17 46 18

Instructions on how to upgrade Amazon SageMaker Studio are here:

Thanks for your patience.

tonyszhang commented 1 year ago

@giuseppeporcelli I think might have broken the icons in studio again.