aws-samples / amazon-sagemaker-codeserver

Hosting code-server on Amazon SageMaker
MIT No Attribution
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Simpler configuration of options (like code-server version) #24

Open Riezebos opened 1 year ago

Riezebos commented 1 year ago

I would like to automate the setup of codeserver, but I'd like to change the code-server version. Currently, both setup-codeserver and install-codeserver need to be edited to change this. This would be possible with something like sed, but a bit clunky.

I think either using cli arguments or environment variables would be a good solution. Environments variables would be a small change from:




Then my installation script would be:

 curl -LO
 tar -xvzf amazon-sagemaker-codeserver-0.1.5.tar.gz

 cd amazon-sagemaker-codeserver/install-scripts/notebook-instances

 chmod +x
 chmod +x
 export CODE_SERVER_VERSION="4.13.0"
 sudo ./
 sudo ./

Would this be possible to implement? I can propose a PR if it helps.