aws-samples / amazon-sumerian-hosts

Amazon Sumerian Hosts (Hosts) is an experimental open source project that aims to make it easy to create interactive animated 3D characters for Babylon.js, three.js, and other web 3D frameworks. It leverages AWS services including Amazon Polly (text-to-speech) and Amazon Lex (chatbot).
MIT No Attribution
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Help for deploy in a public webserver #144

Open anespo opened 1 year ago

anespo commented 1 year ago

Can you please help me with the point below? Someone asks me to demo host interaction with Lex and I can't do it with localhost I need my webserver.

  1. Web applications that you build using the Sumerian Hosts NPM modules in this repository can be deployed to any regular web server, including a server running on EC2 or - even easier - AWS Amplify's drag-and-drop hosting solution. However, the demos we've included are not themselves directly deployable to a webserver. We realize this is inconvenient and is something we hope to change in the future. If you have an immediate need for deployable versions of the demos, let me know so I can look into a potential workaround for you. But if you're starting your own custom project from scratch using one of the guides we've provided in each module's README (like this README for the Babylon.js version) you should have no problem deploying your project to any web server.
Krxtopher commented 1 year ago

For expediency, I've created a new repository in my personal account that contains updated versions of the Sumerian Host Babylon.js demos that can be easily built and deployed to any web server. I also fixed a bug with the "chatbotDemo" that you reported in a different thread.

I'll work to get these updates ported to the official repository in the future, but for now you can utilize these updated demos by downloading this repository:

Let me know if you have any problems with it.

anespo commented 1 year ago

Thank you Kris,

I’ll give a try asap

On Nov 2, 2022, at 1:29 PM, Kris Schultz @.***> wrote:

For expediency, I've created a new repository in my personal account that contains updated versions of the Sumerian Host Babylon.js demos that can be easily built and deployed to any web server. I also fixed a bug with the "chatbotDemo" that you reported in a different thread.

You'll find the updated demo code in this repository:

Let me know if you have any problems with it.

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